It's every singer's dream to have his orher own concerts. Having one's ownconcerts means one is famous and one'swork has been recognised by the generalpublic.
I know there's still a long way to go forme, but I'm thankful for everyopportunity I'm given. It was an honourfor me to be able to sing at 529 Fly ToniteLive, which was held at the Venetian inMacau, with artistes from Taiwan, Chinaand South Korea. The concert wasorganised by my label to celebrate theestablishment of a new Asianentertainment brand "bma seed". Itwas particularly special to me as Iwas able to sing in my hometown,with friends and family in theaudience supporting me. Also I wouldreally love to thank my fanswho came all the way fromHong Kong to see me atthe concert.
However, I had a littleaccident at the pressconference the day before.Since my heels were sohigh I lost my balance andfell flat on my face. I wasmortified ( 窘)! But it wastouching that everybodycame to comfort me at thebackstage afterwards.And for this concert Iwould like to give my specialthanks to Patrick, who designedmy "Iron Man" dress (LED lightswere put underneath thedress). Also many thanks forMing and Pinko's help, as youtwo always make me look greatonstage.
Let's hope I will have my ownconcerts very soon. Wish meluck!
Writer's Profile
Chita Yu (余翠芝), in love with music since three. Make A LoveSong-her goal in music as well as the title of her firstEP-was released last year.