THE Office of the Ombudsman initiated a direct investigation into the Fire Services Department's (FSD's) regulation of eateries'fire safety facilities. Its conclusion is that the FSD'smanagement is outdated, and its regulation lax. Itsfindings lay bare two fundamental problems. First,owing to limitations of the FSD's establishment, itsadministration is not up to modern standard. Second,the Security Bureau has long been ignorant of theFSD's inadequacies or has long ignored them. It hasfailed to fulfil its supervisory function. It can hardlyescape the blame for what has happened at the FSD.The Office of the Ombudsman has called theFSD's management outdated and its regulation lax.This criticism is very severe indeed. Were the Directorof Fire Services an accountability official, he wouldhave to take the blame and step down. Being a civilservant, he need not do so. However, the problems theOffice of the Ombudsman has uncovered arelong-standing rather than new. It is clear from thesituation at the FSD that many of its former heads arealso to blame, as is the Security Bureau, whichsupervises the FSD.
The FSD's outdated management has to do withits characteristics. Its top posts are filled by internalpromotion. The head of the FSD may have muchknowledge of and great expertise in his line of work.However, one who has such professional qualificationsmay not be a capable administrator. When a fire fighterwas killed in the line of duty, his fellow officers wouldcomplain of inadequate equipment and otherproblems. Things have not worsened because top FSDofficers have managed to pacify them. However, firefighters' complaints indeed point to the FSD'smismanagement. They have been placated, but thatdoes not mean the FSD's management problems havedisappeared.
RTHK is in many ways similar to the FSD. Bothare special, and their top posts are filled by internalpromotion. RTHK was once beset with suchadministrative problems that some of its employeeswere prosecuted. Those problems cost RTHK dearly.Subsequently, the government appointed Gracie FooDeputy Director of Broadcasting. A shake-up helpedstop loopholes in RTHK's management system andreturn the broadcaster to the right track.
Departments like the FSD abhor the "parachuting"of administrative officers (AOs). In fact, it may beproblematic to have an AO head such a departmentbecause experts will then have to take instructionsfrom a layman. No AO is omnipotent. However, AOshave received training and have experience inadministration. Some say the government should makean AO Assistant Director of Fire Services. We believethat would go some way towards improving itsadministration. The AO may leave it when amanagement system is established. The governmentwould do well to consider this suggestion.
The FSD is under the Security Bureau. Is it awarethat FSD officers still process documents manually?The FSD has for years just appeared to carry outinspections at eateries. Does the Security Bureaueffectively supervise the FSD as it is duty bound to do?Such questions ought to be looked into. The SecurityBureau should try to correct mistakes if it has madethem and guard against them if it has not.
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