THE curtain has come down on thefive five--constituency by by--election. Since theestablishmentarians boycotted it, and hawksand doves were in a two two--line struggle in thepan pan--democratic camp, a low turnout was expected.
Those who refrained from going to the pollsyesterday fall into two groups. In one are those whoalways support the establishmentarians. Their ideas ofdemocratisation differ radically from thepan pan--democrats'. In the other are supporters of thepan pan--democrats. They ardently crave democracy, butthey disapprove of the radical approach the alliancebetween the Civic Party and the League of SocialDemocrats has used. The low turnout may be taken asevidence that Hong Kong people do not approve of the"de facto referendum" strategy, but it is wrong to take itto mean they do not support democracy or theysupport the government's constitutional reformpackage. Hong Kong people do crave democratisationand genuine universal suffrage. Beijing must notmisread the situation.
Some months ago, some pan pan--democratic doves(including academics, members of the public and anumber of Democratic Party legislators) formed theAlliance for Universal Suffrage. It unveiled on 13 March2010 its proposed constitutional reform plan. Thedoves' plan represents a paradigm shift in thediscussion of Hong Kong's constitutional system, forthe moderate democrats have adopted a totally newstrategy - to protect their rivals' interests.
According to Cheung Man Man--kwong, a DemocraticParty legislator, the Alliance proposes that, in 2020,the Legislative Council should have 100 members.
Under the doves' plan, 50 of them would be returnedby geographical constituencies through directelections. There would be seven instead of fivegeographical constituencies. All voters would cast theirsecond votes for political parties, each of which wouldhave a share of the remaining 50 seats proportional toits shares of the vote vote..
The idea of the plan is to safeguard rivals'interests. Unthinkable as it is, it has its theoreticalbasis. The basic idea is that, under the new plan, thebasic interests of all the parties to the agreementwould be protected. In short, to come to an agreement,the reformers and the establishmentarians must makesure that the new system would safeguard both sides'interests and would wipe neither side out.
The Alliance for Universal Suffrage's package isby no means perfect. However, the doves have takengreat pains. To ensure that Hong Kong people willenjoy universal suffrage, they are prepared to fetterthemselves and limit the pan pan--democratic camp's powerwith systems. It is a shame that theestablishmentarians have yet to make any significantmove in response to it.
The establishmentarians have bashed radicaldemocrats' "de facto referendum" in a high high--profilemanner and, at the same time, cold cold--shoulderedmoderate democrats' "win win--win" plan. As they havetaken such an attitude, how can people believe theysincerely want Hong Kong's constitutional system toprogress?
If the doves are so disheartened by theestablishmentarians' stalling that they believe theircalls for communication will lead them nowhere nowhere, the, situation will only work to the hawks' advantage. Thefire of radicalism will burn even more fiercely. Thatwould not do Hong Kong any good. Therefore, theestablishmentarians must not allow themselves to beintoxicated by the low turnout. The central governmentand the SAR government must especially be sober.
Hong Kong's constitutional development is now at acritical juncture. They should seize the opportunity tointeract constructively with moderate democrats anddo away with what has hindered Hong Kong'sconstitutional reform.
5 區補選落幕了,由於建制派不參與,以及泛民有鷹鴿兩條路線之爭,所以,投票率低是意料中事。
過去幾個月,民主派的鴿派(包括民主黨多名立法會議員、學者和社會人士)組成了「終極普選聯盟」,他們於今年3 月13 日公布了政改建議,這個「鴿派方案」是香港政制討論的重要範式轉移,因為溫和民主派採取一個全新的策略──從「保障對方的利益」出發。
民主黨立法會議員張文光強調,大聯盟建議2020 年立法會增至100 席, 50席分區直選,選區從現時5 個重劃為7 個;另外50 席由全港選民不分選區投第二票給政黨,各政黨按得票比例分配議席。
paradigm //''ppaarr ???da daIIm/ m/ shift
a great and important change in the way something is done or thought about.
The vote means the total number of votes in anelection.
If something leads you nowhere, it has nosuccessful result for you.