QIU Ziming, a reporter with EconomicObserver News, a mainland publication,published a series of articles allegingillegalities connected with the initial public offering ofZhejiang Kan Specialty Material Co. The SuichangCounty police regarded him as a suspect on the runand issued a warrant for his arrest. Not sooner had theaffair come to light than there was a public outcry.Under the pressure of public opinion and on the Lishuipublic security bureau's instructions, the Suichangpolice cancelled its order to arrest him. Thatinvalidated the warrant.
Qiu's reports say Kan may have misappropriatedstate-owned assets during its IPO and money mayhave been siphoned from a listed company with forgedland use certificates. According to Economic ObserverNews's account of the affair, it began towards the endof last May. When he gathered information, Qiu'sperson was threatened. To buy his silence, Kanoffered him a sum of money, which he refused. OnJuly 27, the police of Suichang (Lishui, Zhejiang),where Kan is based, issued a warrant to arrest him onsuspicion of "damaging a company's reputation".
Economic Observer News has issued a solemnstatement in support of Qiu. It says, "When the reportergathered information, he and his sources wererepeatedly threatened and offered inducements. Westrongly condemn the use of public power to suppresspublic opinion and any threats to media workers'personal safety."
The illegalities alleged in Qiu's reports about Kan'sreorganisation may amount to economic crimes.Instead of following the leads reported in those articles,the Suichang police tried to arrest and prosecute theirauthor. They have simply put the cart before the horseand stood facts on their heads.
Qiu has for the time being avoided persecution.
However, it is not yet known whether Kan will be dealtwith for its alleged illegalities. Mainland journalists whocarry out their duty of exposing injustices may come inharm's way. According to mainland legal experts,
because media workers' rights and responsibilities arenot defined by law, it is open to some to availthemselves of certain draconian provisions of thecriminal code. Therefore, it remains extremely difficultfor journalists to expose evils and speak out for thepeople as they are duty-bound to do.
"Law-enforcement in revenge" is apparently inaccordance with the law. The authorities of a localitymay use their powers to deal with reporters to "protectits government's and its departments' image" and"safeguard the locality's economic development". Whywould a locality's authorities wallow in the miretogether with its villainous groups or act as theirlackeys? That has much to do with what lies at the rootof corruption.
The authorities' attempts to deter media
supervision are proof that such supervision touchesthem on the raw. The police often act as vestedinterests' thugs and guards. Some mainlandersdescribe the Suichang police's behaviour in the QiuZiming affair as a "fragrant violation of the media'ssupervisory power". It has again given people torealise that, unless public power is further restrained,law-enforcement agencies are effectively preventedfrom abusing their powers and effective measures aretaken to prevent public power from being "privatised","law-enforcement in revenge" cannot be stopped.
It is an important task in improving the mainland'slegal system to find ways to protect the media's right ofsupervision and safeguard media workers' personalsafety. If those in power are prepared to introduce thisreform and they succeed, there will be great poweragainst corruption, and many of the mainland'sdeep-rooted problems can be readily solved.
仇子明的報道,指凱恩集團在上市過程中,涉嫌侵吞國有資產、通過他人偽造土地使用權、從上市公司套取資金等問題,據經濟觀察報社披露的〈情况說明〉,事態由 5 月下旬開始,仇子明在採訪中遭到人身威脅,凱恩集團也曾嘗試給予仇子明一筆「封口費」,被仇子明拒絕。到本月27 日,仇子明被凱恩集團所在地浙江麗水遂昌縣公安局以「涉嫌損害公司商業信譽」罪名,認定為刑拘在逃人員,並已向全國發出通緝令。
illegality /Ili:'galItI/illegal act.
misappropriate /mIs ?'pr ?ʊyprIeIt/If you misappropriate another's property, youapply it to your own use.
touch on the raw
If you touch a person on the raw, you upsethim on a sensitive matter.