THE Chinese Academy of Social Sciences hasunveiled its 2010 Blue Book on Urban Competitiveness. According to the survey of294 Chinese cities above the prefectural level, HongKong still ranks first in overall competitiveness.However, its advantages are becoming less and lessdistinct, and it is losing its lead over such cities asShenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing.
Thanks to its own characteristics, Hong Kong willlag behind some mainland cities sooner or later. HongKong is so much smaller and less populous thanShanghai and Beijing. If the mainland economy keepsgrowing, it will not be surprising for the two cities tooutstrip the SAR in economic scale.
The question is whether Hong Kong will do its bestin the areas within its control to keep itscompetitiveness up. Will the SAR's overallcompetitiveness still rank first in China in a few years ifit continues to live off its past gains instead of strivingto make progress? That is a concern.
The Blue Book says Hong Kong is faced withthree major challenges. First, it lacks technologicalinnovation, and its brain drain is serious. Second, it isfaced with competition from cities on the mainland andin other parts of the world. Third, Hong Kong'scompetitiveness is diminishing because industrialupgrading is slower here than in other parts of theworld. One may say the report hits the nail on the head.Since its reversion to Chinese sovereignty, HongKong has lacked new economic growth areas, andsome of its industries have become less competitive.Take its logistics industry, on which its status as aninternational shipping centre depends. Before thehandover, Hong Kong ranked first in the world incontainer throughput. In the wake of the handover,some principal officials of the SAR government tried inmany ways to block cross-boarder infrastructureprojects and, as a result, Hong Kong failed to beginopportunely to integrate economically with Guangdongand, in particular, with the Pearl River Delta.Meanwhile, Guangzhou and Shenzhen tried hard tocatch up with Hong Kong by developing their containerport facilities. Now, the top five container ports in theworld, ranked in descending order, are Singapore,Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.
Judging by the momentum with which Shenzhen andGuangzhou are developing, it is only a matter of timebefore they surpass Hong Kong.
Technological innovation depends on scientificresearch, in which Hong Kong clearly lags behind.Hong Kong's funding for scientific research amountsonly to 0.6% of its GDP. This percentage is muchsmaller than Israel's (4.5%), America's (2.7%) and themainland's (1.4% ). The SAR government hastransferred $18 billion to the University GrantCommittee, which has set up a Research EndowmentFund to provide local universities with researchfunding. Though the amount is not exactly enormous,good results can be achieved if research projects arewell planned. Nevertheless, there is no sign that thegovernment regards it as one of its top priorities tofoster technological innovation.
In 2007, when Chief Executive Donald Tsangrestructured the administration, the Commerce,Industry and Technology Bureau was renamed theCommerce and Economic Development Bureau.
People in the industrial sector then said, "Hong Kongtechnology has disappeared." The government hassuggested that Hong Kong should strive to develop sixindustries, including "innovation and technology".However, it has yet to take measures to foster"government-academia-business" cooperation to helpdevelop technological applications.
Hong Kong's financial market has long been itspride. However, as it has long offered few vehiclesother than shares, it cannot be put on a par with NewYork's or London's. In those markets, all kinds offinancial products are traded. Nylonkong, which isoften on Hong Kong officials' lips, is only an illusivephrase for self-hypnotisation.
It is thirteen years since Hong Kong reverted toChinese sovereignty. Hong Kong still has advantagesover mainland cities, but it must not just live off its pastgains. In short, it is anything but heartening thatHong Kong is still more competitive than any otherChinese city, for globalisation has brought about suchfierce competition that a city will either forge ahead orfall behind. Mainland cities are rapidly emerging, andSingapore casts menacing eyes on Hong Kong.
Unless Hong Kong makes progress, it will beovertaken by mainland cities as the hare is by thetortoise in the fable.
中國社會科學院發表的《2010 年中國城市競爭力藍皮書:中國城市競爭力報告》(下稱報告),在全國294個地級以上城市進行總體研究發現,香港的綜合競爭力仍然排行第一;不過,報告指出,香港的優勢愈來愈不明顯,與深圳、上海、北京等城市的差距,愈來愈小。香港與內地城市比較,基於一些主觀條件,香港遲早都會落後。香港的土地與人口相差太遠了,只要內地經濟持續發展,上海和北京在經濟規模超越香港並不為奇。
報告提到香港面臨3 大挑戰,(1)技術創新不足、人才嚴重流失;(2)面臨內地和國際城市競爭;(3)全球產業升級較快,香港產業升級相對緩慢,競爭優勢下降。這3 大挑戰,可謂一語中的。
回歸以來,香港經濟缺乏新增長點,一些產業逐漸失去優勢,以支撐香港作為國際航運中心的物流業為例,回歸前香港的貨櫃箱吞吐量高踞世界第一;回歸後,特區政府個別主要官員諸多阻撓香港與內地的基建,使香港在與廣東省,特別是與珠三角在經濟的整合上,失去先機。深圳、廣州的貨櫃港口設施急起直追,現在全球貨櫃運輸排名前5 名,依次是新加坡、上海、香港、深圳和廣州。而以深圳、廣州的發展勢頭,超過香港已經是早晚的事。
此外,技術創新所倚賴科技研究,香港明顯落後。香港在科研所投入資源,只佔國民生產總值的0.6%,遠遠落後於以色列的4.5%、美國的2.7%、中國大陸的1.4%等,但是特區政府撥出180 億元給教資會,成立科研基金,協助各家大學的科研工作,縱使資源不算多,只要有良好領導規劃,理應可以做出一點成績。只是看不到政府把創新科技視為重點之一。
2007 年行政長官曾蔭權調整部門架構時,把原來的工商及科技局改名為商務及經濟發展局,被業界形容為「香港科技失蹤了」。政府提出來的所謂六大優勢產業,其中有創新科技,但是迄今未見有配套措施推動「政府、學界、商界」結合,以協助科技應用的發展。至於被視為「鎮港之寶」的金融業,長期以來獨沽一味以股票為主,與紐約、倫敦金融市場品種的多樣化、多元化,根本不可同日而語,掛在港官嘴邊的「紐倫港」,只是自我催眠的虛幻想像而已。
回歸13 年來,香港相對於內地城市仍然有優勢,但是不能只靠吃老本。總之,香港在中國城市競爭力比較中仍然獨佔鰲頭,一點也不值得欣喜,因為在全球一體化的競爭環境中,不進則退。內地城市正在急速冒起,新加坡也在虎視眈眈,香港如果再停滯不前,龜兔賽跑寓言的結局,就會在內地城市與香港之間上演。
hit the nail on the headbe exactly right.
anything butdefinitely not.
hearteninggiving somebody encouragement andhappiness.
A LESSON in life
This week we will discuss how you can tie your worktogether using the "bookend" technique. Our tutor isBritish Council teacher Simon Overton.
S tudent's C ontribution
My eyes gleamed ( 閃爍) when I saw ayouthful and bright smile from an aged and dullphoto. This is my grandmother's enchanting (迷人的) smile.
She was 75 years old when she restedin peace. I was 15. During those 15years, Grandma's appearanceadded vivid colours to my life. Yet, Ibrought her disquiet ( 憂慮) andcountless troubles.
I was brought up by Grandma. As Iremember, whenever the weatherchanged, she would tirelessly tellme to put on more clothes;whenever there was a bowl ofsoup, she would urge me todrink it. But however caringGrandma was, she waslong-winded to me. Beforelong, I became a teenager. Ithought I was oldenough to have freerein. Consequently, Ibecame impatient withGrandma-a wordy elderly.
Sometimes, I evenheld a grudge against her for herheartfelt advice and goodintentions. "Shut up, please!" I usedto wish. Despite my willfulness ( 任性、固執), Grandma was still willingto devote so much to me.
Two years ago, Grandma left mefor her last resting place and I wasnot able to see her ever again. Iwish to see her, but her eyes wereclose; I feel like listening to herwords of wisdom, but her lips couldnot move; I long to hug her, but herbody had been cremated. Indeed, Iam filled with great sorrow andremorse because I was never a filial( 孝順的) granddaughter. My heartbleeds for my innocence-I tookeverything in life for granted. Muchto my regret, I have to admit that Idid not treasure the moments thatGrandma shared with me.
This is the last thing I learnt fromGrandma-to seize everyopportunity to cherish your lovedones when they are still around, foronce we lose them, they willnever come back. To avoidtrapping into a plight of pastredemption, we ought to treatour family and friends well!The charming smile is stillshining in the yellowishphoto. In there I see avaluable lesson about life.
by Lee Mei Sin, S7The YWCA Hioe TjoYoeng College
C omment: Be consistent with tenses
This is a heartfelt piece of writing, Mei Sin.You use a good range of really evocativewords and expressions!
Your adjectives are expressive, but use acomma instead of an and to keep your writingflowing, i.e. her bright, youthful smile. Also,watch out for the proper usage ofsynonyms-long-winded and wordy bothmean "using many words", but I don't thinkthey express your grandmother's true nature!How about "However caring grandma was, sheused to pester me [...]-an old fusspot" ?
Similarly, rest in peace means "to be dead",not "to die", so here pass away is better, i.e."She was 75 years old when she passedaway."
"My heart bleeds for" is usually followed by aperson, not a thing, and certainly not yourself!How about "I mourn my innocence" ? Also,"trapping into a plight of past redemption"sounds beautiful, but the meaning isn't clearand it needs a passive voice. How about"being trapped in regret" ?
Lastly, be consistent with tenses, e.g. "Iwish to see her, but her eyes are closed" or"I wished to see her, but her eyes wereclosed"-the second one is probablybetter, and the same goes for feel and hug.
W riting A dvice: Learn the meaning
Mei Sin uses a range of words and expressionsto describe her feelings and memories. You canfind synonyms of words you already know indictionaries, and many translators give lists ofsynonyms too. This is a great way of expandingyour vocabulary, but remember to learn themeaning and usage of the word, not just thesynonym or translation. Otherwise they maysound slightly strange in their context.
Mei Sin also makes very good use of her titlein this piece of writing. We read the title first,so we know it will be about "a lesson in life",but we only find out at the very end exactlywhat this lesson is. This keeps us interestedand motivated to keep reading. Give yourreaders a reason to read-a surprise ending,a puzzle, a hint at the beginning-and rewardthem at the end.
Finally, Mei Sin "bookends" her piece withthe image of a photograph. This is anexcellent technique because it provides asatisfying conclusion to the piece and thephotograph becomes an expression of that"lesson in life" she introduced to us. Usebookends to tie your work together visuallyand expressively. by Simon Overton
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My Say!
Have it your way in MY SAY! The place isreserved for you to express your feelings. Shareyour experiences or give your opinions in any formyou like. Teachers of English are also encouragedto send in their students' work. Send your writing(not more than 400 words) by email or by mail to 15/F, Block A,Ming Pao Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, ChaiWan. Please give your name and form together withyour work.
S tudent's C ontribution
My eyes gleamed ( 閃爍) when I saw ayouthful and bright smile from an aged and dullphoto. This is my grandmother's enchanting (迷人的) smile.
She was 75 years old when she restedin peace. I was 15. During those 15years, Grandma's appearanceadded vivid colours to my life. Yet, Ibrought her disquiet ( 憂慮) andcountless troubles.
I was brought up by Grandma. As Iremember, whenever the weatherchanged, she would tirelessly tellme to put on more clothes;whenever there was a bowl ofsoup, she would urge me todrink it. But however caringGrandma was, she waslong-winded to me. Beforelong, I became a teenager. Ithought I was oldenough to have freerein. Consequently, Ibecame impatient withGrandma-a wordy elderly.
Sometimes, I evenheld a grudge against her for herheartfelt advice and goodintentions. "Shut up, please!" I usedto wish. Despite my willfulness ( 任性、固執), Grandma was still willingto devote so much to me.
Two years ago, Grandma left mefor her last resting place and I wasnot able to see her ever again. Iwish to see her, but her eyes wereclose; I feel like listening to herwords of wisdom, but her lips couldnot move; I long to hug her, but herbody had been cremated. Indeed, Iam filled with great sorrow andremorse because I was never a filial( 孝順的) granddaughter. My heartbleeds for my innocence-I tookeverything in life for granted. Muchto my regret, I have to admit that Idid not treasure the moments thatGrandma shared with me.
This is the last thing I learnt fromGrandma-to seize everyopportunity to cherish your lovedones when they are still around, foronce we lose them, they willnever come back. To avoidtrapping into a plight of pastredemption, we ought to treatour family and friends well!The charming smile is stillshining in the yellowishphoto. In there I see avaluable lesson about life.
by Lee Mei Sin, S7The YWCA Hioe TjoYoeng College
C omment: Be consistent with tenses
This is a heartfelt piece of writing, Mei Sin.You use a good range of really evocativewords and expressions!
Your adjectives are expressive, but use acomma instead of an and to keep your writingflowing, i.e. her bright, youthful smile. Also,watch out for the proper usage ofsynonyms-long-winded and wordy bothmean "using many words", but I don't thinkthey express your grandmother's true nature!How about "However caring grandma was, sheused to pester me [...]-an old fusspot" ?
Similarly, rest in peace means "to be dead",not "to die", so here pass away is better, i.e."She was 75 years old when she passedaway."
"My heart bleeds for" is usually followed by aperson, not a thing, and certainly not yourself!How about "I mourn my innocence" ? Also,"trapping into a plight of past redemption"sounds beautiful, but the meaning isn't clearand it needs a passive voice. How about"being trapped in regret" ?
Lastly, be consistent with tenses, e.g. "Iwish to see her, but her eyes are closed" or"I wished to see her, but her eyes wereclosed"-the second one is probablybetter, and the same goes for feel and hug.
W riting A dvice: Learn the meaning
Mei Sin uses a range of words and expressionsto describe her feelings and memories. You canfind synonyms of words you already know indictionaries, and many translators give lists ofsynonyms too. This is a great way of expandingyour vocabulary, but remember to learn themeaning and usage of the word, not just thesynonym or translation. Otherwise they maysound slightly strange in their context.
Mei Sin also makes very good use of her titlein this piece of writing. We read the title first,so we know it will be about "a lesson in life",but we only find out at the very end exactlywhat this lesson is. This keeps us interestedand motivated to keep reading. Give yourreaders a reason to read-a surprise ending,a puzzle, a hint at the beginning-and rewardthem at the end.
Finally, Mei Sin "bookends" her piece withthe image of a photograph. This is anexcellent technique because it provides asatisfying conclusion to the piece and thephotograph becomes an expression of that"lesson in life" she introduced to us. Usebookends to tie your work together visuallyand expressively. by Simon Overton
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HMV coupon!
British Council is offering MingPao readers a $100 HMV/Cinema coupon! To be in with achance of winning simply and answer a simplequestion.
My Say!
Have it your way in MY SAY! The place isreserved for you to express your feelings. Shareyour experiences or give your opinions in any formyou like. Teachers of English are also encouragedto send in their students' work. Send your writing(not more than 400 words) by email or by mail to 15/F, Block A,Ming Pao Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, ChaiWan. Please give your name and form together withyour work.
Governance of subvented arts groups
IN the latest Audit Report, which came out lastweek, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO)is criticised for its poor management. Forexample, its managers upgraded their travel andaccommodation arrangements when the orchestra wason tour; some of its musicians have worked fewerhours than they ought to have under their contracts;and part of its box office income has actually comefrom its own purse because it has bought tickets,which it has given away.
An HKCO musician should work at least 703hours a year. The Audit Commission examined therecords of twenty of its musicians. It found that onaverage they each worked only 533 hours a year (or24% fewer than required). Chan Wing-wah, a memberof the HKCO Council, has offered an explanation.
According to him, contractually, an HKCO musician'sworking hours include only those in which he performsor rehearses with all other HKCO musicians. However,he must spend more than a dozen or several dozenhours in self-practice or small group rehearsals everyweek and, if those hours are included, one may say hemeets the working hours requirement.
True, whether an orchestra is successful is notnecessarily to do with its musicians' working hours.However, as an HKCO musician's contract says hisworking hours include only those in which he performsor rehearses with all other HKCO musicians, he fails tomeet the requirement if he does not meet it. Whyshould the hours he spends practising on his owncount as his working hours?
There are clear guidelines about which grade ofHKCO people may have what class of services.
Clearly, an HKCO manager will breach thoseguidelines if he upgrades the services he may receivewhen he is on tour with the orchestra. Nevertheless,vice chairman of the HKCO Council Edmund K HLeung has committed wrong on wrong. When hereplied to press enquiries, he offered a desperatedefence - that comforts are needed when theorchestra is on tour because its musicians must stay intop form. The fact that its people breach guidelines asif they did not exist amply shows the HKCO is poorlymanaged.
Being a government subvented arts organisation,HKCO must abide by rules. If working hours need notbe kept, expenses need not be vouchered and the costof its complimentary tickets counts as its box officeincome, HKCO will eventually become a financialblack hole. If this is the case, how can taxpayersjudge whether public money has been squandered?
The West Kowloon Cultural District project is tobegin very soon. A major task the government is tocarry out is to develop local arts groups, which have animportant mission - to advance cultural development inHong Kong. The Audit Commission has discoveredthat some local arts organisations are at sixes andsevens. What has emerged may well be the tip of theiceberg. How Hong Kong's many other governmentsubvented arts organisations are run is therefore aconcern. All other government subvented artsorganisations should draw a lesson from what hashappened to HKCO. They must review theirgovernance and improve it as soon as possible lestthey should have to face censure when the AuditCommission reveal their blunders.
報告指出,中樂團規定樂師每年最少工作703 小時,審計署抽查其中20 名樂師,發現他們每年平均工作時數只有533 小時(即比規定少了24%)。香港中樂團理事陳永華解釋,合約上的工時只計算樂團演出、整個樂團一起綵排的時間,但樂師必須付出10 多至數十小時作個人或小組練習,若計算在內,樂師每周工時已達標。一個樂團成功與否,的確與樂師的工作時數沒有必然關係,但問題是,既然合約已列明樂團演出及整個樂團一起綵排的時間才算「工作時間」,樂師不達標就是不達標,怎能把私下練習的時間也計算在內?
G lossary
black holeIf an organisation is a financial black hole, itspends a lot of money without producing realresults.
at sixes and sevensin confusion, not well organised.censure /'sen ʃ (r)/strong criticism.
An HKCO musician should work at least 703hours a year. The Audit Commission examined therecords of twenty of its musicians. It found that onaverage they each worked only 533 hours a year (or24% fewer than required). Chan Wing-wah, a memberof the HKCO Council, has offered an explanation.
According to him, contractually, an HKCO musician'sworking hours include only those in which he performsor rehearses with all other HKCO musicians. However,he must spend more than a dozen or several dozenhours in self-practice or small group rehearsals everyweek and, if those hours are included, one may say hemeets the working hours requirement.
True, whether an orchestra is successful is notnecessarily to do with its musicians' working hours.However, as an HKCO musician's contract says hisworking hours include only those in which he performsor rehearses with all other HKCO musicians, he fails tomeet the requirement if he does not meet it. Whyshould the hours he spends practising on his owncount as his working hours?
There are clear guidelines about which grade ofHKCO people may have what class of services.
Clearly, an HKCO manager will breach thoseguidelines if he upgrades the services he may receivewhen he is on tour with the orchestra. Nevertheless,vice chairman of the HKCO Council Edmund K HLeung has committed wrong on wrong. When hereplied to press enquiries, he offered a desperatedefence - that comforts are needed when theorchestra is on tour because its musicians must stay intop form. The fact that its people breach guidelines asif they did not exist amply shows the HKCO is poorlymanaged.
Being a government subvented arts organisation,HKCO must abide by rules. If working hours need notbe kept, expenses need not be vouchered and the costof its complimentary tickets counts as its box officeincome, HKCO will eventually become a financialblack hole. If this is the case, how can taxpayersjudge whether public money has been squandered?
The West Kowloon Cultural District project is tobegin very soon. A major task the government is tocarry out is to develop local arts groups, which have animportant mission - to advance cultural development inHong Kong. The Audit Commission has discoveredthat some local arts organisations are at sixes andsevens. What has emerged may well be the tip of theiceberg. How Hong Kong's many other governmentsubvented arts organisations are run is therefore aconcern. All other government subvented artsorganisations should draw a lesson from what hashappened to HKCO. They must review theirgovernance and improve it as soon as possible lestthey should have to face censure when the AuditCommission reveal their blunders.
報告指出,中樂團規定樂師每年最少工作703 小時,審計署抽查其中20 名樂師,發現他們每年平均工作時數只有533 小時(即比規定少了24%)。香港中樂團理事陳永華解釋,合約上的工時只計算樂團演出、整個樂團一起綵排的時間,但樂師必須付出10 多至數十小時作個人或小組練習,若計算在內,樂師每周工時已達標。一個樂團成功與否,的確與樂師的工作時數沒有必然關係,但問題是,既然合約已列明樂團演出及整個樂團一起綵排的時間才算「工作時間」,樂師不達標就是不達標,怎能把私下練習的時間也計算在內?
G lossary
black holeIf an organisation is a financial black hole, itspends a lot of money without producing realresults.
at sixes and sevensin confusion, not well organised.censure /'sen ʃ (r)/strong criticism.
YESTERDAY in Shanghai Yu Panglinannounced he would donate his entirefortune, worth nearly HK$10 billion, to charity.He began to donate money to charity thirty years ago.His decision to use his fortune to do society goodinstead of leaving his children any money bestrepresents his care for people's hardships. It is mostcommendable that Mr Yu has made necessaryarrangements to ensure that his charitable efforts willsurvive him. There is no lack of Hong Kong tycoonswho are enthusiastic about philanthropic work. If they,like Mr Yu, try to make sure that their charitable effortswill continue after they have passed away, the worldwill become much better.
Mr Yu would leave his children nothing because ofhis peculiar point of view. He once said, "Why should Ileave any of my sons any money if they have morestrengths than I or if they have more weaknesses thanI? If they are resourceful, they will do better than I. Ifthey don't compare with me, they may indulge indissipation - gambling, whoring and even doing drugs.Then it would harm them to leave them any money."Mr Yu said he had appointed HSBC as the trusteeof his fortune and stipulated that no part of it might beinherited, sold or invested and all of it should be usedfor charitable purposes. He has made thisarrangement and openly announced it because hewants to make sure that resources will be available sothat his charitable work can be continued after hisdeparture from this world. That shows how determinedhe is to devote his fortune to charity.
Yu Panglin, who got smuggled into Hong Kong inthe 1950s, has worked hard all his life. He once didodd jobs and worked as a rickshaw man. He owes hisaccomplishments to his own efforts. Now it seemsclear that it is his dream to do philanthropic work. Manycherish dreams. It is common knowledge how HenryFok, who worked hard to become rich, requited hisnative town and the nation. A dream he cherished inhis later years was to turn Nansha, a swamp, into ascientific research centre. However, he made noappropriate financial arrangements for realising thatdream. His children are so concerned about returnsthat peanuts still grow on the site for the HKUST FokYing Tung Graduate School, whose completion wasscheduled for the end of 2008.
Furthermore, Nina Wang stated in her 2002 willthat the whole of her $100-billion estate should betransferred to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation,which she and Teddy Wang, her husband, hadfounded. Nina Wang had a dream. However, becauseshe failed to make concrete arrangements when shewas alive, Tony Chan contended for her legacy assoon as she died. God knows whether her wish will becarried out.
Tycoons may have dreams of benefiting societyby devoting their wealth to charitable purposes.However, if they fail to make concrete arrangements,none can be certain that their dreams will come true.Yu Panglin's fortune is perhaps peanuts to what manya tycoon has. However, because he has madenecessary arrangements, his dream is very likely tocome true. This is what tycoons who intend to benefitsociety with their wealth would do well to pay heed to.
余彭年昨日在上海宣布,把接近100 億港元家財,全部用於慈善事業。余彭年捐款行善已30 年,他選擇把龐大家財造福社會,而非留給子孫,這是民胞物與、痌瘝在抱精神和情懷的最高體現。最可貴者是余先生已經作好安排,確保就算有朝一日百年歸老了,他的善行仍然可以延續下去。本港熱中慈善事業的富豪大不乏人,如果他們能與余彭年一樣,做好善行可持續下去的安排,則這個世界會更美好。
余彭年畢生奮鬥,1950 年代偷渡來港,做過雜工,拉過黃包車,憑努力成就一番事業,現在看來,做善事是他的夢想。許多人都有夢想,已故的霍英東先生也是奮鬥致富,他回饋國家、鄉梓的事,街知巷聞,他晚年的夢想是把一片沼澤荒地的南沙發展成為科研中心,只是霍老有生之年,並未就這個夢想在財務上作更適當安排,而他的後人關注回報問題,使得原本2008 年底完工的「香港科技大學霍英東研究院」,現在仍是種花生的田野。
還有,龔如心的千億元遺產,她2002 年的遺囑,把全部財產撥歸她與王德輝共同創立的華懋慈善基金。龔如心空有夢想,生前並無具體落實安排,使她死後隨即掀起陳振聰的爭產官司。她的遺囑能否實現,只有天曉得。
philanthropy /fI'lan r pI/the practice of helping the poor and those inneed, especially by giving money.
exist or live longer than (somebody).dissipation /dIsI'peI ʃ()n/behaviour which is enjoyable but is harmful.
Mr Yu would leave his children nothing because ofhis peculiar point of view. He once said, "Why should Ileave any of my sons any money if they have morestrengths than I or if they have more weaknesses thanI? If they are resourceful, they will do better than I. Ifthey don't compare with me, they may indulge indissipation - gambling, whoring and even doing drugs.Then it would harm them to leave them any money."Mr Yu said he had appointed HSBC as the trusteeof his fortune and stipulated that no part of it might beinherited, sold or invested and all of it should be usedfor charitable purposes. He has made thisarrangement and openly announced it because hewants to make sure that resources will be available sothat his charitable work can be continued after hisdeparture from this world. That shows how determinedhe is to devote his fortune to charity.
Yu Panglin, who got smuggled into Hong Kong inthe 1950s, has worked hard all his life. He once didodd jobs and worked as a rickshaw man. He owes hisaccomplishments to his own efforts. Now it seemsclear that it is his dream to do philanthropic work. Manycherish dreams. It is common knowledge how HenryFok, who worked hard to become rich, requited hisnative town and the nation. A dream he cherished inhis later years was to turn Nansha, a swamp, into ascientific research centre. However, he made noappropriate financial arrangements for realising thatdream. His children are so concerned about returnsthat peanuts still grow on the site for the HKUST FokYing Tung Graduate School, whose completion wasscheduled for the end of 2008.
Furthermore, Nina Wang stated in her 2002 willthat the whole of her $100-billion estate should betransferred to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation,which she and Teddy Wang, her husband, hadfounded. Nina Wang had a dream. However, becauseshe failed to make concrete arrangements when shewas alive, Tony Chan contended for her legacy assoon as she died. God knows whether her wish will becarried out.
Tycoons may have dreams of benefiting societyby devoting their wealth to charitable purposes.However, if they fail to make concrete arrangements,none can be certain that their dreams will come true.Yu Panglin's fortune is perhaps peanuts to what manya tycoon has. However, because he has madenecessary arrangements, his dream is very likely tocome true. This is what tycoons who intend to benefitsociety with their wealth would do well to pay heed to.
余彭年昨日在上海宣布,把接近100 億港元家財,全部用於慈善事業。余彭年捐款行善已30 年,他選擇把龐大家財造福社會,而非留給子孫,這是民胞物與、痌瘝在抱精神和情懷的最高體現。最可貴者是余先生已經作好安排,確保就算有朝一日百年歸老了,他的善行仍然可以延續下去。本港熱中慈善事業的富豪大不乏人,如果他們能與余彭年一樣,做好善行可持續下去的安排,則這個世界會更美好。
余彭年畢生奮鬥,1950 年代偷渡來港,做過雜工,拉過黃包車,憑努力成就一番事業,現在看來,做善事是他的夢想。許多人都有夢想,已故的霍英東先生也是奮鬥致富,他回饋國家、鄉梓的事,街知巷聞,他晚年的夢想是把一片沼澤荒地的南沙發展成為科研中心,只是霍老有生之年,並未就這個夢想在財務上作更適當安排,而他的後人關注回報問題,使得原本2008 年底完工的「香港科技大學霍英東研究院」,現在仍是種花生的田野。
還有,龔如心的千億元遺產,她2002 年的遺囑,把全部財產撥歸她與王德輝共同創立的華懋慈善基金。龔如心空有夢想,生前並無具體落實安排,使她死後隨即掀起陳振聰的爭產官司。她的遺囑能否實現,只有天曉得。
philanthropy /fI'lan r pI/the practice of helping the poor and those inneed, especially by giving money.
exist or live longer than (somebody).dissipation /dIsI'peI ʃ()n/behaviour which is enjoyable but is harmful.
SEC-Goldman case
IN the US, the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC) has charged Goldman SachsGroup Inc and Fabrice Tourre (one of its vicepresidents) with fraud in a civil lawsuit. The USlaw-enforcement agency has taken action against thebiggest investment bank in the world. The outcome ofthe litigation would very much matter to both. Since thefinancial tsunami devastated the world, governmentshave tended to try harder to regulate financialinstitutions. The outcome of the case would haveprofound repercussions in the financial world. Nospectacle like the SEC-Goldman case has happenedhere. However, it should inspire Hong Kong to improveits financial infrastructure by having more effectiveregulation.
Goldman is the biggest investment bank in theworld. Would it rashly come to heel? The litigation willculminate in a trial of the century. The investmentbank will certainly fight for all it is worth to safeguardits reputation. The SEC-Goldman chess game has yetto unfold. However, the Pandora's box having beenopened, the case may affect other investment banks.
Goldman may just be a point at which BarackObama and his administration intend to make abreakthrough in stepping up regulation and bringinginvestment banks (each of which may control as muchwealth as a government does) under control. The SECintends to consecrate its colours with Goldman'sblood. It does not matter whether the SEC has tried tosuit its actions to the Obama administration's schedule.
No sooner had it taken action against the investmentbank than Obama and the Democrats seize theopportunity to call for passing financial reform laws forregulating financial derivatives. Therefore, Goldmanwill fight the legal battle to save not only its reputationbut also investment banks' future.
It remains to be seen whether the SEC orGoldman will win and whether Obama, who haspushed the health insurance law through, will winanother battle. Obama is aware that he has to dealwith the problem of inadequate regulation the financialtsunami exposed. If financial regulation remains as it isdespite the disaster, another disaster will lie in store.That is why there is a growing trend towards closersupervision of financial markets. Hong Kong has nopower to influence the rest of the world. However, it isnecessary for the SAR government to do everything inits power to make regulation more effective.
In recent years, there have been cases of issuersfalsifying financial reports. Most such cases involveaccountants. In Hong Kong, accountants policethemselves. The Hong Kong Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants (HKICPA) has always been slow ininvestigating such cases. People therefore suspect it istoo partial towards its members to supervise themeffectively. About seven years ago, the governmentproposed that a statutory body replace it as thewatchdog of accountants. The proposal was shelvedamid strong opposition. Recently, the government hasagain suggested that there should be an independentwatchdog of the profession. The HKICPA has raisedobjections as it did.
In all leading financial markets in the world,independent bodies supervise professionalaccountants. The mainland, Japan, Singapore andMalaysia are pursing reform in this direction. HongKong now lacks an independent regulator that canreach mutual recognition agreements with its overseascounterparts. That does not conduce to our financialmarket's development. Mutual recognition agreementsmay bring down listed companies' accounting costs, fora company that will be listed in two places will onlyhave to prepare one financial report if there is a mutualrecognition agreement between them. There is now atrend towards simultaneous initial public offerings.More overseas companies may consider getting listedhere if Hong Kong has mutual recognition agreementswith other places.
If an independent body regulates the accountingprofession, Hong Kong will have sounder financialinfrastructure, and more companies will get listed in theterritory. That would benefit the accounting profession.In our view, the accounting profession should go alongwith the trend towards stricter regulation of all facets ofthe financial sector, say goodbye to "self-policing" andsubject itself to an independent body's regulation sothat the international financial centre will have astronger "constitution".
明報社評 2010.04.21
美國證券交易委員會(簡稱證交會)起訴高盛集團(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.) 及其副總裁之一圖爾(Fabrice Tourre)民事欺詐,這場官司,是美國執法部門對付全球最大的投資銀行,輸贏對雙方都至關重要;另外,金融海嘯之後,全球傾向加強監管金融機構聲中,這宗官司的結果對金融世界有深遠影響。香港沒有類如證交會控告高盛的大場面,但是在加強監管以健全金融基建方面,從中應該可以得到啟迪。
這些年來,本港一些新股上市涉及「造假」之事,多與會計師有關。會計業實行「自我監管」制度,過去遇到事故,會計師公會的調查工作一向緩慢,被外界質疑偏幫自己人,未能有效監管會計師。約7 年前,政府原擬由獨立法定機構,取代香港會計師公會監管會計界,但是因為遭到激烈反對,未能成事。近期政府重提建議,要會計界朝獨立監管模式發展,正如過往一樣,會計師公會已經表明反對。
G lossary
culminate /'k .lmIneIt/end (with a particular result).
for all it is worth
with great energy, effort and determination.
a flag, badge etc that represents a team or acountry.
Goldman is the biggest investment bank in theworld. Would it rashly come to heel? The litigation willculminate in a trial of the century. The investmentbank will certainly fight for all it is worth to safeguardits reputation. The SEC-Goldman chess game has yetto unfold. However, the Pandora's box having beenopened, the case may affect other investment banks.
Goldman may just be a point at which BarackObama and his administration intend to make abreakthrough in stepping up regulation and bringinginvestment banks (each of which may control as muchwealth as a government does) under control. The SECintends to consecrate its colours with Goldman'sblood. It does not matter whether the SEC has tried tosuit its actions to the Obama administration's schedule.
No sooner had it taken action against the investmentbank than Obama and the Democrats seize theopportunity to call for passing financial reform laws forregulating financial derivatives. Therefore, Goldmanwill fight the legal battle to save not only its reputationbut also investment banks' future.
It remains to be seen whether the SEC orGoldman will win and whether Obama, who haspushed the health insurance law through, will winanother battle. Obama is aware that he has to dealwith the problem of inadequate regulation the financialtsunami exposed. If financial regulation remains as it isdespite the disaster, another disaster will lie in store.That is why there is a growing trend towards closersupervision of financial markets. Hong Kong has nopower to influence the rest of the world. However, it isnecessary for the SAR government to do everything inits power to make regulation more effective.
In recent years, there have been cases of issuersfalsifying financial reports. Most such cases involveaccountants. In Hong Kong, accountants policethemselves. The Hong Kong Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants (HKICPA) has always been slow ininvestigating such cases. People therefore suspect it istoo partial towards its members to supervise themeffectively. About seven years ago, the governmentproposed that a statutory body replace it as thewatchdog of accountants. The proposal was shelvedamid strong opposition. Recently, the government hasagain suggested that there should be an independentwatchdog of the profession. The HKICPA has raisedobjections as it did.
In all leading financial markets in the world,independent bodies supervise professionalaccountants. The mainland, Japan, Singapore andMalaysia are pursing reform in this direction. HongKong now lacks an independent regulator that canreach mutual recognition agreements with its overseascounterparts. That does not conduce to our financialmarket's development. Mutual recognition agreementsmay bring down listed companies' accounting costs, fora company that will be listed in two places will onlyhave to prepare one financial report if there is a mutualrecognition agreement between them. There is now atrend towards simultaneous initial public offerings.More overseas companies may consider getting listedhere if Hong Kong has mutual recognition agreementswith other places.
If an independent body regulates the accountingprofession, Hong Kong will have sounder financialinfrastructure, and more companies will get listed in theterritory. That would benefit the accounting profession.In our view, the accounting profession should go alongwith the trend towards stricter regulation of all facets ofthe financial sector, say goodbye to "self-policing" andsubject itself to an independent body's regulation sothat the international financial centre will have astronger "constitution".
明報社評 2010.04.21
美國證券交易委員會(簡稱證交會)起訴高盛集團(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.) 及其副總裁之一圖爾(Fabrice Tourre)民事欺詐,這場官司,是美國執法部門對付全球最大的投資銀行,輸贏對雙方都至關重要;另外,金融海嘯之後,全球傾向加強監管金融機構聲中,這宗官司的結果對金融世界有深遠影響。香港沒有類如證交會控告高盛的大場面,但是在加強監管以健全金融基建方面,從中應該可以得到啟迪。
這些年來,本港一些新股上市涉及「造假」之事,多與會計師有關。會計業實行「自我監管」制度,過去遇到事故,會計師公會的調查工作一向緩慢,被外界質疑偏幫自己人,未能有效監管會計師。約7 年前,政府原擬由獨立法定機構,取代香港會計師公會監管會計界,但是因為遭到激烈反對,未能成事。近期政府重提建議,要會計界朝獨立監管模式發展,正如過往一樣,會計師公會已經表明反對。
G lossary
culminate /'k .lmIneIt/end (with a particular result).
for all it is worth
with great energy, effort and determination.
a flag, badge etc that represents a team or acountry.
For the younger girls, weekends are forcatching up on TV, fun-filled activities andeven adventurous exploration of theschool grounds. For the older ones,weekends are for catching up onexcessive work, deprived sleep and, ifpossible, social lives. All in all, weekendsare the much-treasured times to pausefrom our hectic school lives.
When I first arrived, our weekends werefilled with organised trips to the cinema,shopping centres, the ice rink ( 溜冰場),Cadbury's chocolate factory, water parks,amongst many others. My friends and Iwould enthusiastically join these trips asthey were often a good deal of fun. As theterm went on and the novelty of going outwore out, we would enjoy staying in andsimply relax, watch a few films, gossipwith friends and let the weekend fly by.
As we got older, we had increasingprivileges and were allowed to go out intotown on the weekendssomethingwhich we looked forwardto as a young student, and deeplycherished when a break from schoolwas needed. However, most of thetime, we would either stay at schoolto finish off any prep that had beenpiling up since the beginning of the week,or replace any sleep we had beenlosing-school trips were simply a littleoverdone by that point as we were "tooold" and independent for that. A lot of uswould also go down to London to seeother friends, or just to distract ourselvesfrom the thought of work.
I've always enjoyed the break from theclasses, challenging work, constantsocialising and extracurricular activities.We never had a moment to spare. In thesummer term when it was much warmerand the sun was in sight, I would oftenhead out and play a good long game oftennis beforebathing in the surroundings in the middleof the lax pitches with a couple of friends.Those weekends were probably some ofthe best times at school as we really hadthe opportunity to stop, think andappreciate our time there, something weespecially savoured in our last year ofschool when sentimentality kicked in.
Writer's Profile
An unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.
When I first arrived, our weekends werefilled with organised trips to the cinema,shopping centres, the ice rink ( 溜冰場),Cadbury's chocolate factory, water parks,amongst many others. My friends and Iwould enthusiastically join these trips asthey were often a good deal of fun. As theterm went on and the novelty of going outwore out, we would enjoy staying in andsimply relax, watch a few films, gossipwith friends and let the weekend fly by.
As we got older, we had increasingprivileges and were allowed to go out intotown on the weekendssomethingwhich we looked forwardto as a young student, and deeplycherished when a break from schoolwas needed. However, most of thetime, we would either stay at schoolto finish off any prep that had beenpiling up since the beginning of the week,or replace any sleep we had beenlosing-school trips were simply a littleoverdone by that point as we were "tooold" and independent for that. A lot of uswould also go down to London to seeother friends, or just to distract ourselvesfrom the thought of work.
I've always enjoyed the break from theclasses, challenging work, constantsocialising and extracurricular activities.We never had a moment to spare. In thesummer term when it was much warmerand the sun was in sight, I would oftenhead out and play a good long game oftennis beforebathing in the surroundings in the middleof the lax pitches with a couple of friends.Those weekends were probably some ofthe best times at school as we really hadthe opportunity to stop, think andappreciate our time there, something weespecially savoured in our last year ofschool when sentimentality kicked in.
Writer's Profile
An unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.
Bach 巴赫
德國作曲家巴赫(Bach, 1685-1750) 是18 世紀上半葉歐洲最偉大、最有影響的作曲家之一。他的作品風格莊重而嚴謹,純潔而虔誠。他發展了主調和聲思維,把複調音樂提高到了新的水準。他的音樂將哲理與抒情、寫景相結合,使人聽來親切而易於接受。巴赫對許多音樂形式都作了重要的發展和創新。由於他一生傑出的創作活動和對音樂藝術的發展所作出的巨大貢獻,在世界音樂史上素有「音樂之父」的稱號。
Baroque 巴洛克音樂時期
Organ works 風琴演奏作品
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem伯利恆巴赫合唱團
Bordeaux 波爾多
Bordeaux 的葡萄酒以地區監管的嚴格程度分為三級,第一級是最高級,像Pauillac出產的葡萄酒,指定產地分區愈細,代表監管愈嚴格,酒質也應該愈高。在布根地內的地區各有酒莊列級,列級酒莊都會在產品的標籤上聲明自己的地位。布根地生產的葡萄酒,酒名就是酒莊。
Bourgogne 布根地 Corsica科西嘉 Lorraine洛林 Provence普羅旺斯
Borscht 羅宋湯
French onion soup 法國洋葱湯
carrot soup 紅蘿蔔湯
德國作曲家巴赫(Bach, 1685-1750) 是18 世紀上半葉歐洲最偉大、最有影響的作曲家之一。他的作品風格莊重而嚴謹,純潔而虔誠。他發展了主調和聲思維,把複調音樂提高到了新的水準。他的音樂將哲理與抒情、寫景相結合,使人聽來親切而易於接受。巴赫對許多音樂形式都作了重要的發展和創新。由於他一生傑出的創作活動和對音樂藝術的發展所作出的巨大貢獻,在世界音樂史上素有「音樂之父」的稱號。
Baroque 巴洛克音樂時期
Organ works 風琴演奏作品
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem伯利恆巴赫合唱團
Bordeaux 波爾多
Bordeaux 的葡萄酒以地區監管的嚴格程度分為三級,第一級是最高級,像Pauillac出產的葡萄酒,指定產地分區愈細,代表監管愈嚴格,酒質也應該愈高。在布根地內的地區各有酒莊列級,列級酒莊都會在產品的標籤上聲明自己的地位。布根地生產的葡萄酒,酒名就是酒莊。
Bourgogne 布根地 Corsica科西嘉 Lorraine洛林 Provence普羅旺斯
Borscht 羅宋湯
French onion soup 法國洋葱湯
carrot soup 紅蘿蔔湯
Shanghai Expo
THE Shanghai Expo is just eleven days away.It opens on Saturday next week. Everything isset for welcoming visitors from all parts of theworld. However, it has transpired that its theme song"2010 Welcomes You" is allegedly a copy of a songthe Japanese singer Mayo Okamoto wrote fifteenyears ago. That has caused the Bureau of ShanghaiWorld Expo Coordination great embarrassment. Notonly has the Bureau been victimised, but China haslost face too. What concerns us is in what light thebiggest ever world expo will present China to the restof the world.
The Shanghai Expo has yet to open, but it hasbrought shame on China. The blame lies squarely atthe door of the "composer" of the theme song.Furthermore, yesterday, Chief Secretary Henry Tangused a touch touch--screen device in Hong Kong's pavilion atthe Shanghai Expo. It was out of order and failed torespond. That happened during the Shanghai Expotrial run. Such things have happened that people wouldwonder whether the huge event would see otherblunders. Nevertheless, the purpose of having a trialrun is to identify problems and promptly deal withthem. We hope Expo 2010 will, after it has opened,adequately embody its "Better City, Better Life" themeand demonstrate to the world China's new outlook.
As China is the most populous country in theworld, the Shanghai Expo will draw an even greaterattendance than the Osaka Expo. The attendance at itwill be a first in the world. The organisers expect thenumber of visitors to total 70 million in its half half--yearduration. Ninety Ninety--three percent of them will come fromthe mainland. Every day on average half a millionpeople will visit the Shanghai Expo. That will certainlypose the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordinationand the Shanghai municipal government very oneroustasks. Visitors need meals, accommodation andtransport services. Whether Shanghai will pass the"Better City, Better Life" test depends on whether it canensure that the large numbers of visitors will feel athome. More than 60 million mainlanders will visit Expo2010. Are they prepared to refrain from yelling at thetop of their voice and spitting where they please? TheShanghai Expo will be a place where the world will findout whether Chinese people are well brought up.
The Chinese government regards the ShanghaiExpo as a major event after the Beijing Olympics andhas given it precedence over other issues. We gatherthat, when the National People's Congress and theChinese People's Political Consultative Conferencewere in session last March, Guangdong officials saidin Beijing explicitly and implicitly that reporters shouldavoid mentioning the Asian Games (scheduled for theend of the year in Guangzhou) lest attention should bediverted from the Shanghai Expo. It is good for theChinese leadership to attach great importance to Expo2010. However, it is doubtful that it needs to be givenabsolute precedence. To be blunt, if the ShanghaiExpo stands to be a success, it will be given extensivecoverage. Officials' will to direct attention to it is indeedat odds with the humanistic spirit the World Expo issupposed to represent.
Four years after it had embarked on its reformdrive, China took part in the Energy Expo in Knoxville,the US. In China's pavilion, solar energy technologieswere displayed. However, what impressed visitorsmost was artefacts and national treasures. Visitorswere most interested in bricks from the Great Wall, QinDynasty terra cotta warriors and suchlike. A USnewspaper then said, "China is using Great Wall bricksto build its friendship with 1982 World Expo visitors."Twenty Twenty--eight years has quickly passed. Now China ishosting a world expo. Let us see how China will rise tothe test. Here we wish the Shanghai Expo will prove atotal success.
明報社評 2010.04.20
上海世博會還有11 日、下周六開幕,在萬事俱備歡迎各方來客之際,傳出大會宣傳歌曲《2010 等你來》涉嫌抄襲日本著名歌手岡本真夜15 年前的舊作,使上海世博局非常尷尬,此事的受害者不僅上海世博局,中國的顏面也受到損害。我們關心的是,這次史上規模最大的世博會,將向世人展示一個怎樣的中國。
上海世博在中國這個人口大國舉行,參觀人數肯定會超過大阪那一次,成為世界第一。主辦當局預期在半年展期內,會有超過7000 萬人參觀,其中93% 是內地民衆。每日要接待約50 萬人,對於上海博覽局以至上海市政府,肯定是一個沉重任務,要使這麼多遊人、旅客在起居交通餐飲感到賓至如歸,正是考驗上海朝野能否做到「城市,讓生活更美好」的考卷。至於6000 萬以上參觀上海世博的國人同胞,你們的表現,樂意排除不隨地吐痰、不隨便高聲叱喝?也是世人認識中國人是否文明有教養的場合。
中國視上海世博為北京奧運之後的國家盛事,許多事情都要讓路。據知今年33 月在北京舉行的全國人大和政協「兩會」,廣東方面曾經明示或暗示,希望記者不要提及年底在廣州舉行的亞運會,以免分散對上海世博的注意力。中國領導層重視上海世博,是好事,不過,一切要就此讓路,是否有必要,值得斟酌。老實說,若上海世博有成功的條件,自然成為報道重點,現在長官意志主導甚為濃烈,反而與世博會所標榜的人文精神有所扞格了。
中國再次參加現代形式的世博會,是改革開放44 年之後的美國諾克斯維爾( Knoxville Knoxville)世界能源博覽會。)當年,中國館雖然展示了一些太陽能科技,參觀者最印象深刻的是大批美術工藝品和國寶,包括長城的磚塊、秦兵馬俑,都是觀衆最感興趣的展品。當年美國媒體評論說, 「中國正在利用長城磚同1982 年世博會的觀衆建立友誼」;倏忽28 年,中國舉辦世博會了,中國將會怎樣答考卷,且拭目以待。在此,預祝上海世博會圓滿成功。
onerous //''?ʊ ?ʊnn ??rr ??s/ s/needing great effort.
precedence //''pres presIIdd ??ns/ ns/priority in importance, time or order.
in session
assembled for business.
The Shanghai Expo has yet to open, but it hasbrought shame on China. The blame lies squarely atthe door of the "composer" of the theme song.Furthermore, yesterday, Chief Secretary Henry Tangused a touch touch--screen device in Hong Kong's pavilion atthe Shanghai Expo. It was out of order and failed torespond. That happened during the Shanghai Expotrial run. Such things have happened that people wouldwonder whether the huge event would see otherblunders. Nevertheless, the purpose of having a trialrun is to identify problems and promptly deal withthem. We hope Expo 2010 will, after it has opened,adequately embody its "Better City, Better Life" themeand demonstrate to the world China's new outlook.
As China is the most populous country in theworld, the Shanghai Expo will draw an even greaterattendance than the Osaka Expo. The attendance at itwill be a first in the world. The organisers expect thenumber of visitors to total 70 million in its half half--yearduration. Ninety Ninety--three percent of them will come fromthe mainland. Every day on average half a millionpeople will visit the Shanghai Expo. That will certainlypose the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordinationand the Shanghai municipal government very oneroustasks. Visitors need meals, accommodation andtransport services. Whether Shanghai will pass the"Better City, Better Life" test depends on whether it canensure that the large numbers of visitors will feel athome. More than 60 million mainlanders will visit Expo2010. Are they prepared to refrain from yelling at thetop of their voice and spitting where they please? TheShanghai Expo will be a place where the world will findout whether Chinese people are well brought up.
The Chinese government regards the ShanghaiExpo as a major event after the Beijing Olympics andhas given it precedence over other issues. We gatherthat, when the National People's Congress and theChinese People's Political Consultative Conferencewere in session last March, Guangdong officials saidin Beijing explicitly and implicitly that reporters shouldavoid mentioning the Asian Games (scheduled for theend of the year in Guangzhou) lest attention should bediverted from the Shanghai Expo. It is good for theChinese leadership to attach great importance to Expo2010. However, it is doubtful that it needs to be givenabsolute precedence. To be blunt, if the ShanghaiExpo stands to be a success, it will be given extensivecoverage. Officials' will to direct attention to it is indeedat odds with the humanistic spirit the World Expo issupposed to represent.
Four years after it had embarked on its reformdrive, China took part in the Energy Expo in Knoxville,the US. In China's pavilion, solar energy technologieswere displayed. However, what impressed visitorsmost was artefacts and national treasures. Visitorswere most interested in bricks from the Great Wall, QinDynasty terra cotta warriors and suchlike. A USnewspaper then said, "China is using Great Wall bricksto build its friendship with 1982 World Expo visitors."Twenty Twenty--eight years has quickly passed. Now China ishosting a world expo. Let us see how China will rise tothe test. Here we wish the Shanghai Expo will prove atotal success.
明報社評 2010.04.20
上海世博會還有11 日、下周六開幕,在萬事俱備歡迎各方來客之際,傳出大會宣傳歌曲《2010 等你來》涉嫌抄襲日本著名歌手岡本真夜15 年前的舊作,使上海世博局非常尷尬,此事的受害者不僅上海世博局,中國的顏面也受到損害。我們關心的是,這次史上規模最大的世博會,將向世人展示一個怎樣的中國。
上海世博在中國這個人口大國舉行,參觀人數肯定會超過大阪那一次,成為世界第一。主辦當局預期在半年展期內,會有超過7000 萬人參觀,其中93% 是內地民衆。每日要接待約50 萬人,對於上海博覽局以至上海市政府,肯定是一個沉重任務,要使這麼多遊人、旅客在起居交通餐飲感到賓至如歸,正是考驗上海朝野能否做到「城市,讓生活更美好」的考卷。至於6000 萬以上參觀上海世博的國人同胞,你們的表現,樂意排除不隨地吐痰、不隨便高聲叱喝?也是世人認識中國人是否文明有教養的場合。
中國視上海世博為北京奧運之後的國家盛事,許多事情都要讓路。據知今年33 月在北京舉行的全國人大和政協「兩會」,廣東方面曾經明示或暗示,希望記者不要提及年底在廣州舉行的亞運會,以免分散對上海世博的注意力。中國領導層重視上海世博,是好事,不過,一切要就此讓路,是否有必要,值得斟酌。老實說,若上海世博有成功的條件,自然成為報道重點,現在長官意志主導甚為濃烈,反而與世博會所標榜的人文精神有所扞格了。
中國再次參加現代形式的世博會,是改革開放44 年之後的美國諾克斯維爾( Knoxville Knoxville)世界能源博覽會。)當年,中國館雖然展示了一些太陽能科技,參觀者最印象深刻的是大批美術工藝品和國寶,包括長城的磚塊、秦兵馬俑,都是觀衆最感興趣的展品。當年美國媒體評論說, 「中國正在利用長城磚同1982 年世博會的觀衆建立友誼」;倏忽28 年,中國舉辦世博會了,中國將會怎樣答考卷,且拭目以待。在此,預祝上海世博會圓滿成功。
onerous //''?ʊ ?ʊnn ??rr ??s/ s/needing great effort.
precedence //''pres presIIdd ??ns/ ns/priority in importance, time or order.
in session
assembled for business.
The plans
Morrie, George and Steward all have theirown plans to get the limited edition of therobot figure.
After he has gone home, Stewardsearches the Internet for everything aboutMr Magoo, the designer. He discovers MrMagoo loves hamburgers and bizarretoys, he likes wearing Hawaii shirts andkhaki pants, he believes a toy designershould create a new world out ofmundane life, and his pet phase is "Let'sjust do it!". Steward thinks he understandsMr Magoo well.
Steward intends to surprise Mr Magoowith his symbol trick. He wants Mr Magooto find him a smart boy that deserves tohave the robot figure. The next day, he visitsMr Sheen and asks him how he can meetMr Magoo before he arrives in the store.
Mr Sheen: It isn't quite proper to tell youthat. If I do so, a lot of kids willfollow you and rush to him.
Steward: Could you tell me how thesetting will be like tomorrow?
Mr Sheen: Well. There will be chairs, astage and a table as usual.
You may go up the stage andask him for his autograph.
Steward: May I come and help you withthe set-up?
Steward decides to play his little tricks inthe set-up. He will put a symbol in variouscorners so that Mr Magoo will see it whenhe enters the store. The symbol iseye-catching and looks like threespirals. When Steward walks up to ask MrMagoo to autograph his toy, he will find himin a T-shirt with that symbol. "He willcertainly be amazed and find me special! Haha!" Steward says to himself.
Meanwhile, Morrie is typing an email toMr Magoo which says how much he wantsthe robot figure. He knows his will just beone of the fan emails Mr Magoo receivesevery day. But what else can he do? He willdress up, be the first in the queue at thestore, get a good seat near the stage andpromptly ask Mr Magoo for the figure. Hethinks perhaps he should make up aheartbreaking story, for example, one abouthis dying brother who desperately wantsthe robot figure, but decides he wouldthen go a bit too far.
Looking out of the window, Morriesays, "Oh, please, Mr Magoo, let mehave the robot figure!"
What will George do to get therobot figure? Robot Figure (2 of 4)
1a-Floor refers to the surface you walk on when youare indoors, while ground refers to the surface ofthe earth.
2b-Grounds refers to the enclosed area surroundingand belonging to a school, hotel, hospital, etc.
3a-Land refers to an area of ground owned by aperson or a body, e.g. a government.
bizarre (adj) 奇異的
mundane (adj) 平凡沉悶的
eye-catching (adj) 引人注目的
spiral (n) 螺旋(形)
Gobble Grammar: Tell the difference (2)
Which sentences in the following pairs are correct?
1. a. My naughty cousin jumped from the sofa onto the floor.
b. My naughty cousin jumped from the sofa onto the ground.
2. a. The ground surrounding the old buildings is very small.
b. The grounds surrounding the old buildings are very small.
3. a. The government owns the land.
b. The government owns the ground.
Text: Ashley Ley
Illustration: Iris Tsoi
After he has gone home, Stewardsearches the Internet for everything aboutMr Magoo, the designer. He discovers MrMagoo loves hamburgers and bizarretoys, he likes wearing Hawaii shirts andkhaki pants, he believes a toy designershould create a new world out ofmundane life, and his pet phase is "Let'sjust do it!". Steward thinks he understandsMr Magoo well.
Steward intends to surprise Mr Magoowith his symbol trick. He wants Mr Magooto find him a smart boy that deserves tohave the robot figure. The next day, he visitsMr Sheen and asks him how he can meetMr Magoo before he arrives in the store.
Mr Sheen: It isn't quite proper to tell youthat. If I do so, a lot of kids willfollow you and rush to him.
Steward: Could you tell me how thesetting will be like tomorrow?
Mr Sheen: Well. There will be chairs, astage and a table as usual.
You may go up the stage andask him for his autograph.
Steward: May I come and help you withthe set-up?
Steward decides to play his little tricks inthe set-up. He will put a symbol in variouscorners so that Mr Magoo will see it whenhe enters the store. The symbol iseye-catching and looks like threespirals. When Steward walks up to ask MrMagoo to autograph his toy, he will find himin a T-shirt with that symbol. "He willcertainly be amazed and find me special! Haha!" Steward says to himself.
Meanwhile, Morrie is typing an email toMr Magoo which says how much he wantsthe robot figure. He knows his will just beone of the fan emails Mr Magoo receivesevery day. But what else can he do? He willdress up, be the first in the queue at thestore, get a good seat near the stage andpromptly ask Mr Magoo for the figure. Hethinks perhaps he should make up aheartbreaking story, for example, one abouthis dying brother who desperately wantsthe robot figure, but decides he wouldthen go a bit too far.
Looking out of the window, Morriesays, "Oh, please, Mr Magoo, let mehave the robot figure!"
What will George do to get therobot figure? Robot Figure (2 of 4)
1a-Floor refers to the surface you walk on when youare indoors, while ground refers to the surface ofthe earth.
2b-Grounds refers to the enclosed area surroundingand belonging to a school, hotel, hospital, etc.
3a-Land refers to an area of ground owned by aperson or a body, e.g. a government.
bizarre (adj) 奇異的
mundane (adj) 平凡沉悶的
eye-catching (adj) 引人注目的
spiral (n) 螺旋(形)
Gobble Grammar: Tell the difference (2)
Which sentences in the following pairs are correct?
1. a. My naughty cousin jumped from the sofa onto the floor.
b. My naughty cousin jumped from the sofa onto the ground.
2. a. The ground surrounding the old buildings is very small.
b. The grounds surrounding the old buildings are very small.
3. a. The government owns the land.
b. The government owns the ground.
Text: Ashley Ley
Illustration: Iris Tsoi
Wen's memory of Zhao
YESTERDAY, the 21st anniversary of HuYaobang's death, Wen Jiabao's article abouthow the former Communist Party of China(CPC) general secretary worked when he was hisimmediate subordinate appeared in the People's Daily.Hu Yaobang's image as an honest, hard-working andaffable leader shows forth in this article, which is bothsubstantial and well written. Wen Jiabao, who is now atop leader, did work directly under Zhao Ziyang. If oneday he writes an article to share with the public whathappened when he worked with him, Chinese politicswill no longer be suffocating, and all would be happy.Such a political atmosphere is what Chinese peoplelove to see.
Wen Jiabao's article has drawn much attentionhere. One reason is that it is well written. However, thekey reason is that it is about Hu Yaobang. It is 21years since June 4 took place. However, few HongKong people can put the tragedy behind them. HuYaobang's death sparked protests in TiananmenSquare, which culminated in a pro-democracymovement in which about a million students andcitizens took part. Incumbent premier Wen Jiabao'sarticle about Hu Yaobang cannot but arouse muchattention. In Hong Kong, when it comes to HuYaobang, many would think of efforts to crack down onguandao (official profiteering) and corruption. HuYaobang was honest and incorruptible. That is why hisimage as an upright man has never tarnished.Corruption is prevalent in mainland officialdom, but HuYaobang was honest and incorruptible. People wouldtherefore all the more cherish his memory.
When Zhao Ziyang was toppled as CPC generalsecretary because of June 4, Wen Jiabao was directorof the general office of the CPC central committee.Zhao Ziyang was accompanied by Wen Jiabao whenhe went to Tiananmen Square to speak to studentsthere. That was the last time he appeared in public. Aclassic photo shows Wen Jiabao standing behind him.By then Wen Jiabao had worked directly under ZhaoZiyang for two years. They presumably worked veryclosely together during that period, and one shouldthink Wen Jiabao knows very well how he worked anddealt with people then. Wen Jiabao's article about acertain episode which happened when he workedunder Zhao Ziyang would surely be very readable.Needless to say, it would be immensely sensational ifhe published an article about what Zhao Ziyang didduring June 4.
Because he sympathised with students and wasagainst using force to quell the protest, Zhao Ziyangwas accused of "splitting the party". No sooner had hemet students that night in Tiananmen Square than hedisappeared from the public eye. He lived under housearrest for 16 years until he died of illness in 2005. AfterJune 4, whatever is about Zhao Ziyang is a taboo onthe mainland. There is no way one can find out whatbecame of him. One may get "looked after" by theauthorities if one does what may have anything to dowith Zhao Ziyang. Zhao Ziyang, who did lead thecountry as premier and CPC general secretary, musthave had excellent capabilities and achievements.However, his memory has been banished frommainland officialdom as if he had never existed. Evenhis photos have been erased. That is an aspect ofChinese politics that would send a chill down one'sspine.
It is our fond wish that Wen Jiabao would write anarticle in memory of Zhao Ziyang. However, such is thepolitical situation on the mainland that we do not thinkthis is likely to happen in what remains of his term orthe next decade. If, "amazingly", such an article ispublished, one may say China is on the road topolitical modernisation. We look forward to the daywhen China is free, democratic, prosperous andpowerful!
昨日是中共前總書記胡耀邦逝世21 周年,溫家寶總理在《人民日報》發表文章,緬懷他在胡耀邦領導下的一個工作片斷,寫得情文並茂,胡耀邦淳樸、勤政、親民的形象,躍然紙上。這篇文章,使人聯想到溫家寶也曾經在趙紫陽直接領導下工作,以溫家寶現在的顯赫地位,設若有朝一日,他能夠如緬懷胡耀邦一樣,撰文公開與趙紫陽共事的一些片片斷斷,與全國人民分享;果能如此,顯示中國政治走出了予人窒息的暗角,大家都身心舒暢。這樣的政治氛圍,是國人所樂見的。
至於在本港,不少市民也注意這篇文章,溫家寶寫得好是原因之一,對於不少市民而言,文章的吸引力,「胡耀邦」三個字是關鍵詞。不少香港市民的六四情結,在慘劇發生21 年之後,仍然極其濃烈,而胡耀邦之死,觸發和演變至百萬學生和民衆在天安門的爭取民主運動,現在當權的總理溫家寶怎樣寫胡耀邦,肯定備受關注。另外,在本港,不少人提到胡耀邦,都聯想到反官倒、反貪污腐敗,胡耀邦為官清廉,這是他死後正直形象屹立不衰的原因。中國官場的貪污腐敗現狀,與胡耀邦的淳樸清廉對照,胡耀邦自是更令人懷念了。
趙紫陽在六四事件中同情學生,反對武力鎮壓,被中共指為「分裂黨」,趙紫陽當日夜裏探望學生後,即從民衆的目光消失,過了16 年被幽禁的生活,2005 年病逝。六四事件後,趙紫陽的一切,在中國大陸成為忌諱,民衆無從得知他的情况,若做一些與趙紫陽有關的事,也可能受到官府「關顧」。趙紫陽能夠曾經官至總理、總書記,領導國家,他的能力、政績肯定有過人之處,但是中國官場像他這樣的人,被打入另冊,活像從未存在過一樣,連一些照片也被抹掉。這是中國政治讓人從心底裏打冷顫之處。
期望溫家寶撰寫文章緬懷趙紫陽,只是我們的浮想連篇,以中國的政治現實,不但溫總任內無可能,相信未來10 年都不可能發生。不過,如果溫家寶緬懷趙紫陽的文章, 「竟然」可以公開發表,則顯示中國已經走上政治現代化的道路。這樣的中國,是我們所企盼的自由民主富強的中國!
affable / 'af?b(?)?/
pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to.
topple / 't?p(?)?/
To topple a person is make him lose hisposition of power.
feeling of fear.
In the translation of our April 14 editorial there is a typo. "It is party because" should read "it is partlybecause". We apologise to our readers. -ed
Wen Jiabao's article has drawn much attentionhere. One reason is that it is well written. However, thekey reason is that it is about Hu Yaobang. It is 21years since June 4 took place. However, few HongKong people can put the tragedy behind them. HuYaobang's death sparked protests in TiananmenSquare, which culminated in a pro-democracymovement in which about a million students andcitizens took part. Incumbent premier Wen Jiabao'sarticle about Hu Yaobang cannot but arouse muchattention. In Hong Kong, when it comes to HuYaobang, many would think of efforts to crack down onguandao (official profiteering) and corruption. HuYaobang was honest and incorruptible. That is why hisimage as an upright man has never tarnished.Corruption is prevalent in mainland officialdom, but HuYaobang was honest and incorruptible. People wouldtherefore all the more cherish his memory.
When Zhao Ziyang was toppled as CPC generalsecretary because of June 4, Wen Jiabao was directorof the general office of the CPC central committee.Zhao Ziyang was accompanied by Wen Jiabao whenhe went to Tiananmen Square to speak to studentsthere. That was the last time he appeared in public. Aclassic photo shows Wen Jiabao standing behind him.By then Wen Jiabao had worked directly under ZhaoZiyang for two years. They presumably worked veryclosely together during that period, and one shouldthink Wen Jiabao knows very well how he worked anddealt with people then. Wen Jiabao's article about acertain episode which happened when he workedunder Zhao Ziyang would surely be very readable.Needless to say, it would be immensely sensational ifhe published an article about what Zhao Ziyang didduring June 4.
Because he sympathised with students and wasagainst using force to quell the protest, Zhao Ziyangwas accused of "splitting the party". No sooner had hemet students that night in Tiananmen Square than hedisappeared from the public eye. He lived under housearrest for 16 years until he died of illness in 2005. AfterJune 4, whatever is about Zhao Ziyang is a taboo onthe mainland. There is no way one can find out whatbecame of him. One may get "looked after" by theauthorities if one does what may have anything to dowith Zhao Ziyang. Zhao Ziyang, who did lead thecountry as premier and CPC general secretary, musthave had excellent capabilities and achievements.However, his memory has been banished frommainland officialdom as if he had never existed. Evenhis photos have been erased. That is an aspect ofChinese politics that would send a chill down one'sspine.
It is our fond wish that Wen Jiabao would write anarticle in memory of Zhao Ziyang. However, such is thepolitical situation on the mainland that we do not thinkthis is likely to happen in what remains of his term orthe next decade. If, "amazingly", such an article ispublished, one may say China is on the road topolitical modernisation. We look forward to the daywhen China is free, democratic, prosperous andpowerful!
昨日是中共前總書記胡耀邦逝世21 周年,溫家寶總理在《人民日報》發表文章,緬懷他在胡耀邦領導下的一個工作片斷,寫得情文並茂,胡耀邦淳樸、勤政、親民的形象,躍然紙上。這篇文章,使人聯想到溫家寶也曾經在趙紫陽直接領導下工作,以溫家寶現在的顯赫地位,設若有朝一日,他能夠如緬懷胡耀邦一樣,撰文公開與趙紫陽共事的一些片片斷斷,與全國人民分享;果能如此,顯示中國政治走出了予人窒息的暗角,大家都身心舒暢。這樣的政治氛圍,是國人所樂見的。
至於在本港,不少市民也注意這篇文章,溫家寶寫得好是原因之一,對於不少市民而言,文章的吸引力,「胡耀邦」三個字是關鍵詞。不少香港市民的六四情結,在慘劇發生21 年之後,仍然極其濃烈,而胡耀邦之死,觸發和演變至百萬學生和民衆在天安門的爭取民主運動,現在當權的總理溫家寶怎樣寫胡耀邦,肯定備受關注。另外,在本港,不少人提到胡耀邦,都聯想到反官倒、反貪污腐敗,胡耀邦為官清廉,這是他死後正直形象屹立不衰的原因。中國官場的貪污腐敗現狀,與胡耀邦的淳樸清廉對照,胡耀邦自是更令人懷念了。
趙紫陽在六四事件中同情學生,反對武力鎮壓,被中共指為「分裂黨」,趙紫陽當日夜裏探望學生後,即從民衆的目光消失,過了16 年被幽禁的生活,2005 年病逝。六四事件後,趙紫陽的一切,在中國大陸成為忌諱,民衆無從得知他的情况,若做一些與趙紫陽有關的事,也可能受到官府「關顧」。趙紫陽能夠曾經官至總理、總書記,領導國家,他的能力、政績肯定有過人之處,但是中國官場像他這樣的人,被打入另冊,活像從未存在過一樣,連一些照片也被抹掉。這是中國政治讓人從心底裏打冷顫之處。
期望溫家寶撰寫文章緬懷趙紫陽,只是我們的浮想連篇,以中國的政治現實,不但溫總任內無可能,相信未來10 年都不可能發生。不過,如果溫家寶緬懷趙紫陽的文章, 「竟然」可以公開發表,則顯示中國已經走上政治現代化的道路。這樣的中國,是我們所企盼的自由民主富強的中國!
affable / 'af?b(?)?/
pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to.
topple / 't?p(?)?/
To topple a person is make him lose hisposition of power.
feeling of fear.
In the translation of our April 14 editorial there is a typo. "It is party because" should read "it is partlybecause". We apologise to our readers. -ed
Package with little merit
MODERATE pan-democrats have hoped tohave talks with the central governmentabout an ultimate plan for introducinguniversal suffrage, but the SAR government hassuddenly unveiled a package of proposals on themethods for the two elections to be held in 2010. Thatshows it is doubtful that the central government issincere about having talks with the moderates.
Furthermore, the package the government unveiledyesterday is silent about the functional-constituency(FC) system (which has not a few drawbacks andhinders democratisation). One cannot but doubt thatthe central government and the SAR government aresincere about introducing genuine universal suffrage.
The responses the moderates have received overthe past three months have raised hopes. Such thingshave happened that the moderates think they mayhave a chance to compare notes with the centralgovernment. Many citizens think so too. The cruelreality is that not a single significant meeting has beenarranged between them and the central government,though the SAR government has unveiled the package.
Unless the central government and the SARgovernment continue to do what may demonstratetheir good will towards them, the moderates will be onthe horn of a political dilemma. They may have to payfor the choice they have made, and their supportersmay be disheartened. However, in our view, even ifthis is the case, neither the central government nor theSAR government should congratulate itself, for themoderates will never go over to the establishmentariancamp. They would have no option but to turn radical,and Hong Kong's political ecology would become evenmore agitated. Furthermore, an SAR governmentsource has hinted that the moderates should supportthe package, saying that would foster trust betweenthem and the central government, which would be thefoundation for talks between it and them. In our view,that is very unlikely to happen because for themoderates to do so is to commit political suicide. Thechasm between the democrats and the central andSAR governments would become even wider, evendeeper and even longer. This is the grief of HongKong's political situation. Internal strife may intensify,and Hong Kong may have to pay dearly for it.
The central government and the SAR governmenthave been telling Hong Kong people constitutionalreform must be gradual. What is left unsaid is that FCsare undemocratic. Therefore, to reform theconstitutional system gradually, it is necessary for theFCs to fade out. The FC system is not just the rootcause of the deep-rooted contradictions of theconstitutional system. It also has much to do withdeep-rooted social contradictions. The solution of thisproblem would help eliminate or ease many socialcontradictions.
The government would allow FCs to continue toenjoy their political privileges, saying there is nogeneral consensus about the issue. That is just apretext. Hong Kong is so pluralistic that there cannever be perfect consensus about any issue. Therecan only be greatest common denominators.
Furthermore, FC legislators would not give up theirpolitical privileges, nor would the interests theyrepresent. If the government keeps the FC systembecause they are against its abolition, one may say itis not determined to introduce genuine universalsuffrage.
The government should encourage discussion andtry to bring about consensus instead of hiding itselfbehind "differences" and doing nothing. If it putsforward a plan for reforming the FC system, it may notgo through the Legislative Council by a two-thirdsmajority because FC legislators may vote against it.But this situation would be different because it wouldclearly show FCs are by nature obstacles todemocratisation. However, FCs now lurk behind theSAR government, which wants to preserve the FCsystem and would impede Hong Kong'sdemocratisation.
After the SAR government's package has comeout, the moderates feel fooled. However, they find thepackage unacceptable not because of what hashappened to them. They do so because the package isconservative and the government has made noconcrete pledge to introduce genuine universalsuffrage. In our view, unless neither the centralgovernment nor the SAR government cares whetherthe package will be thrown out, before it is put to thevote, the SAR government should at least try to dowhat may convince citizens that the FCs will eventuallyfade out or FC elections will tend to be universal andequal. In politics, it is of no use to say, "Please justbelieve us." The most practical thing to do is to stoptalking and take action.
泛民陣營的溫和派(下稱溫和派)一直期望與中央溝通,尋求終極解決普選安排之際,特區政府「突然」公布 2012 年兩個選舉辦法的方案,此舉顯示中央與溫和派溝通的誠意有值得商榷之處;另外,昨天公布的政改方案並未觸及阻礙民主進程、弊病叢生的傳統功能組別,使人質疑中央和特區政府落實真普選的誠意。
過去3 個多月,溫和派所獲回應,曾經使人有所憧憬。連串事態發展,使溫和派憧憬有可能與中央溝通,社會上不少人也這樣理解。殘酷的現實是,到特區政府公布政改方案之時,溫和派連一次有意義的對話也未獲安排。
除非特區政府和中央對於溫和派有後續善意行動,否則,這次溫和派在政治上將陷入進退維谷困境。一時之間,溫和派可能要為選擇付出一定代價,其支持者也會感到沮喪;不過,即使如此,我們認為特區政府和中央不應該因而高興,因為溫和派肯定不會投奔建制陣營,他們只會被迫採取激進取態,香港政治生態勢必進一步激化;另外,特區政府消息暗示溫和派支持2012 年政改方案,以建立與中央溝通的互信基礎,我們認為此情况出現的可能性渺茫,因為若溫和派這麼做,形同政治自殺。經此一役,民主派和特區政府、中央之間的鴻溝更大、更深、更廣。這是香港政局的悲哀,香港整體或許會因為內耗加劇而付出沉重代價。
G lossary
not a fewmany.
If you congratulate yourself, you are pleased.chasm /'kaz ?m/
A chasm between two groups of people is avery big difference between them.
Furthermore, the package the government unveiledyesterday is silent about the functional-constituency(FC) system (which has not a few drawbacks andhinders democratisation). One cannot but doubt thatthe central government and the SAR government aresincere about introducing genuine universal suffrage.
The responses the moderates have received overthe past three months have raised hopes. Such thingshave happened that the moderates think they mayhave a chance to compare notes with the centralgovernment. Many citizens think so too. The cruelreality is that not a single significant meeting has beenarranged between them and the central government,though the SAR government has unveiled the package.
Unless the central government and the SARgovernment continue to do what may demonstratetheir good will towards them, the moderates will be onthe horn of a political dilemma. They may have to payfor the choice they have made, and their supportersmay be disheartened. However, in our view, even ifthis is the case, neither the central government nor theSAR government should congratulate itself, for themoderates will never go over to the establishmentariancamp. They would have no option but to turn radical,and Hong Kong's political ecology would become evenmore agitated. Furthermore, an SAR governmentsource has hinted that the moderates should supportthe package, saying that would foster trust betweenthem and the central government, which would be thefoundation for talks between it and them. In our view,that is very unlikely to happen because for themoderates to do so is to commit political suicide. Thechasm between the democrats and the central andSAR governments would become even wider, evendeeper and even longer. This is the grief of HongKong's political situation. Internal strife may intensify,and Hong Kong may have to pay dearly for it.
The central government and the SAR governmenthave been telling Hong Kong people constitutionalreform must be gradual. What is left unsaid is that FCsare undemocratic. Therefore, to reform theconstitutional system gradually, it is necessary for theFCs to fade out. The FC system is not just the rootcause of the deep-rooted contradictions of theconstitutional system. It also has much to do withdeep-rooted social contradictions. The solution of thisproblem would help eliminate or ease many socialcontradictions.
The government would allow FCs to continue toenjoy their political privileges, saying there is nogeneral consensus about the issue. That is just apretext. Hong Kong is so pluralistic that there cannever be perfect consensus about any issue. Therecan only be greatest common denominators.
Furthermore, FC legislators would not give up theirpolitical privileges, nor would the interests theyrepresent. If the government keeps the FC systembecause they are against its abolition, one may say itis not determined to introduce genuine universalsuffrage.
The government should encourage discussion andtry to bring about consensus instead of hiding itselfbehind "differences" and doing nothing. If it putsforward a plan for reforming the FC system, it may notgo through the Legislative Council by a two-thirdsmajority because FC legislators may vote against it.But this situation would be different because it wouldclearly show FCs are by nature obstacles todemocratisation. However, FCs now lurk behind theSAR government, which wants to preserve the FCsystem and would impede Hong Kong'sdemocratisation.
After the SAR government's package has comeout, the moderates feel fooled. However, they find thepackage unacceptable not because of what hashappened to them. They do so because the package isconservative and the government has made noconcrete pledge to introduce genuine universalsuffrage. In our view, unless neither the centralgovernment nor the SAR government cares whetherthe package will be thrown out, before it is put to thevote, the SAR government should at least try to dowhat may convince citizens that the FCs will eventuallyfade out or FC elections will tend to be universal andequal. In politics, it is of no use to say, "Please justbelieve us." The most practical thing to do is to stoptalking and take action.
泛民陣營的溫和派(下稱溫和派)一直期望與中央溝通,尋求終極解決普選安排之際,特區政府「突然」公布 2012 年兩個選舉辦法的方案,此舉顯示中央與溫和派溝通的誠意有值得商榷之處;另外,昨天公布的政改方案並未觸及阻礙民主進程、弊病叢生的傳統功能組別,使人質疑中央和特區政府落實真普選的誠意。
過去3 個多月,溫和派所獲回應,曾經使人有所憧憬。連串事態發展,使溫和派憧憬有可能與中央溝通,社會上不少人也這樣理解。殘酷的現實是,到特區政府公布政改方案之時,溫和派連一次有意義的對話也未獲安排。
除非特區政府和中央對於溫和派有後續善意行動,否則,這次溫和派在政治上將陷入進退維谷困境。一時之間,溫和派可能要為選擇付出一定代價,其支持者也會感到沮喪;不過,即使如此,我們認為特區政府和中央不應該因而高興,因為溫和派肯定不會投奔建制陣營,他們只會被迫採取激進取態,香港政治生態勢必進一步激化;另外,特區政府消息暗示溫和派支持2012 年政改方案,以建立與中央溝通的互信基礎,我們認為此情况出現的可能性渺茫,因為若溫和派這麼做,形同政治自殺。經此一役,民主派和特區政府、中央之間的鴻溝更大、更深、更廣。這是香港政局的悲哀,香港整體或許會因為內耗加劇而付出沉重代價。
G lossary
not a fewmany.
If you congratulate yourself, you are pleased.chasm /'kaz ?m/
A chasm between two groups of people is avery big difference between them.
treat of 和treat with
讀者Sheila 來電郵問,treat of 和treat with有何分別?
(a) treat of 指書或論文等「論述」或「討論」,例如:
The volume treated of both organic andinorganic chemistry.
(b) treat with 指「與……談判」,例如:
We have treated with three biggestfirms in London.
(c) 切記不可將此句型同treat somebodywith a medicine, lotion or ointment 相混淆,例如:
She is being treated with 5 FU.
她正在接受5 FU 治療。
讀者Andy 來電郵說,他讀到She said totell you not to come 這樣的句子,為什麼用了said,又用tell?
Say之後可跟帶to的不定式,表示命令,例如:She said to come before ten =She told us to come before ten. (D0904)
(a) treat of 指書或論文等「論述」或「討論」,例如:
The volume treated of both organic andinorganic chemistry.
(b) treat with 指「與……談判」,例如:
We have treated with three biggestfirms in London.
(c) 切記不可將此句型同treat somebodywith a medicine, lotion or ointment 相混淆,例如:
She is being treated with 5 FU.
她正在接受5 FU 治療。
讀者Andy 來電郵說,他讀到She said totell you not to come 這樣的句子,為什麼用了said,又用tell?
Say之後可跟帶to的不定式,表示命令,例如:She said to come before ten =She told us to come before ten. (D0904)
Victoria Beckham
Victoria Beckham-singer,fashion designer, author andmodel-was born on April 17,1974, in Essex, England. Sinceachieving success as a popsinger in the 1990s, VictoriaBeckham has become one of themost photographed women inthe world. Tabloids ( 小報) seemto follow nearly every move thatshe and her husband-soccerstar David Beckham-make.
She met David Beckham at agame in 1997, and the two soonbecame one of Britain's mostpopular couples, known in thetabloids as "Posh" and "Becks."They got engaged in 1998 andwelcomed their first childBrooklyn in March 1999.That summer, the couplewed in a lavish ( 鋪張的)ceremony at a castle inIreland. Victoria invitedtelevision audiencesinside her life with thereality special Victoria'sSecrets, which aired on Britishtelevision in 2000.
Victoria maintains alighthearted ( 輕鬆的)attitude about beingthe target of frequenttabloid news stories.I've had so manyludicrous ( 滑稽的) thingswritten about me and myfamily and my friends thatit's almost like a joke," shetold Alluremagazine. Right now,Victoria is focused on her workas a designer. "I'm so gratefulto the fashion industry foraccepting me and giving mea chance." (D0903)
She met David Beckham at agame in 1997, and the two soonbecame one of Britain's mostpopular couples, known in thetabloids as "Posh" and "Becks."They got engaged in 1998 andwelcomed their first childBrooklyn in March 1999.That summer, the couplewed in a lavish ( 鋪張的)ceremony at a castle inIreland. Victoria invitedtelevision audiencesinside her life with thereality special Victoria'sSecrets, which aired on Britishtelevision in 2000.
Victoria maintains alighthearted ( 輕鬆的)attitude about beingthe target of frequenttabloid news stories.I've had so manyludicrous ( 滑稽的) thingswritten about me and myfamily and my friends thatit's almost like a joke," shetold Alluremagazine. Right now,Victoria is focused on her workas a designer. "I'm so gratefulto the fashion industry foraccepting me and giving mea chance." (D0903)
What is lacrosse?
In one of my previous articles Imentioned a sport called lacrosse (lax, 長曲棍球). It is a sport mainly played in the girl'sboarding school community (also in the USand some European countries). It is,otherwise, a rather alien sport to theoutside world. My first exposure to it wasat my school interview, where I had to playlax without even knowing its existence.
As I practised the sport in absolutebafflement ( 困惑), I began to see the funand excitement of it. To give you an idea,lax involves a team of 12, with a wooden(now more commonly plastic) stick,attached to a net on the end for catchingand releasing a hard rubber ball. "Triplethreat" is a technique where the stick isheld over our shoulders and twistedquickly enough to keep the ball in motionwhile we raced down the large field,aiming to shoot it into a small goal. Itbecomes a very vicious ( 劇烈的) sport,always causing injuries, from broken limbsand bruised eyes to torn ligaments ( 韌帶)and concussions (腦震盪). In mixed lacrosseteams at some UK universities, men geteven more competitive and ruthless, makingthis a deadly game.
However, as second House LaxCaptain, and perhaps one of the smallestgoalies in history, I have appreciated thecompetitiveness as well as theheartwarming team spirit brought togetherin matches. We train to win (it doesn'tmatter how talented we really are). Housefinals are full of determined chants andferociousness ( 兇猛)-imagine thescale of tri-wizard tournaments in HarryPotter.
Lax is thrilling, energetic and superblyenjoyable, especially when the team isgeared to the challenge. Not so much,however, when the bright yellow ball hitsme at 200 mph. (D0902)
by Amanda Yu
As I practised the sport in absolutebafflement ( 困惑), I began to see the funand excitement of it. To give you an idea,lax involves a team of 12, with a wooden(now more commonly plastic) stick,attached to a net on the end for catchingand releasing a hard rubber ball. "Triplethreat" is a technique where the stick isheld over our shoulders and twistedquickly enough to keep the ball in motionwhile we raced down the large field,aiming to shoot it into a small goal. Itbecomes a very vicious ( 劇烈的) sport,always causing injuries, from broken limbsand bruised eyes to torn ligaments ( 韌帶)and concussions (腦震盪). In mixed lacrosseteams at some UK universities, men geteven more competitive and ruthless, makingthis a deadly game.
However, as second House LaxCaptain, and perhaps one of the smallestgoalies in history, I have appreciated thecompetitiveness as well as theheartwarming team spirit brought togetherin matches. We train to win (it doesn'tmatter how talented we really are). Housefinals are full of determined chants andferociousness ( 兇猛)-imagine thescale of tri-wizard tournaments in HarryPotter.
Lax is thrilling, energetic and superblyenjoyable, especially when the team isgeared to the challenge. Not so much,however, when the bright yellow ball hitsme at 200 mph. (D0902)
by Amanda Yu
Aesop's Fables《伊索寓言》《伊索寓言》是世界上最古老的寓言集,它源自古希臘的一系列寓言,對歐洲的寓言文學影響很大。世人對此寓言集的作者有多個不同說法,有人認為它是由古希臘人伊索(Aesop) 所創作,再由後人結集成書;亦有人認為並無伊索此人,只是古人假託其名將一些民間故事收集成書。還有一種說法是,因作品的時間跨度大,各篇的傾向又不完全一樣,相信它不是一人之作,伊索可能只是其中一名較重要的作者。
相關字詞The Tortoise and the Hare 「龜兔賽跑」
The Wolf and the Lion 「狼和獅子」
The Miser 「守財奴」
appetiser 開胃菜
Appetiser 是開胃菜,是在吃主菜之前吃的東西, appetiser 一字從appetite 而來,appetite 是「胃口」的意思,英語中有慣用語spoil/ruin one's appetite,意思是壞了胃口,如果小孩子在吃飯之前吃了太多巧克力,就會影響食慾,所以父母通常會對孩子說:Don'thave any more chocolate-you'll spoilyour appetite.
main course/main dish 主菜
side dish 配菜
dessert 甜品
avant-garde 前衛
Avant-garde 源於法語,在英語裏形容人或作品是創新的、具實驗性的,特別是形容藝術、文化及政治方面的事物。Avant-garde 代表打破現狀或一般人接受為正常的規矩,是現代主義的特徵,在文學裏有一種visual poetry 就是受這種思潮所影響。1960 至1970年代, 部分紐約的新潮雜誌以前衛題材著稱, 如Angel Hair、Burning Water等,表現主義、野獸主義、印象派等在當時是前衛藝術的代表。
Expressionism 表現主義Fauvism 野獸主義
Impressionism 印象派Futurism 未來主義
Pop Art 普普藝術
Aesop's Fables《伊索寓言》《伊索寓言》是世界上最古老的寓言集,它源自古希臘的一系列寓言,對歐洲的寓言文學影響很大。世人對此寓言集的作者有多個不同說法,有人認為它是由古希臘人伊索(Aesop) 所創作,再由後人結集成書;亦有人認為並無伊索此人,只是古人假託其名將一些民間故事收集成書。還有一種說法是,因作品的時間跨度大,各篇的傾向又不完全一樣,相信它不是一人之作,伊索可能只是其中一名較重要的作者。
相關字詞The Tortoise and the Hare 「龜兔賽跑」
The Wolf and the Lion 「狼和獅子」
The Miser 「守財奴」
appetiser 開胃菜
Appetiser 是開胃菜,是在吃主菜之前吃的東西, appetiser 一字從appetite 而來,appetite 是「胃口」的意思,英語中有慣用語spoil/ruin one's appetite,意思是壞了胃口,如果小孩子在吃飯之前吃了太多巧克力,就會影響食慾,所以父母通常會對孩子說:Don'thave any more chocolate-you'll spoilyour appetite.
main course/main dish 主菜
side dish 配菜
dessert 甜品
avant-garde 前衛
Avant-garde 源於法語,在英語裏形容人或作品是創新的、具實驗性的,特別是形容藝術、文化及政治方面的事物。Avant-garde 代表打破現狀或一般人接受為正常的規矩,是現代主義的特徵,在文學裏有一種visual poetry 就是受這種思潮所影響。1960 至1970年代, 部分紐約的新潮雜誌以前衛題材著稱, 如Angel Hair、Burning Water等,表現主義、野獸主義、印象派等在當時是前衛藝術的代表。
Expressionism 表現主義Fauvism 野獸主義
Impressionism 印象派Futurism 未來主義
Pop Art 普普藝術
Flat sales tactics
THE government has proposed three rulesgoverning the sale of uncompleted flats. Itremains to be seen how effective they willprove. However, in their interactions with thegovernment, developers have always found ways tocircumvent its moves. Being infinitely creative, theyoften lead the government by the nose. Therefore, thegovernment must criminalise deceptive flat salestactics to protect citizens' interests.
Some time ago Secretary for Transport andHousing Eva Cheng made surprise visits to the showflats of two new developments. Yesterday sheannounced three rules governing flat sales. First, showflats should not be with such fittings as to giveprospective buyers wrong ideas about their sizes, andthere should only be fittings and appliances that will befound in completed flats. Second, the exact locationsof uncompleted flats must be clearly indicated in salesbrochures. Third, developers must disclose connectedtransactions between them and their high high--rankingemployees. Developers would be required to identifythe flats that have been sold and reveal the prices atwhich they have been sold in such transactions. Tostrike a proper balance between the public's right toknow and privacy, the government has suggested thatthe connected persons need not be identified.
Walls and doors have been removed in most showflats so that they may seem more spacious than theyare. There may be lines and brief indications on thefloor to show where those doors and walls would be.However, they may not help prospective buyers tovisualise the completed flats with those doors andwalls. Show flats should, as they are called such, beaccurate samples of completed flats. Most show flatsnow give prospective buyers wrong ideas. Thissituation ought to be rectified as it tarnishesdevelopers' image and damages their reputation.
Some dried seafood shops resort to misleadingtactics. For example, the characters for units of weight(( jjiinn and lliiaanngg) on their price tags may be extremely) tiny. One taken in by a dried seafood shop may loseat most several thousand dollars. However, a flateasily costs millions of dollars. In most cases, acitizen's home is the biggest investment he makes inhis life. A home purchaser misled with a show flat mayregret his loss for the rest of his life. Unscrupulousdried seafood shops and market stalls that havesupplied short weights may be punished under theWeights and Measures Ordinance. However, there isno legislation against unscrupulous flat sales tactics.Developers' profits are out of all proportion to theirlegal liability. That shows the government only dares tocrack down on small businesses' unscrupulouspractices. It does not dare to touch developers, whichare financially powerful.
Developers have come up with infinitely creativedesigns and sales tactics. For example, they haggledwith the government for years about built built--over areaand saleable area. On the face of it, the question hasbeen clarified. However, it is still not clear on what kindof area the per per--square square--foot prices of the flats in somedevelopments are based.
Many things that have happened in recent yearsshow it is hardly effective in protecting flat owners'interests to rely solely on developers to policethemselves. Therefore, the government should makedeceptive flat sales tactics illegal by legislation. It maytake some time to do so, but it is desirable, for onlywhen there is such legislation will citizens' interests beadequately protected.(D0905)
政府推出33 項規管銷售樓花措施,成效如何尚待驗證,不過,證諸過去發展商與政府在這方面互動,是「你有張良計,我有過牆梯」,發展商的創意無限,政府往往被牽着鼻子走;所以,政府有必要透過立法規管,把售賣樓花涉及欺騙的行為刑事化,以保障市民權益。
運輸及房屋局長鄭汝樺早前「突擊視察」兩個新樓盤的示範單位,昨日,她宣布政府以33 招規管售賣樓花,包括:( 11)示範單位展示的裝置及設備,不能讓買家有)空間感增加的錯覺,另外,單位內提供的設備,須與交樓時相符;( 22)樓花的宣傳資料,須列明正確地區及位)置;( 33)涉及發展商高層人員的相連交易必須公布,不)一定要公布交易者的身分,但要公布價錢和單位,使公衆知情權與私隱得以平衡。
現在大多數新樓的示範單位,都以拆門、拆牆和豪裝等手法增加空間感,然後在原本有門、有牆之處,在地面以畫線和簡短陳述交代,在視覺上,準買家參觀示範單位時,無法準確掌握門牆矗立之後的實况。其實, 既名之為示範單位,就應該如實反映單位的真實情况;現在的示範單位有誤導之嫌,也有損地產商的形象和商譽,必須糾正。
criminalise //''krIImIn laIz/
make illegal by passing a new law.
take in
crack down on
To crack down on an illegal activity is to tryharder to prevent it.
Some time ago Secretary for Transport andHousing Eva Cheng made surprise visits to the showflats of two new developments. Yesterday sheannounced three rules governing flat sales. First, showflats should not be with such fittings as to giveprospective buyers wrong ideas about their sizes, andthere should only be fittings and appliances that will befound in completed flats. Second, the exact locationsof uncompleted flats must be clearly indicated in salesbrochures. Third, developers must disclose connectedtransactions between them and their high high--rankingemployees. Developers would be required to identifythe flats that have been sold and reveal the prices atwhich they have been sold in such transactions. Tostrike a proper balance between the public's right toknow and privacy, the government has suggested thatthe connected persons need not be identified.
Walls and doors have been removed in most showflats so that they may seem more spacious than theyare. There may be lines and brief indications on thefloor to show where those doors and walls would be.However, they may not help prospective buyers tovisualise the completed flats with those doors andwalls. Show flats should, as they are called such, beaccurate samples of completed flats. Most show flatsnow give prospective buyers wrong ideas. Thissituation ought to be rectified as it tarnishesdevelopers' image and damages their reputation.
Some dried seafood shops resort to misleadingtactics. For example, the characters for units of weight(( jjiinn and lliiaanngg) on their price tags may be extremely) tiny. One taken in by a dried seafood shop may loseat most several thousand dollars. However, a flateasily costs millions of dollars. In most cases, acitizen's home is the biggest investment he makes inhis life. A home purchaser misled with a show flat mayregret his loss for the rest of his life. Unscrupulousdried seafood shops and market stalls that havesupplied short weights may be punished under theWeights and Measures Ordinance. However, there isno legislation against unscrupulous flat sales tactics.Developers' profits are out of all proportion to theirlegal liability. That shows the government only dares tocrack down on small businesses' unscrupulouspractices. It does not dare to touch developers, whichare financially powerful.
Developers have come up with infinitely creativedesigns and sales tactics. For example, they haggledwith the government for years about built built--over areaand saleable area. On the face of it, the question hasbeen clarified. However, it is still not clear on what kindof area the per per--square square--foot prices of the flats in somedevelopments are based.
Many things that have happened in recent yearsshow it is hardly effective in protecting flat owners'interests to rely solely on developers to policethemselves. Therefore, the government should makedeceptive flat sales tactics illegal by legislation. It maytake some time to do so, but it is desirable, for onlywhen there is such legislation will citizens' interests beadequately protected.(D0905)
政府推出33 項規管銷售樓花措施,成效如何尚待驗證,不過,證諸過去發展商與政府在這方面互動,是「你有張良計,我有過牆梯」,發展商的創意無限,政府往往被牽着鼻子走;所以,政府有必要透過立法規管,把售賣樓花涉及欺騙的行為刑事化,以保障市民權益。
運輸及房屋局長鄭汝樺早前「突擊視察」兩個新樓盤的示範單位,昨日,她宣布政府以33 招規管售賣樓花,包括:( 11)示範單位展示的裝置及設備,不能讓買家有)空間感增加的錯覺,另外,單位內提供的設備,須與交樓時相符;( 22)樓花的宣傳資料,須列明正確地區及位)置;( 33)涉及發展商高層人員的相連交易必須公布,不)一定要公布交易者的身分,但要公布價錢和單位,使公衆知情權與私隱得以平衡。
現在大多數新樓的示範單位,都以拆門、拆牆和豪裝等手法增加空間感,然後在原本有門、有牆之處,在地面以畫線和簡短陳述交代,在視覺上,準買家參觀示範單位時,無法準確掌握門牆矗立之後的實况。其實, 既名之為示範單位,就應該如實反映單位的真實情况;現在的示範單位有誤導之嫌,也有損地產商的形象和商譽,必須糾正。
criminalise //''krIImIn laIz/
make illegal by passing a new law.
take in
crack down on
To crack down on an illegal activity is to tryharder to prevent it.
Public resentment
HONG KONG is similar to Singapore in area and population, and they both started building public housing at more or less the same time in the 1960s and 1970s. However, while flats fetch sky-high prices everywhere in Hong Kongnow, and Hong Kong people must pay dearly for theirhomes, 80% of Singaporeans live in government-builtHDB (Housing and Development Board) flats. InSingapore, the per-capita living space is bigger, andproperty prices are lower. According to the findings ofa survey released last week, now a much higherpercentage of Hong Kong people support using radicalmeans to pressure the government. We believe that isthe case party because many a citizen must toil formuch of his life to pay for his very small flat. We neednot copy exactly what Singapore does. However, HongKong must rethink its housing policy.
Interviewed by our reporter, Yap Chin Beng, anHDB deputy chief executive director, said theSingapore government encouraged people to own theirhomes because they would then have a stake in thecountry and want the society to do well and to be openand stable.
This idea of social development is quite differentfrom Hong Kong's.
*The SAR government emphasises "smallgovernment, big market". It says it should stay awayfrom the property market instead of intervening in it.The Singapore government's idea is that housing isessential to people's happy life. In the city state, thegovernment is the biggest supplier of housing, andbusinesses only play a supporting role.
*The Hong Kong government emphasises thatflats are freely traded in the market and speculation isa market activity, whereas the Singapore governmentregards housing as a necessity.
*In Hong Kong, public housing is built for those inthe lower strata of society, whereas the Singaporegovernment provides housing for the majority of people.*In Hong Kong, property prices are high and someuse property as an investment vehicle. However,Singaporeans regard property basically as dwellings.
Several hundred thousand Hong Kong citizensown private housing. Furthermore, Hong Kong's taxregime and economic structure are very different fromSingapore's. We must not copy exactly what theSingaporeans do, but we would do well to learn fromtheir experience.
(1) Most Hong Kong families must spend largeamounts of their savings on their dwellings. Many acitizen is a "flat slave" who must work hard to pay offhis 20-year mortgage on his tiny tiny flat. Should thatbe an aspect of "sustainable development"? What willcome of ever accumulating public resentment? Is itnecessary to change this situation?
(2) If it is, how? One way is for the government toadhere to the idea that it should stay away from theproperty market but enact laws to make it costlier tospeculate in property. Another way is for it to intervenein the property market again - to supply moreresidential land and suitably revive the HomeOwnership Scheme (HOS). Which of the twoapproaches is more effective and more in Hong Kongpeople's interests?
(3) It is necessary to have regard to the cost ofreform. Eighty per cent of Singaporeans live in HDBflats. For that Singapore has indeed paid a price.Singaporeans pay higher tax and, unlike the HongKong government, the Singapore government has nosky-high revenue from land sales. Some havecriticised the Singapore government for threatening notto increase HDB flat supply in certain districts todissuade their residents from supporting theopposition. Are Hong Kong people prepared to facepotential tax rises and such potential political risks?If the SAR government, adhering to its presentpolicy, refrains from selling land, land and propertyprices will go up and up, it will become harder andharder for people to meet their housing needs, andpublic resentment will continue to grow. A way that ispracticable and would only have minimal impact is torevive the HOS. The Hong Kong British government'spurpose of launching the HOS was to increasepeople's sense of belonging, thereby increasing socialstability. It once served as the Singapore government'smodel. The SAR government should suitably revive theHOS to help sandwich-class citizens to buy their ownhomes. (D0901)
香港與新加坡面積和人口都相近,而且在差不多時間(1960、70 年代)起步搞公營房屋,然而,今天香港天價樓處處,港人為了解決居住問題付出沉重代價;新加坡則八成人口居於政府興建的「組屋」,人均居住面積遠較香港大,樓價亦較廉。上周的一項調查指出,贊成激烈抗爭的港人大增,部分原因應與不少人勞碌半生才換來斗室蝸居有關。我們毋須全盤照抄星洲的一套,但必須反思香港的房屋政策。
新加坡建屋發展局副局長葉振銘接受本報記者訪問時強調,鼓勵國民擁有房子, 「意味他們在這個國家有份(hold a stake in the country),他們會希望社會好、開放及平穩。」
● 香港強調小政府大市場,政府不應干預,要「退出房屋市場」;新加坡的理念則是,房屋是國民安居之本,供應主要靠政府,商人只扮演一個配合的角色;
● 香港強調住屋是商品,是自由市場的範疇,炒賣也是市場活動;新加坡則強調住屋是必需品;
(1)香港不少家庭把大量積蓄押在所住的單位上,為供樓當上20 年「屋奴」,換來的仍只是一個斗室。這是否一個「可持續發展」的模式?民怨繼續積累又會帶來什麼樣的後果?現况是否需要改變?
toil /t ɔIl/
work very hard and for a long time.come of
be the result of.
dissuade /dI'sweId/
If you dissuade a person from doing something,you persuade him not to do it.
Interviewed by our reporter, Yap Chin Beng, anHDB deputy chief executive director, said theSingapore government encouraged people to own theirhomes because they would then have a stake in thecountry and want the society to do well and to be openand stable.
This idea of social development is quite differentfrom Hong Kong's.
*The SAR government emphasises "smallgovernment, big market". It says it should stay awayfrom the property market instead of intervening in it.The Singapore government's idea is that housing isessential to people's happy life. In the city state, thegovernment is the biggest supplier of housing, andbusinesses only play a supporting role.
*The Hong Kong government emphasises thatflats are freely traded in the market and speculation isa market activity, whereas the Singapore governmentregards housing as a necessity.
*In Hong Kong, public housing is built for those inthe lower strata of society, whereas the Singaporegovernment provides housing for the majority of people.*In Hong Kong, property prices are high and someuse property as an investment vehicle. However,Singaporeans regard property basically as dwellings.
Several hundred thousand Hong Kong citizensown private housing. Furthermore, Hong Kong's taxregime and economic structure are very different fromSingapore's. We must not copy exactly what theSingaporeans do, but we would do well to learn fromtheir experience.
(1) Most Hong Kong families must spend largeamounts of their savings on their dwellings. Many acitizen is a "flat slave" who must work hard to pay offhis 20-year mortgage on his tiny tiny flat. Should thatbe an aspect of "sustainable development"? What willcome of ever accumulating public resentment? Is itnecessary to change this situation?
(2) If it is, how? One way is for the government toadhere to the idea that it should stay away from theproperty market but enact laws to make it costlier tospeculate in property. Another way is for it to intervenein the property market again - to supply moreresidential land and suitably revive the HomeOwnership Scheme (HOS). Which of the twoapproaches is more effective and more in Hong Kongpeople's interests?
(3) It is necessary to have regard to the cost ofreform. Eighty per cent of Singaporeans live in HDBflats. For that Singapore has indeed paid a price.Singaporeans pay higher tax and, unlike the HongKong government, the Singapore government has nosky-high revenue from land sales. Some havecriticised the Singapore government for threatening notto increase HDB flat supply in certain districts todissuade their residents from supporting theopposition. Are Hong Kong people prepared to facepotential tax rises and such potential political risks?If the SAR government, adhering to its presentpolicy, refrains from selling land, land and propertyprices will go up and up, it will become harder andharder for people to meet their housing needs, andpublic resentment will continue to grow. A way that ispracticable and would only have minimal impact is torevive the HOS. The Hong Kong British government'spurpose of launching the HOS was to increasepeople's sense of belonging, thereby increasing socialstability. It once served as the Singapore government'smodel. The SAR government should suitably revive theHOS to help sandwich-class citizens to buy their ownhomes. (D0901)
香港與新加坡面積和人口都相近,而且在差不多時間(1960、70 年代)起步搞公營房屋,然而,今天香港天價樓處處,港人為了解決居住問題付出沉重代價;新加坡則八成人口居於政府興建的「組屋」,人均居住面積遠較香港大,樓價亦較廉。上周的一項調查指出,贊成激烈抗爭的港人大增,部分原因應與不少人勞碌半生才換來斗室蝸居有關。我們毋須全盤照抄星洲的一套,但必須反思香港的房屋政策。
新加坡建屋發展局副局長葉振銘接受本報記者訪問時強調,鼓勵國民擁有房子, 「意味他們在這個國家有份(hold a stake in the country),他們會希望社會好、開放及平穩。」
● 香港強調小政府大市場,政府不應干預,要「退出房屋市場」;新加坡的理念則是,房屋是國民安居之本,供應主要靠政府,商人只扮演一個配合的角色;
● 香港強調住屋是商品,是自由市場的範疇,炒賣也是市場活動;新加坡則強調住屋是必需品;
(1)香港不少家庭把大量積蓄押在所住的單位上,為供樓當上20 年「屋奴」,換來的仍只是一個斗室。這是否一個「可持續發展」的模式?民怨繼續積累又會帶來什麼樣的後果?現况是否需要改變?
toil /t ɔIl/
work very hard and for a long time.come of
be the result of.
dissuade /dI'sweId/
If you dissuade a person from doing something,you persuade him not to do it.
those ones
讀者Don 來電郵說,在3 月19 日的文中,本欄解答and 和or 的用法時,列出以下例句:
A sheep was not moving about or eating grass like the others.有一隻羊的動作和吃草的樣子,與別的羊不同。
Don 想問,此句可否解作「有一隻羊跟別的羊不同,既不到處走動,也不吃草」或「其他羊不是到處走動便是在吃草,唯獨一隻不是這樣」?
另外,若將該例句簡化並轉換成She was eating bread like the others,這應解作「她吃麵包的樣子與別的人一樣」,還是「跟其他人一樣,她正在吃麵包」?
(1) 本人舉A sheep was not movingabout or eating grass like theothers 例子,因為was not movingabout 與eating grass 均屬否定,故其間連接詞不用and,而要用or。
(2) 至於翻譯,屬見仁見智。
(3) Don 作的兩種翻譯也不錯。但翻譯以簡明為宜。
(4) 翻譯要看上文下理,若是She waseating bread like the others,則多半為「跟其他人一樣,她正在吃麵包」。
一般不說those ones, 只說those。但若ones 之前有修飾詞,則不可省略ones,例如:
"May I help you with some shoes, sir?""Yes, I'd like to try on those brown ones."「先生,我可以幫你選鞋嗎?」
讀者Richard 來電郵問,可不可以說those ones?
A sheep was not moving about or eating grass like the others.有一隻羊的動作和吃草的樣子,與別的羊不同。
Don 想問,此句可否解作「有一隻羊跟別的羊不同,既不到處走動,也不吃草」或「其他羊不是到處走動便是在吃草,唯獨一隻不是這樣」?
另外,若將該例句簡化並轉換成She was eating bread like the others,這應解作「她吃麵包的樣子與別的人一樣」,還是「跟其他人一樣,她正在吃麵包」?
(1) 本人舉A sheep was not movingabout or eating grass like theothers 例子,因為was not movingabout 與eating grass 均屬否定,故其間連接詞不用and,而要用or。
(2) 至於翻譯,屬見仁見智。
(3) Don 作的兩種翻譯也不錯。但翻譯以簡明為宜。
(4) 翻譯要看上文下理,若是She waseating bread like the others,則多半為「跟其他人一樣,她正在吃麵包」。
一般不說those ones, 只說those。但若ones 之前有修飾詞,則不可省略ones,例如:
"May I help you with some shoes, sir?""Yes, I'd like to try on those brown ones."「先生,我可以幫你選鞋嗎?」
讀者Richard 來電郵問,可不可以說those ones?
小題大做 make a mountain out of a molehill
Moles (鼹鼠) are small animals that live beneath the soil. Theyare widely known for digging hills in gardens and lawns. The hillsare called molehills (鼹鼠丘), and though they aren't big, they arequite annoying. That has given us the proverb make a mountainout of a molehill. "It means to exaggerate the importance or thesignificance of a problem or a worry," Teddy said.
"A calm and reasonable person would never make a mountainout of a molehill," he added.
"A calm and reasonable person would never make a mountainout of a molehill," he added.
Alarm bells are ringing
ACCORDING TO a survey the Institute ofAsia-Pacific Studies of the ChineseUniversity has recently conducted, the publicno longer considers the SAR a harmonious society.What is even more surprising is that an estimated 1.53million citizens support using radical means to urge thegovernment to address citizens' demands. Judgingfrom the findings of the survey, deep-rootedcontradictions (which the government has all alongrefused to address and even to acknowledge) haveworsened. If the government continues to turn a blindeye to them, our society will hardly be harmonious, andit may not even be largely stable. Alarm bells areringing. Let us see if the government will continue toturn a deaf ear or bury its head in the sand like anostrich.
The survey is the third of the Institute's on-goingstudy on social harmony in Hong Kong. In the survey,only 26.5% of the respondents considered Hong Konga harmonious society, down over eleven percentagepoints on 2008 (37.5%) and 2006 (37.8%).
Furthermore, the percentage of those whosupported using radical means to urge the governmentto address citizens' demands is 25.9% , up 4.5percentage points on 2008 (21.4% ). That showscitizens' discontent with the status quo or helplessnessis manifested in changes in their attitude and evenbehaviour. We have no idea how Donald Tsang or hisadministration would read those figures. However, if aquarter of those living in a place support using radicalmeans, its government cannot normally sit back andrelax.
There is social disharmony, and 1.53 millioncitizens think it right to resort to radical means. Whathas become of Hong Kong? Any person who has livedhere for some time and somewhat concerns himselfwith Hong Kong's situation and political, economic andsocial affairs would know those are manifestations ofits deep-rooted contradictions.
Hong Kong's democratisation has long progressedat a snail's pace. Its political system is anomalous andmore favourable to businesses. Powers are unjustlyexercised. Such things have become more and morerepugnant.
In this year's survey, only 38.7% of therespondents thought the government to be sufficientlyeffective in developing the economy and creating jobs,compared to 55.8% in 2006's and 52.4% in 2008's.
These figures show citizens consider the governmenthas done worse and worse in handling economicmatters. Deep-rooted contradictions have manifestedthemselves in areas that affect society and people'slives. It is most telling that the rich-poor gap isbecoming wider and wider.
We feel compelled to point out that, if thegovernment adheres to its present land policy andhousing policy, wealth condensation will become moreand more serious in Hong Kong. It is foreseeable thatdeep-rooted contradictions will intensify and publicresentment will grow.
There is no panacea for Hong Kong's deep-rootedcontradictions. However, people are now not onlyunhappy with the government but also hostile to bigbusinesses. This is the case partly because housingprices (which have been soaring) are now way beyondordinary people's means. It is the government'spresent land supply policy that has causedsupply-demand imbalance in the property market. It ismisguided and ought to be rectified. The governmentshould control land supply by holding regular orirregular land auctions. It should also suitably revivethe Home Ownership Scheme to help sandwich-classpeople to buy their own homes.
We do not know how much pressure Hong Kongcan endure or at what point public resentment will flareup. However, we know from the findings of theInstitute's survey that what may destabilise Hong Kongis rapidly accumulating. The government mustpromptly take steps to defuse the "social bomb" lest itshould blow Hong Kong to smithereens.
明報社評 2010.04.09
153 萬人贊成激烈取態社會和諧穩定響警號
中文大學香港亞太研究所的最新調查研究,除了發現民意首次確認香港不是一個和諧社會,更使人驚訝者,是估計有大約153 萬人贊成採用激烈手法要求政府回應訴求。從調查所得數據看來,政府一直不肯面對、甚至拒絕承認的深層次矛盾已經惡化,如果政府繼續置之不理,不但香港社會難以和諧,連基本穩定也成為問題。警號已經響起,就看政府是否「借咗聾耳陳隻耳」,繼續埋首沙堆做鴕鳥。
有關調查乃亞太研究所的「香港和諧社會」持續性研究計劃,今次是第三次。今年的調查,認同香港是和諧社會的受訪者,只有26.5%,較08 年(37.5%)和06 年(37.8%),下跌超過11 個百分點。
今次調查發現,贊成用激烈手法要求政府回應訴求的受訪者,較2008 年的21.4%多了4.5 個百分點,達到25.9%,顯示市民對現狀之不滿和無力感,在心態以至行為轉變反映出來。我們不知道曾蔭權和政府怎樣理解這個數字,若一個政府所管治的人民,有四分之一贊成激烈取態,正常情况下,這樣的政府不可能高枕無憂。社會不和諧,153 萬人贊成採取激烈手法,香港究竟發生了什麼事?只要在香港較長期生活,稍為關心香港政治、經濟、社會民生現狀和問題的市民,都會知道這是各種深層次矛盾的反映。
經濟方面, 受訪者對政府在「發展經濟、創造就業」,認為合格或以上的,今年只有38.7%,06 年為(55.8%)、08 年(52.4%)。這些數字,說明市民認為政府在經濟領域的政績,每况愈下,連帶的深層次矛盾就在社會民生領域暴露出來,其中貧富懸殊愈趨嚴重,最能說明問題。
concernIf you concern yourself with something, youtake an interest in it.
panacea /.pan .'si:./something that will solve all the problems of asituation.
smithereens /.smId.'ri:nz/small fragments.
The survey is the third of the Institute's on-goingstudy on social harmony in Hong Kong. In the survey,only 26.5% of the respondents considered Hong Konga harmonious society, down over eleven percentagepoints on 2008 (37.5%) and 2006 (37.8%).
Furthermore, the percentage of those whosupported using radical means to urge the governmentto address citizens' demands is 25.9% , up 4.5percentage points on 2008 (21.4% ). That showscitizens' discontent with the status quo or helplessnessis manifested in changes in their attitude and evenbehaviour. We have no idea how Donald Tsang or hisadministration would read those figures. However, if aquarter of those living in a place support using radicalmeans, its government cannot normally sit back andrelax.
There is social disharmony, and 1.53 millioncitizens think it right to resort to radical means. Whathas become of Hong Kong? Any person who has livedhere for some time and somewhat concerns himselfwith Hong Kong's situation and political, economic andsocial affairs would know those are manifestations ofits deep-rooted contradictions.
Hong Kong's democratisation has long progressedat a snail's pace. Its political system is anomalous andmore favourable to businesses. Powers are unjustlyexercised. Such things have become more and morerepugnant.
In this year's survey, only 38.7% of therespondents thought the government to be sufficientlyeffective in developing the economy and creating jobs,compared to 55.8% in 2006's and 52.4% in 2008's.
These figures show citizens consider the governmenthas done worse and worse in handling economicmatters. Deep-rooted contradictions have manifestedthemselves in areas that affect society and people'slives. It is most telling that the rich-poor gap isbecoming wider and wider.
We feel compelled to point out that, if thegovernment adheres to its present land policy andhousing policy, wealth condensation will become moreand more serious in Hong Kong. It is foreseeable thatdeep-rooted contradictions will intensify and publicresentment will grow.
There is no panacea for Hong Kong's deep-rootedcontradictions. However, people are now not onlyunhappy with the government but also hostile to bigbusinesses. This is the case partly because housingprices (which have been soaring) are now way beyondordinary people's means. It is the government'spresent land supply policy that has causedsupply-demand imbalance in the property market. It ismisguided and ought to be rectified. The governmentshould control land supply by holding regular orirregular land auctions. It should also suitably revivethe Home Ownership Scheme to help sandwich-classpeople to buy their own homes.
We do not know how much pressure Hong Kongcan endure or at what point public resentment will flareup. However, we know from the findings of theInstitute's survey that what may destabilise Hong Kongis rapidly accumulating. The government mustpromptly take steps to defuse the "social bomb" lest itshould blow Hong Kong to smithereens.
明報社評 2010.04.09
153 萬人贊成激烈取態社會和諧穩定響警號
中文大學香港亞太研究所的最新調查研究,除了發現民意首次確認香港不是一個和諧社會,更使人驚訝者,是估計有大約153 萬人贊成採用激烈手法要求政府回應訴求。從調查所得數據看來,政府一直不肯面對、甚至拒絕承認的深層次矛盾已經惡化,如果政府繼續置之不理,不但香港社會難以和諧,連基本穩定也成為問題。警號已經響起,就看政府是否「借咗聾耳陳隻耳」,繼續埋首沙堆做鴕鳥。
有關調查乃亞太研究所的「香港和諧社會」持續性研究計劃,今次是第三次。今年的調查,認同香港是和諧社會的受訪者,只有26.5%,較08 年(37.5%)和06 年(37.8%),下跌超過11 個百分點。
今次調查發現,贊成用激烈手法要求政府回應訴求的受訪者,較2008 年的21.4%多了4.5 個百分點,達到25.9%,顯示市民對現狀之不滿和無力感,在心態以至行為轉變反映出來。我們不知道曾蔭權和政府怎樣理解這個數字,若一個政府所管治的人民,有四分之一贊成激烈取態,正常情况下,這樣的政府不可能高枕無憂。社會不和諧,153 萬人贊成採取激烈手法,香港究竟發生了什麼事?只要在香港較長期生活,稍為關心香港政治、經濟、社會民生現狀和問題的市民,都會知道這是各種深層次矛盾的反映。
經濟方面, 受訪者對政府在「發展經濟、創造就業」,認為合格或以上的,今年只有38.7%,06 年為(55.8%)、08 年(52.4%)。這些數字,說明市民認為政府在經濟領域的政績,每况愈下,連帶的深層次矛盾就在社會民生領域暴露出來,其中貧富懸殊愈趨嚴重,最能說明問題。
concernIf you concern yourself with something, youtake an interest in it.
panacea /.pan .'si:./something that will solve all the problems of asituation.
smithereens /.smId.'ri:nz/small fragments.
a matter of LIFE and DEATH生死攸關
雖然現在社會比以前開放得多,但始終對死亡有點忌諱。因此, 我們多數不會那麼直接用「死」這個字, 而會選擇「過身」或「仙遊」等比較婉轉的詞彙,英語亦然。可代替to die的euphemisms(委婉語)有很多,例如to pass away 和to pass on。輕鬆一點的說法有to be pushing updaisies 和to kick the bucket, 如廣東話的「賣鹹鴨蛋」和「香咗」。
1. This noise is loud enough to wakethe dead!
2. I'm feeling dead beat after pullingtwo all-nighters in a row.
另一方面,和life 有關的俚語也未必一定是好的,若有人跟你說「Get alife!」, 別以為他在祝福你, 他是叫你「過主」啊!
DOUBLE identity
英語裏有很多詞語含多重意思,同一個字亦可歸不同詞類(parts of speech) 。Grave和wake是很好的例子:
1. grave(名詞:墳墓)
Peter laid a bunch of red roses on hisgrandmother's grave.(彼得把一束紅玫瑰放在他祖母的墳墓上。)
2. grave(形容詞:嚴重的)
"This is a grave condition requiringimmediate surgery," said the doctor.(醫生說: 「情况很嚴重, 需要馬上動手術。」)
3. wake(名詞:弔唁、守靈)
He was deeply appreciative of thepeople who attended his grandfather'swake.(他深深感謝前來為他祖父吊唁的人。)
4. (to) wake(動詞:醒來)
I wake up at 8am every day.(我每天早上8 時起牀。)
1. This noise is loud enough to wakethe dead!
2. I'm feeling dead beat after pullingtwo all-nighters in a row.
另一方面,和life 有關的俚語也未必一定是好的,若有人跟你說「Get alife!」, 別以為他在祝福你, 他是叫你「過主」啊!
DOUBLE identity
英語裏有很多詞語含多重意思,同一個字亦可歸不同詞類(parts of speech) 。Grave和wake是很好的例子:
1. grave(名詞:墳墓)
Peter laid a bunch of red roses on hisgrandmother's grave.(彼得把一束紅玫瑰放在他祖母的墳墓上。)
2. grave(形容詞:嚴重的)
"This is a grave condition requiringimmediate surgery," said the doctor.(醫生說: 「情况很嚴重, 需要馬上動手術。」)
3. wake(名詞:弔唁、守靈)
He was deeply appreciative of thepeople who attended his grandfather'swake.(他深深感謝前來為他祖父吊唁的人。)
4. (to) wake(動詞:醒來)
I wake up at 8am every day.(我每天早上8 時起牀。)
a wonderful place!
I usually go back to Macau to visit my friends and parents at leastonce a month. It's a good opportunity to forget all about work andjust relax and unwind a bit in my hometown.
Lately, I've been given more opportunities to work in Macau,which is very exciting because I get to make money and visitfriends and family at the same time. It can't get better than this!
Last week, I went back to Macau again and was interviewed bymedia from Taiwan about the song It's a Wonderful Place(《一個神奇的地方》)-the celebration theme song for the 10th anniversaryof the establishment of the Macau SAR. It was a good opportunityfor us Macanese singers to get together and have fun. I'm so proudof my fellow Macanese singers who are also my dear friends. Itreally is hard to survive in such a small market. But still they givetheir all and fight for their little dreams. I truly hope that more peopleoutside Macau will get to know these talented local singers andthat our government could provide a better environment for thosewho have a talent.
Buddies, thank you for showing me a wonderful time in thiswonderful place. I'll be back again soon!
Lately, I've been given more opportunities to work in Macau,which is very exciting because I get to make money and visitfriends and family at the same time. It can't get better than this!
Last week, I went back to Macau again and was interviewed bymedia from Taiwan about the song It's a Wonderful Place(《一個神奇的地方》)-the celebration theme song for the 10th anniversaryof the establishment of the Macau SAR. It was a good opportunityfor us Macanese singers to get together and have fun. I'm so proudof my fellow Macanese singers who are also my dear friends. Itreally is hard to survive in such a small market. But still they givetheir all and fight for their little dreams. I truly hope that more peopleoutside Macau will get to know these talented local singers andthat our government could provide a better environment for thosewho have a talent.
Buddies, thank you for showing me a wonderful time in thiswonderful place. I'll be back again soon!
HKCEE repeaters
THE government will use more resources toincrease sharply the number of subsidisedevening secondary school places. Peoplewho have not finished secondary school will havebetter chances of resuming their studies and acquiringtheir secondary school qualifications. That is a goodthing. As the new senior secondary (NSS) curriculumwill be fully implemented next academic year, thisyear's HKCEE is the last. About 5,600 HKCEEcandidates will not get admitted to F6 classes becauseof poor exam results. They would want to repeat.However, the Education Bureau (EDB) turns a blindeye to this matter. It would take no measures to helpthem to switch to the new academic structure. That isironic. It is irresponsible of the EDB to ignore thispressing problem.
Some education bodies are concerned about theirplight plight. They have suggested that the EDB take. measures to help the last batch of HKCEE repeaters toadapt themselves to the NSS curriculum. They haveproposed, for example, (1) that the EDB allow somesecondary schools to offer more F6 places (byincreasing the class size by one or two to 35) and (2)that it ask some secondary schools which each haveonly three NSS2 (S5) classes to have an additionalone so that those repeaters will all be admitted.Those are one one--off measures that would not strainpublic finances in the long term. In EducationConvergence's view, it is well within the EDB's meansto adopt those proposals.
However, the EDB would adopt neither. It says itwill encourage schools to consider admitting HKCEErepeaters to their S5 classes in the light of their owncircumstances. In its opinion, HKCEE candidates, whohave taken Chinese Language, English Language,Mathematics and four to five others subjects, will havelittle difficulty getting a grasp of the NSS curriculum ifthey take the same subjects. The EDB also says itsuggests that schools help such students with theirLiberal Studies.
The EDB does not put itself in those repeaters'shoes shoes. Judging from its stance, one may say it will do. nothing. It would leave it to schools to deal with theproblem and leave those repeaters to sink or swim swim.Those repeaters will not be able to switch to the NSScurriculum. The EDB ought to help them to adaptthemselves. However, it would leave it to schools todeal with the problem. It would shirk its responsibility.Repeaters must try to catch up with theirclassmates in the first place. Even if they are admittedto NSS2 (S5) classes, they will initially lag behind theirclassmates, who will have followed the NSS curriculumfor one year. This situation can hardly be described asfair to those repeaters.
It is beyond dispute that about 5,600 HKCEErepeaters will be at a loss what to do. The EDB shoulddo its best to take such measures that their five five--yearsecondary schooling will not be wasted. In our opinion,public finances permitting, the best way to help thoserepeaters is to increase the number of F6 places sothat they will all be admitted to F6 classes. The EDBshould act in students' best interests. It should adopteducation bodies' proposals.
政府將投放更多資源,大幅度增加受資助夜中學學額,對於未能完成正規中學課程的人,有更多機會重拾課本,取得中學畢業學歷,這是一樁好事。諷刺的是,由於下學年全面落實新高中學制,今年的中學會考就成為末代會考,不過,約5600 名會考生由於成績未達升讀中六,又想重讀,當局卻視若無睹,無措施協助他們轉制。教育局就這個迫在眉睫的問題置諸不理,是不負責任的做法。
近期,相繼有教育團體關注末代會考重讀生困境,並建議教育局採取應對方法,包括:( 11)讓部分中學增加)中六學額,例如每班增加11 至22 名至35 人;( 22)可要求)部分只開33 班新高中二年級的中學,增加一班,全部接收舊制中五班的重讀生,協助他們適應新高中學制。
不過,教育局對於上述兩項建議,都不予接納。教育局表示會鼓勵學校因應本身情况,考慮接受重讀生轉讀新高中的中五級,認為舊例中五學生,一般修讀中英數及44 至55 個選修科,相信在轉讀新高中時,若報讀原先學科的新高中課程,掌握應無太大困難,教育局亦會建議學校為轉制生提供通識科輔導云云。
重讀生成績本來已經要急起直追,就算他們重讀新高中二年級(即中五),相對於其他同學已有11 年新高中課程的基礎,重讀生甫開始就落後,這種情况,對重讀生難言公平。
將會約有5600 名重讀生處境徬徨,是不爭事實,教育局應該有措施,盡量使他們不致浪費了中學55 年光陰。我們認為當局在財政情况許可下,增加中六學額,讓學校開班集中舊制中五班的重讀生,是最能夠協助他們轉制的辦法。教育局宜從學生最大利益出發,接納教育團體的建議。
G lossary
plight /plaIt/
difficult and sad situation.
To put oneself in another's shoes is to imagineone is in the other's situation, especially whenit is a difficult one.
sink or swim
nk be in a situation where you will either succeedby your own efforts or fail completely.
Some education bodies are concerned about theirplight plight. They have suggested that the EDB take. measures to help the last batch of HKCEE repeaters toadapt themselves to the NSS curriculum. They haveproposed, for example, (1) that the EDB allow somesecondary schools to offer more F6 places (byincreasing the class size by one or two to 35) and (2)that it ask some secondary schools which each haveonly three NSS2 (S5) classes to have an additionalone so that those repeaters will all be admitted.Those are one one--off measures that would not strainpublic finances in the long term. In EducationConvergence's view, it is well within the EDB's meansto adopt those proposals.
However, the EDB would adopt neither. It says itwill encourage schools to consider admitting HKCEErepeaters to their S5 classes in the light of their owncircumstances. In its opinion, HKCEE candidates, whohave taken Chinese Language, English Language,Mathematics and four to five others subjects, will havelittle difficulty getting a grasp of the NSS curriculum ifthey take the same subjects. The EDB also says itsuggests that schools help such students with theirLiberal Studies.
The EDB does not put itself in those repeaters'shoes shoes. Judging from its stance, one may say it will do. nothing. It would leave it to schools to deal with theproblem and leave those repeaters to sink or swim swim.Those repeaters will not be able to switch to the NSScurriculum. The EDB ought to help them to adaptthemselves. However, it would leave it to schools todeal with the problem. It would shirk its responsibility.Repeaters must try to catch up with theirclassmates in the first place. Even if they are admittedto NSS2 (S5) classes, they will initially lag behind theirclassmates, who will have followed the NSS curriculumfor one year. This situation can hardly be described asfair to those repeaters.
It is beyond dispute that about 5,600 HKCEErepeaters will be at a loss what to do. The EDB shoulddo its best to take such measures that their five five--yearsecondary schooling will not be wasted. In our opinion,public finances permitting, the best way to help thoserepeaters is to increase the number of F6 places sothat they will all be admitted to F6 classes. The EDBshould act in students' best interests. It should adopteducation bodies' proposals.
政府將投放更多資源,大幅度增加受資助夜中學學額,對於未能完成正規中學課程的人,有更多機會重拾課本,取得中學畢業學歷,這是一樁好事。諷刺的是,由於下學年全面落實新高中學制,今年的中學會考就成為末代會考,不過,約5600 名會考生由於成績未達升讀中六,又想重讀,當局卻視若無睹,無措施協助他們轉制。教育局就這個迫在眉睫的問題置諸不理,是不負責任的做法。
近期,相繼有教育團體關注末代會考重讀生困境,並建議教育局採取應對方法,包括:( 11)讓部分中學增加)中六學額,例如每班增加11 至22 名至35 人;( 22)可要求)部分只開33 班新高中二年級的中學,增加一班,全部接收舊制中五班的重讀生,協助他們適應新高中學制。
不過,教育局對於上述兩項建議,都不予接納。教育局表示會鼓勵學校因應本身情况,考慮接受重讀生轉讀新高中的中五級,認為舊例中五學生,一般修讀中英數及44 至55 個選修科,相信在轉讀新高中時,若報讀原先學科的新高中課程,掌握應無太大困難,教育局亦會建議學校為轉制生提供通識科輔導云云。
重讀生成績本來已經要急起直追,就算他們重讀新高中二年級(即中五),相對於其他同學已有11 年新高中課程的基礎,重讀生甫開始就落後,這種情况,對重讀生難言公平。
將會約有5600 名重讀生處境徬徨,是不爭事實,教育局應該有措施,盡量使他們不致浪費了中學55 年光陰。我們認為當局在財政情况許可下,增加中六學額,讓學校開班集中舊制中五班的重讀生,是最能夠協助他們轉制的辦法。教育局宜從學生最大利益出發,接納教育團體的建議。
G lossary
plight /plaIt/
difficult and sad situation.
To put oneself in another's shoes is to imagineone is in the other's situation, especially whenit is a difficult one.
sink or swim
nk be in a situation where you will either succeedby your own efforts or fail completely.
Defnng Beauty
這幾年來雜誌、報紙甚至街道也佈滿纖體廣告,可見現代社會愈來愈注重外表。談論外觀是一件敏感的事,我們會用一些較含蓄、婉轉的詞語,例如用「有福氣」或「飽滿」來形容體型比較龐大的人(英文可用chubby 和stout);用「輕型」或「纖細」來形容瘦削的人( 英文則用slender 和slim)。像「皮包骨」比較俗語化的形容,英文也有近似的說法:(all) skin and bones 或a bag of bones。
為了保持最佳狀態, 男士需要提防「啤酒肚」(beer belly)的出現, 女士則最忌「啤梨形身材」(pear-shaped body) 。
Pear-shaped 除了形容身形之外,亦有「搞垮了」的意思, 例: The outdoor fair wasrunning smoothly, but then it rained andeverything went pear-shaped.(室外嘉年華進行得很順利,但之後下雨, 搞垮了整個流程。)
相信每個人都想容光煥發(to beradiant) , 擁有如絲一般柔滑的秀發(silky smooth hair) 和完美的身形(aperfect figure) 。雖然本人從小在外國長大, 但也懂一句「相由心生」, 相信內涵跟外觀一樣重要。希望各位兩者兼得,不會被人稱為all beauty(女士)/ brawn(男士)and no brains!
BODY language
相信大家都非常熟悉「身體語言」這個名詞, 但各位對有關身體部位的英文口語用法又認識多少呢?我們看看以下例子:
1. To put one's money where one'smouth is(兌現說過的東西):
Don't trust her, she never puts hermoney where her mouth is.
(別信她, 她永遠都不兌現承諾。)
2. At arm's length(保持一定距離):
He's a troublemaker, you should keephim at arm's length.
(他是鬧事者, 你應該跟他保持一定距離。)
3. To put one's foot in it
You put your foot in it when you askedJane to say hello to her husband foryou. Don't you remember they gotdivorced?
(你叫珍妮代你向她的丈夫問好,是說錯話了, 你忘了他倆已離婚嗎?)
想學習多一點有關外表和身體部位的詞語和用法?請留意香港電台電視節目《反鬥英語》之「?模天後」。節目在4 月3日(星期六)晚上7 時30 分于無線翡翠台播出,港台網上廣播站(視像直播及提供重溫。
為了保持最佳狀態, 男士需要提防「啤酒肚」(beer belly)的出現, 女士則最忌「啤梨形身材」(pear-shaped body) 。
Pear-shaped 除了形容身形之外,亦有「搞垮了」的意思, 例: The outdoor fair wasrunning smoothly, but then it rained andeverything went pear-shaped.(室外嘉年華進行得很順利,但之後下雨, 搞垮了整個流程。)
相信每個人都想容光煥發(to beradiant) , 擁有如絲一般柔滑的秀發(silky smooth hair) 和完美的身形(aperfect figure) 。雖然本人從小在外國長大, 但也懂一句「相由心生」, 相信內涵跟外觀一樣重要。希望各位兩者兼得,不會被人稱為all beauty(女士)/ brawn(男士)and no brains!
BODY language
相信大家都非常熟悉「身體語言」這個名詞, 但各位對有關身體部位的英文口語用法又認識多少呢?我們看看以下例子:
1. To put one's money where one'smouth is(兌現說過的東西):
Don't trust her, she never puts hermoney where her mouth is.
(別信她, 她永遠都不兌現承諾。)
2. At arm's length(保持一定距離):
He's a troublemaker, you should keephim at arm's length.
(他是鬧事者, 你應該跟他保持一定距離。)
3. To put one's foot in it
You put your foot in it when you askedJane to say hello to her husband foryou. Don't you remember they gotdivorced?
(你叫珍妮代你向她的丈夫問好,是說錯話了, 你忘了他倆已離婚嗎?)
想學習多一點有關外表和身體部位的詞語和用法?請留意香港電台電視節目《反鬥英語》之「?模天後」。節目在4 月3日(星期六)晚上7 時30 分于無線翡翠台播出,港台網上廣播站(視像直播及提供重溫。
crazy heart
Crazy Heart (《聲聲相識》), despite itssmall budget, hasdrawn a whirlwindof attention. Themovie does deservecredit for not only JeffBridges' flawlessacting, but also itsstory of a commonslice of life told inhonesty.
The story is about thelater years of Otis "Bad" Blake(played by Jeff Bridges), acountry singer-songwriter. Aged57 and once a musician of acclaim,Bad has become broke and cynical,finding it an insult having to perform inunworthy venues such as a bowling alley.Meanwhile, Tommy Sweet (played by ColinFarrell), his past mentee, is enjoying hugesuccess performing the mentor's smash hits."Bad" is indeed a suitable name for the characterin many ways-he has been an alcoholic, achain smoker, and divorced several times. Formoney, he reluctantly accepts the invitation torender an opening performance for Tommy,who encourages him to write new songs. Hissour days see a turn when he meets JeanCraddock (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal), ajournalist and a single mother of a 4-year-oldboy. For love, he looks for redemption, whichhelps him regain health and his genius in musiccomposition.
Bad's story as a quitter and as a redeemer isrealistic and insightful. We're warned that foranyone reaching the peak in his or her life, aplunge is plausible if he or she isovershadowed by pride, and chaos is often aresult of self-destructive behaviour. On theother hand, we are reminded that it's nevertoo late to start a whole new life. Bad'sturnaround, achieved in a "one day at a time"manner, tells us that hard times won't lastforever for those who are determined toreform.
This movie is certainly the mostmemorable for Jeff Bridges, who has justreceived his first Oscar (Best Actor) for hisrole in this movie. On top of his superlativeperformance as an aging singer sufferingfrom his own errors, personally, his carefreehandsomeness and subtle grins make himsympathetic but charming. Credit also goesto the late Stephen Bruton, Ryan Binghamand T-Bone Burnett-the key composersof many country hits, including the movie'stheme song The Weary Kind, which wasawarded an Oscar for Best Original Song.
G lossary
whirlwind 旋風
flawless 無瑕的
slice of life 生活寫照
acclaim 喝采、稱讚
cynical 憤世嫉俗的
sour days 乏味的日子
redemption 贖罪
plunge 急降
plausible 可能的
superlative 頂尖的
The story is about thelater years of Otis "Bad" Blake(played by Jeff Bridges), acountry singer-songwriter. Aged57 and once a musician of acclaim,Bad has become broke and cynical,finding it an insult having to perform inunworthy venues such as a bowling alley.Meanwhile, Tommy Sweet (played by ColinFarrell), his past mentee, is enjoying hugesuccess performing the mentor's smash hits."Bad" is indeed a suitable name for the characterin many ways-he has been an alcoholic, achain smoker, and divorced several times. Formoney, he reluctantly accepts the invitation torender an opening performance for Tommy,who encourages him to write new songs. Hissour days see a turn when he meets JeanCraddock (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal), ajournalist and a single mother of a 4-year-oldboy. For love, he looks for redemption, whichhelps him regain health and his genius in musiccomposition.
Bad's story as a quitter and as a redeemer isrealistic and insightful. We're warned that foranyone reaching the peak in his or her life, aplunge is plausible if he or she isovershadowed by pride, and chaos is often aresult of self-destructive behaviour. On theother hand, we are reminded that it's nevertoo late to start a whole new life. Bad'sturnaround, achieved in a "one day at a time"manner, tells us that hard times won't lastforever for those who are determined toreform.
This movie is certainly the mostmemorable for Jeff Bridges, who has justreceived his first Oscar (Best Actor) for hisrole in this movie. On top of his superlativeperformance as an aging singer sufferingfrom his own errors, personally, his carefreehandsomeness and subtle grins make himsympathetic but charming. Credit also goesto the late Stephen Bruton, Ryan Binghamand T-Bone Burnett-the key composersof many country hits, including the movie'stheme song The Weary Kind, which wasawarded an Oscar for Best Original Song.
G lossary
whirlwind 旋風
flawless 無瑕的
slice of life 生活寫照
acclaim 喝采、稱讚
cynical 憤世嫉俗的
sour days 乏味的日子
redemption 贖罪
plunge 急降
plausible 可能的
superlative 頂尖的
Moderate democrats are snubbed
SINCE it came into being, the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage has sought to dialoguewith the central government and demandedthat there should be a roadmap for introducinguniversal suffrage so that Hong Kong people willexercise genuine universal suffrage in the 2017 ChiefExecutive election and the 2020 Legislative Councilelection. Many watch closely whether its dialogue linewill help break the constitutional reform deadlock.However, judging from available information, one canhardly be optimistic.
Whether the "dialogue line" will prove effectivedepends not only on whether the central governmentwill give a pledge that Hong Kong people will enjoygenuine universal suffrage but also on whether it willopen the door to direct dialogue between the Allianceand the central government. So far Director of thecentral government's Liaison Office Peng Qinghua isthe only central government official that has evercommented on moderate democrats' stance. When heanswered press questions on a public occasion inHong Kong towards the end of last February, he said,"I've noticed that these days rational discussions ofmatters concerning constitutional development haveincreased in Hong Kong." That is all. He has neverdirectly commented on the Alliance's request fordialogue, not to mentioned other central governmentofficials.
Moderate democrats (whom the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage represents) have risked beingaccused of strangling the pro pro--democracy movement toseek to dialogue with the central government with aview to breaking the constitutional reform deadlock.However, their efforts have yet to produce results. No"dialogue of real significance" has ever taken placebetween it and the central authorities. That is how thesituation stands. Judging from what has happened,one can hardly be optimistic that it will have anyopportunity to dialogue with the central government.Moderate democrats are as willing as the goddess inthe myth, but the central government, like King Xiangof Chu, does not dream. Central government officialsoften say dialogue is better than confrontation.
Moderate democrats have rejected confrontation infavour of dialogue, but the central government turns adeaf ear to their requests. Is it true that the remark isonly a casual one that must not be taken seriously?Moderate democrats have analysed the situation.
Some suspect the SAR government and the centralgovernment have resorted to delaying tactics and usedambiguous moves to persuade them to continue tosnub the so so--called de facto referendum. When thepressure on the SAR government sharply diminishesas the May 16 by by--elections close, moderate democratswill be of little use to them. Moderate democratssuspect the central government never sincerely wantsto dialogue with them. There is no verifying whetherthat is the SAR government and the centralgovernment's design design. However, they being. cold cold--shouldered, it is totally understandable that theywould think so.
The central government is justified in refusing todialogue with the Civic Party or the League of SocialDemocrats because they have resorted to radicalism.However, it is not justifiable for it not to dialogue withthe Alliance for Universal Suffrage, which is moderateand whose demands are reasonable. We feelcompelled to remind the central government that thereis now a general trend towards radicalism in the SAR.
It will only push moderates towards radicalism if itcontinues to ignore them. Because of the radicalatmosphere, only if the central government adroitlyguides the situation in the light of the circumstancescan conflicts be averted. If it resorts to containment,the radical atmosphere will intensify and spread, andHong Kong's tranquillity and stability will suffer.If moderate democrats achieve little, thegovernment's constitutional reform package for 2012will be thrown out, and radicalism will gain ground.
Now, many of Hong Kong's deep deep--rooted contradictionsare at a critical stage, and the prospect of social unrestalready looms large. It would be very detrimental to thesituation in Hong Kong for radicals to dominate thepan pan--democratic camp. Hong Kong is now at thewatershed between stability and unrest. The centralgovernment cannot be too wary of that.
終極普選聯盟(簡稱普選聯)成立以來,爭取與中央對話,尋求普選路線圖,使2017 年行政長官和2020 立法會兩個選舉是真普選。許多人密切注視普選聯這條對話路線,能否解開政改困局,不過,迄今所知情况不容樂觀。
對話路線之成效,除了爭取中央確認真普選,還有另一個檢驗標準,就是普選聯能否開啟與中央直接對話之門。迄今為止,中央官員談及溫和民主派取態的,只有中聯辦主任彭清華。22 月下旬,彭清華在港出席公開場合後,答記者提問時說: 「我也注意到,這個時期以來,香港社會在政制發展問題上,理性討論的聲音有所增強」,僅此而已,至於普選聯爭取的對話,連彭清華也未有正面回應,遑論其他中央官員了。
近日,溫和民主派分析目前情勢,有意見質疑特區政府和中央在採取拖字訣,以模稜兩可手段綁住溫和民主派,爭取他們繼續「冷待」所謂「變相公投」,待55 月16 日立法會補選過後,特區政府壓力大減,屆時溫和民主派就再無利用價值,根本無誠意對話。這個分析是否戳穿了特區政府和中央盤算,無從印證,但是溫和民主派所遭到冷待,有這個想法,完全可以理解。
公社兩黨搞激進行動,中央不與之溝通對話,可說得過去; 「普選聯」取態溫和、訴求合理,中央若仍然拒絕與它對話,就說不過去了。我們要提醒中央,香港社會氛圍取態愈趨激烈,已是總的趨勢;如果中央對於溫和理性力量,仍然不理不睬,則只會把溫和理性力量推向激進。目前香港社會的激進氛圍,首要因勢利導,才可以避免出現衝突,如果採取堵塞政策,則激進氛圍勢必升溫和擴大,最終必定衝擊香港社會的安寧和穩定。
如果溫和民主派這次空手而回,則2012 年選舉辦法被否決,激進路線抬頭,加上香港各方面深層次矛盾也到了臨界點,整體社會已經隱伏躁動與不安,一旦民主派路線由激進主導,將對香港局勢大為不利。香港現正處於安危治亂的轉捩點,中央對此不能不察。
turn a deaf ear toignore.
designplan or intention.
adroitly //??''dr ɔɔIItl tlII//in a skilful and clever manner.
Whether the "dialogue line" will prove effectivedepends not only on whether the central governmentwill give a pledge that Hong Kong people will enjoygenuine universal suffrage but also on whether it willopen the door to direct dialogue between the Allianceand the central government. So far Director of thecentral government's Liaison Office Peng Qinghua isthe only central government official that has evercommented on moderate democrats' stance. When heanswered press questions on a public occasion inHong Kong towards the end of last February, he said,"I've noticed that these days rational discussions ofmatters concerning constitutional development haveincreased in Hong Kong." That is all. He has neverdirectly commented on the Alliance's request fordialogue, not to mentioned other central governmentofficials.
Moderate democrats (whom the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage represents) have risked beingaccused of strangling the pro pro--democracy movement toseek to dialogue with the central government with aview to breaking the constitutional reform deadlock.However, their efforts have yet to produce results. No"dialogue of real significance" has ever taken placebetween it and the central authorities. That is how thesituation stands. Judging from what has happened,one can hardly be optimistic that it will have anyopportunity to dialogue with the central government.Moderate democrats are as willing as the goddess inthe myth, but the central government, like King Xiangof Chu, does not dream. Central government officialsoften say dialogue is better than confrontation.
Moderate democrats have rejected confrontation infavour of dialogue, but the central government turns adeaf ear to their requests. Is it true that the remark isonly a casual one that must not be taken seriously?Moderate democrats have analysed the situation.
Some suspect the SAR government and the centralgovernment have resorted to delaying tactics and usedambiguous moves to persuade them to continue tosnub the so so--called de facto referendum. When thepressure on the SAR government sharply diminishesas the May 16 by by--elections close, moderate democratswill be of little use to them. Moderate democratssuspect the central government never sincerely wantsto dialogue with them. There is no verifying whetherthat is the SAR government and the centralgovernment's design design. However, they being. cold cold--shouldered, it is totally understandable that theywould think so.
The central government is justified in refusing todialogue with the Civic Party or the League of SocialDemocrats because they have resorted to radicalism.However, it is not justifiable for it not to dialogue withthe Alliance for Universal Suffrage, which is moderateand whose demands are reasonable. We feelcompelled to remind the central government that thereis now a general trend towards radicalism in the SAR.
It will only push moderates towards radicalism if itcontinues to ignore them. Because of the radicalatmosphere, only if the central government adroitlyguides the situation in the light of the circumstancescan conflicts be averted. If it resorts to containment,the radical atmosphere will intensify and spread, andHong Kong's tranquillity and stability will suffer.If moderate democrats achieve little, thegovernment's constitutional reform package for 2012will be thrown out, and radicalism will gain ground.
Now, many of Hong Kong's deep deep--rooted contradictionsare at a critical stage, and the prospect of social unrestalready looms large. It would be very detrimental to thesituation in Hong Kong for radicals to dominate thepan pan--democratic camp. Hong Kong is now at thewatershed between stability and unrest. The centralgovernment cannot be too wary of that.
終極普選聯盟(簡稱普選聯)成立以來,爭取與中央對話,尋求普選路線圖,使2017 年行政長官和2020 立法會兩個選舉是真普選。許多人密切注視普選聯這條對話路線,能否解開政改困局,不過,迄今所知情况不容樂觀。
對話路線之成效,除了爭取中央確認真普選,還有另一個檢驗標準,就是普選聯能否開啟與中央直接對話之門。迄今為止,中央官員談及溫和民主派取態的,只有中聯辦主任彭清華。22 月下旬,彭清華在港出席公開場合後,答記者提問時說: 「我也注意到,這個時期以來,香港社會在政制發展問題上,理性討論的聲音有所增強」,僅此而已,至於普選聯爭取的對話,連彭清華也未有正面回應,遑論其他中央官員了。
近日,溫和民主派分析目前情勢,有意見質疑特區政府和中央在採取拖字訣,以模稜兩可手段綁住溫和民主派,爭取他們繼續「冷待」所謂「變相公投」,待55 月16 日立法會補選過後,特區政府壓力大減,屆時溫和民主派就再無利用價值,根本無誠意對話。這個分析是否戳穿了特區政府和中央盤算,無從印證,但是溫和民主派所遭到冷待,有這個想法,完全可以理解。
公社兩黨搞激進行動,中央不與之溝通對話,可說得過去; 「普選聯」取態溫和、訴求合理,中央若仍然拒絕與它對話,就說不過去了。我們要提醒中央,香港社會氛圍取態愈趨激烈,已是總的趨勢;如果中央對於溫和理性力量,仍然不理不睬,則只會把溫和理性力量推向激進。目前香港社會的激進氛圍,首要因勢利導,才可以避免出現衝突,如果採取堵塞政策,則激進氛圍勢必升溫和擴大,最終必定衝擊香港社會的安寧和穩定。
如果溫和民主派這次空手而回,則2012 年選舉辦法被否決,激進路線抬頭,加上香港各方面深層次矛盾也到了臨界點,整體社會已經隱伏躁動與不安,一旦民主派路線由激進主導,將對香港局勢大為不利。香港現正處於安危治亂的轉捩點,中央對此不能不察。
turn a deaf ear toignore.
designplan or intention.
adroitly //??''dr ɔɔIItl tlII//in a skilful and clever manner.
文章 (Atom)