Steward and Charlotte have becomegreat friends. They've been chatting witheach other all day and it seems they can'texhaust their topics. At times Stewardwants to confide to her the biggestsecret about his brother. But he fears shemay not believe him.
One day they go to the Space Museumtogether.
been missing and was more zombiethan human. His brother once told himaliens had kidnapped him and turned himinto a caterpillar fungus in anexperiment. But Steward did hearanother voice that spoke to him. Itseemed his brother's spirit had beenconfined in his body and managed to getout with Steward's help.
Steward: Do you believe in aliens?Charlotte: I do. The universe is so big.
It's full of unknowns.
Steward: But do you think they havebeen in contact withhumans or exist on earth?
Charlotte: That's hard to tell. But themedia have reported suchcases, haven't they? Iwon't be surprised if thereare aliens on earth.
Steward: Do you really think so?Charlotte: One should be open-minded.
Steward feels easier about tellingCharlotte his story. He tells her about thereturn of his missing brother, who had
Charlotte: That sounds very strangeindeed. But you can't doanything about it now.
Steward: And you know what, thezombie died last month.
Charlotte: What?
Steward: My parents found him lie asstiff as a block of wood onhis bed. They were verysad because they couldn'tcure him. But I knew itwould have to be like that.
Charlotte: I bet your parents couldn'tbear losing him again.
Steward: They don't know Simon stillexists. I'm sure he does.The reunion (1 of 5)
"Gobble Grammar" answers1e; 2a, c; 3c, e; 4c, e; 5a, c, e, f; 6c; 7b, f; 8a, c, e, f; 9f; 10c; 11e
Gobble GrammarMatch the nouns to the suitableadjectives:
1. accident●
2. change●
3. danger●
4. difficulty●
5. effect●
6. fun●
7. impression●
8. influence●
9. possibility●
10. skill●
11. threat●
●a. big
●b. deep
●c. great
●d. high
●e. serious
●f. strong