
Mental sweatshop

YESTERDAY another employee of Foxconnjumped to his death in its Shenzhen plant.That is the eleventh this year. Already ninehave died and two severely injured. Though Foxconnhas large numbers of employees, it is certainlyextraordinary that its workers' suicidal jumps havebeen frequent over the past five months.

Generally speaking, a sweatshop is a factory withhorribly dangerous and difficult conditions whereworkers, who are poorly paid but have to work longhours, are exposed to harmful substances, extremeheat, low temperatures or radiation. Judging by whatour reporters have gathered, Foxconn does notanswer this description. Its employees have fewcomplaints about its facilities or their workingenvironment.

However, they are unhappy about itsmanagement. Workers may not speak when they work.One may not go to the toilet unless one's position issupplied. Workers hear nothing at work exceptmonotonous noise from machinery. Because workersof one unit are given different rooms, one may hardlyknow one's roommates. When a worker returns to hisdormitory, others on other shifts may be asleep, andhe may not very well disturb them.

In such circumstances, if one is sociable, one mayhave few emotional problems because one may havefriends with whom one may go out to have meals orstroll the streets together. However, according to someFoxconn employees, some young people who workthere have difficult relationships or problems at work.They may not speak at work, and they may have noone to talk to after work. Introverts who do not makefriends are almost cut off from the outside world. Suchpeople are at risk.

From what we have mentioned above, Foxconnhas such hardware and offers its workers such termsof employment that it does not fit the normal definitionof sweatshop. However, it has adopted some inhumanpractices. For example, some say it makes a point ofpreventing its employees from becoming close to oneanother, and some of its supervisors are rude andprone to abuse their subordinates. Foxconn isregarded as a sweatshop of another kind - a mentalsweatshop.

Not only does inhuman management erodeindividual employees' lives, but it also breedsresentment. It may be a hotbed of industrial action andlabour movements. To nip the problem in the bud,Foxconn should change its ways and practices ofmanagement.

Terry Gou, who owns Foxconn, is a leadingTaiwan businessman. He is well spoken of for his waysof doing business and treating his employees. Forexample, he once personally arranged for eminentmonks from Mount Wutai to perform services atFoxconn in Shenzhen. He did so to solace hisemployees. Though one may say he put trifles beforeessentials, Terry Gou deserves praise for having hisemployees' welfare at heart. The company is urgentlyrecruiting psychotherapists and counsellors to helpemployees that have emotional problems. That showsTerry Gou is trying hard to address the problem.We have no idea what effective plans Terry Gouhas to help Foxconn employees in Shenzhen.

However, we believe the solution lies in "humanity". Ifthe company dumps its robot management (underwhich workers are regarded as machines), regardsthem as humans and respect them, they will work andlive happily, and no horrible stories like those about"the eleven consecutive jumps" will appear.


富士康—物質豐腴企業 精神血汗工廠

深圳富士康廠區,昨日又有員工跳樓死亡,這是今年以來的第11 宗,已經釀成9 死2 重傷。富士康雖云員工衆多,但是5 個月之內員工密集跳樓尋死,肯定事不尋常。







不知道郭台銘趕到深圳後有何善策良方解富士康員工之困,我們認為良方在「人性」二字,只要改變視員工為機器的「機械人管理」模式,視員工為一個人並予以尊重,則員工就會在愉悅的心境下工作、生活, 「11 連跳」的恐怖新聞才會畫上句號。

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be the cause of, result in.

