AS this newspaper reported yesterday, two underground or semi--underground small bike racing tracks have been in operation in Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai for some years. The government "controls" them through zoning but doesnothing about their safety or other matters concerningthem. Bike racing there is not regulated. We havepublished the story about those operations not to urgethe government to use its powers to crack down onthem but to call on it to cherish economic vitality thatmay result from citizens' innovations.
Bike racing is quite dangerous. Bike racing racing--relatedaccidents are frequent in the world. Nevertheless, it isclassified as a healthy sport. Many fewer people havetaken up this sport than others. It is hardly popular inHong Kong as the government has never promoted it.Nevertheless, some have risked their money to set upand operate bike racing tracks in Tuen Mun (BlackPoint), Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai. That shows bikeracing facilities are in demand here. This being thecase, it does not meet real needs for the governmentto "control" them by means of its power to zone land. Itshould look at the issue from an "industry" perspective.It is time the government put it on the agenda toconsider introducing a licensing system for regulatingsmall bike racing tracks.
If the government allows investors to run bikeracing tracks on agricultural land in rural areas, notonly will the demand be met for such facilities, buteconomic activity in those places will be encouraged.
Some years ago, many racked their brains to find waysto increase economic activity in Tin Shui Wai so thatresidents could find work in the district. There hasbeen much cry and little wool wool. Now the three "illicit". bike racing tracks do help increase economic activity intheir districts. Their investors are already a few steps infront of the government. The government should obtainlegislation that would require bike racing trackoperators to meet environmental protection, safety anddrainage standards. It can, simply by doing so, kill twobirds - promote bike racing and increase economicactivity in their districts.
A few months ago, some attempted to set uprooftop barbecue venues in downtown areas. As fire isused, safety at such a venue is indeed a concern.
Furthermore, fumes and noises from such a venuemay be a nuisance to people who live near it. Nosooner had bureaucrats called their attempts"outrageous" than they aborted. Nevertheless, itcannot be denied that the idea of operating rooftopbarbecue venues in downtown areas is very innovativeindeed. People who have come up with the idea havetried to start innovative businesses. They should berewarded rather than punished. To bureaucrats, it isconvenient to crack down on activities impermissibleunder the laws in force. They can, if they do so, avoidcarrying the can can. However, if safety and noise. problems of rooftop barbecue venues can besatisfactorily solved, life in Hong Kong would be 3 3--DDrather than just 2 2--D, and the city's landscape willsuddenly become quite different.
Innovations are essential to social progress andeconomic development. However, innovations arelikely to be at odds with rules or regulations in force. Itis not bureaucrats' job to foster economicdevelopment. It is therefore totally understandable forthem to remain in a rut or do things by the book.
However, Hong Kong desperately needs innovationsthat may help make it more colourful and invigorateand diversify its economy. Bureaucrats must changetheir minds. It is important that, even if they are neithercreative nor innovative, they must not rashly stranglechanges that may result from citizens' innovations.Even though they cannot contribute to progress, theymust try not to impede progress. That is whatbureaucrats must bear in mind.
much cry and little wool
If there is much cry and little wool, there is adisturbance but little is achieved.
carry the can
accept the blame for something.
impede //IImm''pi:d/
make slow by obstructing, hinder.