IT is a political reality that, unless the SARgovernment's package is so amended that it isreally more democratic, no democrats will supportit, and it will certainly be thrown out. The governmenthas launched the "Act Now" campaign to drum uppopular support. However, recent Chinese Universityand Hong Kong University polls show fewer than 50%of citizens support it. Support for it tends to dwindle,and more and more citizens tend to oppose it. TheSAR government's plan to rely on popular support tocompel democrats to support its package is unlikely toprove effective.
Under the "amended DC plan", the five DCfunctional constituency (FC) seats to be created in2012 should be filled by DC members nominated bytheir fellow DC members and returned by all votersthat have no FC vote. A Chinese University surveyshows that, while 31.1% of respondents are againstthe "amended DC plan", 58% support it (12 percentagepoints more than those who support the government'spackage (under which the DC FC legislators should bereturned by their fellow DC members). It is clear whatthe people's wish is. There is no reason whatsoeverwhy any democrats should support the SARgovernment's package.
Under the "amended DC plan", only some wouldbe eligible to stand or nominate candidates, which isthe case with the present FC system. An electionunder such a system cannot be lumped with a directelection. It can at most be described as similar to adirect election.
The "amended DC plan" is in no way at odds withthe Basic Law. Most citizens support it. Its adoptionwould end the impasse of constitutional reform, showdialogue could be fruitful and bring about a politicalatmosphere conducive to healthy interactions. Itsadoption would only be favourable to the situation inHong Kong. We do not see it would in any way make itworse. Another point worth attention is that, unlessthey achieve results, the moderate democrats will findthemselves in dire political straits. In that event, thechasm between them and the central government willwiden. Would any democrats care to dialogue with thecentral government if to do so is to commit politicalsuicide? Are we to suppose the central government isdetermined not to dialogue with Hong Kongdemocrats? We hope it is not. If it is, the situation inHong Kong will be very worrying indeed.
When they began to dialogue with centralgovernment officials, the Democratic Party and theAlliance for Universal Suffrage aimed at persuadingthe central government to assure Hong Kong peoplethey would exercise genuine universal suffrage in 2017and 2020. The central government adamantly adheringto the Decision the National People's CongressStanding Committee made in 2007, they could not butsettle for trying to ensure Hong Kong's constitutionalsystem would actually and essentially be moredemocratic in 2012. Even if it gives the green light tothe "amended DC plan", the central government willonly take Hong Kong to another stage of its longprocess of democratisation. That would still be far fromfull democracy, which Hong Kong people have beenstriving to achieve for more than twenty years. Webelieve the Democratic Party, the Alliance for UniversalSuffrage, other pro-democracy groups and mostcitizens will persevere in fighting for genuine universalsuffrage and Hong Kong's full democratisation.
Many pan-democrats believe democracy shouldbe achieved at one go. In our view, only if dialoguebetween democrats and central government officialsproduces positive results will fewer and fewer of themhold this attitude and will trust grow and healthyinteractions increase between the central governmentand the democrats. If this happens, we will see a newchapter in Hong Kong politics. However, at this criticalmoment, all depends on whether the centralgovernment will seize the opportunity to use the onlyway to save the constitutional reform - give the greenlight to the amended DC plan. Unless it does so, it isidle to harbour any fair hope.
明報社評 2010.06.17
區會改良方案 政改唯一活路(續)
至於民主黨和普選聯提出的改良方案(即政府方案中2012 年新增的5 個區議會功能組別議席,由區議員提名,交由全港未有在功能組別投票權的選民選出),根據中大的民調顯示,有58%受訪市民表示支持(較區議員互選的政府方案多12 個百分點),只有31.1%不支持。民意向背十分清晰,民主派絕無支持政府方案之理。
民主黨和普選聯這次與中央溝通過程中,原本要求中央確認2017 和2020 年的兩個選舉為真普選,但是在中央堅持按2007 年人大常委會的《決定》辦事下,民主派只能退而求其次,爭取2012 年有實質而具體的民主成分進展。就算改良方案最終得到中央首肯,對於整體民主進程,也只是階段性成果,與香港大多數市民爭取了20多年的全面民主化進程,仍然相距甚遠。我們相信民主黨、普選聯,以至其他民主黨派和大多數市民,仍然會為爭取香港實現真普選、全面民主化而努力。
be a candidate in an election.chasm / 'kaz?m /
a very big difference between two peopleor groups.
idle useless.