
on the ROAD

by Amanda Yu

Some of the places on inter-railing weregreat fun but not entirely eventful so I'mgoing to give you a brief idea of what theywere like and what we did:

Second stop: Amsterdam (荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹), famed for its legal weed (大麻),red-light district and canals, was aninteresting city. As we dropped our bagsoff in our 20-bed mixed dorm, weimmediately joined a walking tour aroundthe city. Learning about the effects of theWar, Anne Frank's house in the city centreand its financial background, Amsterdam isa lot more than the "drugged" capitalperceived by a lot of people.

Third stop: Frankfurt ( 法蘭克福), theeconomic centre of Germany, is not ausual route for travellers. Despite themodern buildings, Frankfurt offered someclassic German cuisine of huge pork leg,sauerkraut ( 德國酸菜), apfelwein (applewine). (No they don't eatfrankfurters ( 法蘭克福腸)).

However, my biggest memoryof the place was the fact that Ispent four hours in an Irish pubwatching the Wimbledon'smen's finals (as I am literallyobsessed with tennis), beforebeing disappointed by Roddick's loss, andthus filled myself with some deliciousfood.

Fourth stop: After a night-long journeyto Berlin, we had to reside in the stationfor four hours in the middle of the nightbefore our connecting train to Prague (捷克首都布拉格) arrived. We would'veexplored the nightlife, but little did weknow that the station was situated in adodgy area, completed with a strip cluband a run-down building.

Prague was gorgeous-the cobbled(大卵石鋪成的) streets, old town square,astronomical clock, Charles Bridge (whichwas filled with tourists trying to absorb thebeauty of the historical city)... Anothergood thing about Prague is that beer wascheaper than water!

Writer's Profile

An unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.

