YESTERDAY, because Hong Kong wasaffected by a sandstorm from Mongolia, theair pollution index (API) went off the chart -exceeded 500 - in many places in the territory for thefirst time since 1999, when the index was introduced.
That affected citizens' life. There is nothing man can doabout dusty weather or weather changes. However,prompt precautions may lessen their effects. The factthat Hong Kong suddenly encountered dusty weatheryesterday shows Hong Kong Observatory operates aninadequate early warning system and the EnvironmentalProtection Department (EPD) lacks foresight. Bothmust improve their systems and practices.
At 2340 hours the day before yesterday, the EPDforecasted the API would reach the "very high" leveland peak at 110 yesterday (March 22). However, twohours later (at 0150 hours yesterday), a spokespersonfor the EPD issued through the Information ServicesDepartment a statement that said, "As the sandstormfrom Northern China is moving southward with thenortheast monsoon and is now affecting Hong Kong,the API is expected to reach the 'very high' level or'severe' level today (March 22) and the API reading willpossibly record 180 or above." Why did the EPD'sforecast of the sandstorm's effects on Hong Kongchange such a great deal in two hours? That is worthfinding out.
It was almost 0200 hours when the EPD releasedits new forecast. Then, most citizens had gone to bed,many newspapers had gone to press, and electronicmedia organisations were most scantily manned. TheEPD's press release naturally aroused little attention.
The following morning, when people got up and wentto work or school, the EPD did not warn them aboutthe dusty weather as Hong Kong Observatory doesabout typhoons. Citizens could not have the latestinformation on air quality, still less take suitableprecautions.
On the mainland, the central and local authoritiesissued early warnings of the sandstorm's probableeffects long ago. However, in the SAR, not until thesmall hours yesterday did Hong Kong Observatory orthe EPD issue a warning. One may say they weretardy in reacting to the situation. If the authorities hadpromptly issued a warning, people who are chronicallyill or sensitive to air pollution would have felt a bit morecomfortable because they could have avoided tiringthemselves or going outdoors.
The sandstorm has affected Taiwan as well asHong Kong. The monsoon has brought little sand butcarried large quantities of suspended particulates tothe south. Therefore, citizens found Hong Kong wasparticularly dusty yesterday. A grey haze hung overdowntown areas, where people moved and breathedamid suspended particulates. In Taipei, the municipalgovernment had watering cars sprinkle water toprevent suspended particulates from flying about insome streets. The Taipei authorities have actually triedto work for the people instead of indulging in big talk.We think that is worth Hong Kong's emulation.
Natural processes are inexorable. However, ifofficials (who are supposed to serve the public) thinkmore, think ahead or take a step further instead ofpassively and perfunctorily reacting to situations, theeffects they may have on citizens can be minimised.Weather is beyond control, but it is possible tominimise the harm bad weather may cause. That is areason why society needs a government.
本港受來自蒙古颳起的沙塵暴影響,昨日大多數地區空氣污染指數「爆標」,超過500 500,這是指數由,1999 年創立以來的首次,市民起居作息受到一定影響。風雲變幻,沙塵天氣,人類難以抵禦,但若及早準備,則可以將影響減輕;昨天的沙塵天氣突襲香港,充分曝露我們的天文台預警不足,環保官員後知後覺,必須改進原有的制度和做法。
直到前晚深夜11 時40 分,環保署預測昨日( 22 日)空氣污染指數最高為110 110,水平屬甚高;但是兩個鐘頭,之後,即昨日凌晨11 時50 分,環保署發言人透過新聞處發稿,表示「近日華北出現的沙塵天氣,正隨東北季候風南移,並正影響本港,預料今日( 22 日)的空氣污染指數將升至甚高或嚴重水平,空氣污染指數可能達180或以上」。這兩個鐘頭之內,當局預測沙塵天氣對港的影響,相差如此大,箇中有什麼原因,值得探究。
另外,當局接近凌晨22 時公布最新預測,這個時刻,絕大多數市民都在睡夢中,許多報紙亦已截稿,電子傳媒人手在這些時段也最薄弱,這樣一則消息,自難引起注意。而環保署昨晨在市民起牀上學、上班之時,並無如天文台的風暴預報一樣,適時跟進,提醒市民,使市民無從得知空氣質素最新情况,遑論適當對應。
tardy //''ta:d dII//slow to act.
particulates /pa: pa:''ttIIkj kj ll ts/ ts/matter in the form of particles.
perfunctorily /p ''fftrllII//in a perfunctory way. Perfunctory means "donewithout real interest, attention or feeling".