
adjectival phrase

根據上文下理,空襲死去的當然是住在城市的人,不是城市本身,所以應該填上who。可是這樣一來,who就緊隨city 一字, 而不是要修飾的people,這問題應怎麼解決?

形容短語(adjectival phrases),不管是放前放後,都要緊貼被修飾的名詞,這是基本的原則,所以碰到上述情况,就要把句子改寫了。

就以Albert 的句子為例,我們大可把of the city 刪掉,將它修改成︰The plane bombed the city and killedmany people who did not haveshelters.

既然句子前一部分已清清楚楚說城市遭受飛機轟炸,死去的人自然是住在城內的人,大可不必再重複of thecity。

當然還有別的改寫方法,例如:? The plane bombed the city, killingmany people without shelters.? The plane bombed the city. Manypeople without shelters werekilled.

讀者Albert 來電郵問有關relative pronoun 的使用方法:The plane bombed the city and killed many people of thecity _______ did not have shelters.空格應該填上who 還是which?

Fai (english@mingpao.com)Have you any questions about Englishusage? Don't hesitate to send them to us!

