Travelling is a huge element of a gap year.When else in life would you have a wholeyear, or even a few months, dedicated tojust travel? It is the time to explore excitingparts of the world you have always wantedto go, to learn the culture, language, seeincredible places, make new friends, andheal that travel bug of yours.
This year, I have two main trips planned.Most of my gap-year friends wanted tosee the Asian antics of South East Asia,but I live in Hong Kong and have been toquite a few of the proposed places, so Iopted out on that plan. A lot of people takethe opportunity to buy a round-the-worldticket in order to go to all stretches of theworld-Australia and New Zealandbeing particularly popular.
I decided to do something different, orat least as unique as a 19-year-oldstudent can manage. As I studied Spanishat A-levels, I thought it would be a greatchance for me to consolidate ( 鞏固) thelanguage and to truly explore the cultureby spending 3 months in South America.
Touring incredible countries such as Brazil(people there actually speak Portuguese,not Spanish), Uruguay (烏拉圭), Paraguay(巴拉圭), Argentina, Chile, Bolivia (玻利維亞), Peru (秘魯) and Ecuador (厄瓜多爾), 3months really isn't enough.
After such exoticness (異國風情), I havejust a week of rest before I step up to thebiggest personal challenge of my life yet:The Arctic ( 北極圈). I will be spending 5weeks in the exquisite wilderness with myteam. With immense fitness, determinationand countless packages of dried food, wewill embark on ( 展開) the journey of ourlifetime. Whilst climbing glaciers, abseiling( 用繩索垂直下降) down crevasses ( 裂縫)camping in the middle of nowhere, we willbe investigating scientific projects directlyrelevant to the causes and effects of climatechange. We're not just altering our lives,we're aiming to make a change in society bycontributing to these vital projects.
For me, there is a lot more to travellingthan relaxing beachesand luxurious hotels, it is an experience tolearn from, a chance to discoversomething about yourself, and the time tostretch yourself to the limits... so I'mskipping the comfort factor and let's seehow far I can go!
Writer's ProfileAn unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.
text and photo by Amanda Yu