


1. advice (noun)(有益的)忠告、建議

an opinion on something that is meant to be helpfulto someone

E.g. Can I ask your advice on how to remove ink stains?


counsel (有識之士對某嚴肅事件的)建議、忠告

(formal) advice about a serious matter from a wiseor knowledgeable person

E.g. In despair, he sought counsel from the parishpriest.


? someone's personal view on a subject, which theperson hearing it may or may not agree with

recommendation 推薦、建議

a statement saying that a particular thing or courseof action is definitely good and that you think aperson should try it

2. angry (adj)生氣的、憤怒的

having a strong negative feeling about something anda wish to do something, possibly violent, to changethings or take revenge

E.g. I was so angry about the way the shop assistanttreated me, I complained to the manager.

近義詞:annoyed 惱怒的、不耐煩的

feeling mildly angry and impatient

E.g. She was annoyed by his persistence.

cross 惱怒的、生氣的

(informal) moderately angryE.g. My mum was cross with me for breaking a vase.

furious 狂怒的、暴怒的

feeling or showing extreme angerE.g. Furious at being ignored, she stormed out.

你知道更多的近義詞嗎?找3個英語近義詞,寄柴灣嘉業街18號明報工業中心A座15樓明報編輯部「通通識」,或電郵至 english@mingpao.com,被抽中者即可獲贈由商務印書館送出《雙解英語近義詞辨異詞典》一本,每期名額一個。上期「暢所欲言A-Z」得獎者:CheungHoYin

