TO get citizens' votes, populist politicians often try to endear themselves to them at the expense of the taxpayer. Government official sused to disapprove of such behaviour. However, after the Housing Authority had decided to raise publichousing rent under the new rent adjustmentmechanism (under which rent may go up or comedown), the government suggested on its own initiativeto its subsidised housing committee that a month's rentbe waived in the next two years to offset the rise. The political atmosphere being as it is, can the committee not dance to the government's baton? In our view, themove would virtually make the mechanism exist inname only. The government will fuel populism if it uses public resources to curry favour with public housingtenants. What social policy will Chief Executive (CE)Donald Tsang pursue in the two-year remainder of his term? Where he intends to lead Hong Kong? These are indeed matters of concern.
A Census and Statistics Department survey showsthe average income of public housing tenants hasincreased. Even if it wants to be kind, the governmentonly needs to help those who need help. It need not doanything that would benefit also those who can affordreasonable rent. In fact, the Housing Authorityoperates a rent assistance scheme designed to helptenants having difficulty paying their rent. Eligibleapplicants may get their rent cut. Such cuts mayamount to 50%. Tenants who cannot possibly pay anyrent may apply for CSSA. CSSA recipients' rent is paidwith money from the public purse.
The government should provide people who needits help to get shelter with subsidised public housing. Ithas a duty to do so. However, in providing them withthis benefit, a line must be drawn. The cardinalprinciple the government must uphold in pursuing itshousing policy is to help those who need help. It hasnow offered public housing tenants "sweets" though nopolitical party has demanded that it do so. It does nothesitate to render the new rent adjustment mechanismvirtually non-existent. It is worth observing what theTsang administration is up to.
To achieve their political objectives, politicalparties seek to advance public housing tenants'interests. Populism has gained ground. It is a commonoccurrence that they do so by hook or by crook. Thegovernment should go to great lengths to resist thepressure political parties put on it so that society'sscarce resources are properly employed. If thegovernment resorts to populism, political parties will beleft too far behind to catch up with it, for it has thepower to allocate resources. None can rival thegovernment in using public resources to pleasecitizens and buy their support. The problem is thatpopulist government is certainly not in Hong Kong'sbest interests.
The SAR government is quite unpopular. In asurvey the Public Opinion Programme at the Universityof Hong Kong has carried out after the passage of the2012 constitutional reform package, Donald Tsang'sapproval rating is 49.9. He has "failed" for five times ina row. The percentage of people who do not want himto be CE has reached 52% , an all-time high. Thisbeing the case, little wonder the Tsang administrationwould try every possible way to boost its popularity.
Unlike him, Donald Tsang commented on therich-poor gap the other day during Legislative Councilquestion time. He said the government would focus onimproving citizens' wellbeing in the time to come. Hespecifically mentioned it would seek to alleviateworking poverty. The Tsang administration mustindeed make serious efforts to help the needy andeliminate deep-rooted contradictions. Should it wincitizens' support by pursuing good policies or usepublic resources to buy their votes? We do not thinkwe need to elaborate on this point. We hope thegovernment will retract its suggestion that publichousing tenants be offered a rent waiver. We hopegovernment will again be sensible instead of slidingdown the populist slippery slope.
特區政府民望低迷,據最新港大民調顯示,曾蔭權在政改方案通過後,民望最新評分為49.9 分,是連續第5次「肥佬」,反對他出任特首的比率亦見歷史新高,達52%。在這種情况下,曾蔭權政府千方百計提升民望,完全可以理解。
Glossarycurry /'k ?rI/ favour withIf you curry favour with a person, you try to gethim to like or support you by helping him a lotor praising hook or by crookby fair means or foul; using any method youcan, even a dishonest one.governmentthe act or manner of governing.