THE Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has donean about about--face. It has proposed that Wing LeeStreet (Sheung Wan) be preserved as it is. Bydoing so, it has defused a conservation time bomb.However, the authorities' conservation criteria haveblurred. What sorts of buildings and streets should bepreserved with money from the public purse? Thegovernment must clearly answer this question.Wing Lee Street is where EEcchhooeess ooff tthhee RRaaiinnbbooww(a Hong Kong film that has won an award in Berlin)was shot. After it had won the award, Alex Law, whohad directed it, said streets with old buildings like WingLee Street should be preserved because they werereplete with Hong Kong people's collective memory.Therefore, there is a growing body of opinion for itsconservation.
When he announced the about about--face yesterday,URA chairman Barry Cheung mentioned no specificreasons. However, clues to it are discernible from aninterview of Secretary for Development Carrie Lam thatappeared in some newspapers last Monday. She saidit was necessary to see if the view that the buildingsthere were beyond repair and had to be demolishedshould be abandoned. It is thus abundantly clear whohas initiated the about about--face.
The proposal to preserve Wing Lee Street as it isdoes not sit well with the URA's objective criteria forcarrying out redevelopment projects. The street boastsno monuments monuments, nor do any of the buildings there, seem special. As James To, a legislator, has said,when the authorities decide whether to conserve abuilding, they ought to take into account expertassessments of its conservation value. If thegovernment preserves whatever buildings citizenswant it to preserve instead of relying on experts'advice, the situation will be simple. It will be all right ifcitizens are agreed that they should be conserved withmoney from the public purse.
The point James To has raised is noteworthy. Thegovernment used to emphasise development at theexpense of conservation. It has altered its policy. Nowit seeks to strike a proper balance betweendevelopment and conservation. The URA's originalplan for redeveloping Wing Lee Street is in keepingwith the principle of balancing development againstconservation. However, the government has asked theURA to keep Wing Lee Street as it is. If it has done sojust to preserve the atmosphere there, one may doubtit is worthwhile to spend large sums of public moneyon the project. The URA has acquired about 50% ofthe interests in the twelve buildings there. Theirmaintenance will cost much money. As the URA willnot "revitalise" them, they will in all probability remainleased. In that event, their tenants will effectivelyreceive subsidies from the public purse. Suchconservation would seem a bit strange. If the Wing LeeStreet case becomes a precedent, most similar caseswill be similarly handled. Would the public think that isall right? This is why we think the government owesthe public an explanation.
Should Wing Lee Street be preserved as it is? Ifthis question is a subject of public discussion, differingopinions will surely emerge. What the authorities havenow chosen to do may please those who likereminiscing about the past and want to preservecollective memory. However, it is not necessary toattach tremendous importance to Wing Lee Street, nordoes it deserve it. As the affair has cost and willcontinue to cost much public money, we want to knowif the authorities had scientifically considered the prosand cons before it did the about about--face. Was thedecision made in accordance with establishedprocedures? Or is it just an official's will? Thegovernment is supposed to run Hong Kong by thebook. Therefore, though Hong Kong is not highlydemocratic, its government is relatively reasonable.
This is one of the strengths Hong Kong has. It is notacceptable for any official to put himself above thesystems and just do his own will however right andproper his object may be.
明報社評 2010.03.17
涂謹申提出這一點,值得注意。近年政府調整側重發展、忽略保育的政策,謀求平衡發展,原本重建永利街,已經符合發展與保育均衡原則,政府現在促使市建局保育永利街,若只為保留那裏的氣氛,是否值得耗用大筆公帑,值得商榷。另外, 市建局已經購買了永利街12 幢樓宇約一半業權,日後這些樓宇的維修保養費用不菲,而市建局又不會活化這些舊樓,最可能只會繼續出租,變成公帑津貼租樓人士。這樣的保育就有些奇怪了。若永利街屬先例,日後將普遍實施,公衆會否同意?這是我們認為政府應該交代的原因。
replete /rI'pli:t/
To be replete with something is to be full of it.monument
a building that has special historical importance.reminisce /rImII'nIs/
To reminisce about the past is to think, talk orwrite about it.