IN the past few weeks officials' and legislators' attention was focused on the Act Now--All Wrong contention over constitutional reform. However,what concerns citizens most? Opinion polls show they concern themselves more with Hong Kong's economy and its people's welfare. Hong Kong's constitutional. development is of course important, but it attracts much less attention than its economy and its people's welfare. Now the controversy over constitutional reform has come to a close, both officials and legislators should get back to basics. They must give more thought to matters concerning Hong Kong's economy and its people's welfare, which citizens are more concerned with.
At present, Hong Kong's democratisation is important to its development, as is its people's welfare.Unlike the fish and the bear's palm in MMeenncciiuuss, the two, are not mutually exclusive. Attention must be given toboth, for, unless Hong Kong people live well, its democratisation cannot be sustained.
Few citizens think of democracy abstractly ormetaphysically or set great store by any general principles of democracy. Many regard democracy as an instrument, a means, or a better way to achieve theend of improving people's lives or making things easier for them. In their view, the ultimate goal is to make good use of democracy to bring about social fairnessand justice.
The deep--rooted contradictions Hong Kong mustresolve include not only political ones but also those of two major areas - its economy and its people's welfare.The deep--rooted contradictions of Hong Kong's economic development have troubled its people for years. Hong Kong's economy is heavily dependent on its financial sector and real estate sector. Its industrial structure is far from diversified. As yet we do not havea clue how Hong Kong can have new areas of growth.Deep Deep--rooted social contradictions are equally worrying. The rich rich--poor gap is widening. Social mobility is so slow that transgene rational poverty hasincreased. Such social woes have fuelled socialconflicts. Public resentment is therefore accumulating.The SAR government must find ways to allay it lest unrest should erupt.
Issues of the economy and the people's welfareare likely to get on people's nerves. That is not peculiar to Hong Kong. The latest case is Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's stepping down for his misguided economic and social policies.
Kevin Rudd was immensely popular when he took office as Prime Minister. However, his fellow Labourites have driven him out. They have done somainly because he proposed to impose a heavy tax on resource companies' "super profits" to pay for Australia's infrastructure and support its pension fundsystem. He hoped the policy would win him popular support. As many pension funds and individuals hadinvested heavily in mining companies, that policy drewfire from all quarters. Kevin Rudd's popularity plunged.Politics is more often than not about the economy andthe people's welfare.
Political parties controlling legislative seats shouldno longer be at daggers drawn as they were when they squabbled with each other about constitutionalreform. Legislators should set aside their factious prejudices and resume doing what politicians ought todo basically. They should hasten to deal with matters concerning Hong Kong's economy and its people'swelfare. Internal dissipation resulting from their endless dispute over a single political issue would harm ratherthan profit Hong Kong citizens.
過去一個月, 「起錨」與「超錯」的政改議題是官員和議員的關注焦點,然而,市民最關心的,又是什麼?民調顯示, 經濟發展與民生問題都較受市民關注,政制發展當然重要,但受關注程度卻遠遠不如經濟與民生;所以,在政改方案爭議暫告一段落之後,官員與議員都應該回歸基本,多用心思在市民更關心的經濟民生問題。
well-being, happiness, health and prosperity(of a person or a community).
misguided /mIs'gaIdId/mistaken.
at daggers drawnin bitter enmity.
Hooliganism perverts democracy
The government's two motions concerning the chief executive and legislative elections in 2012 passed as expected. Perhaps the only thing outside the plot was League of Social Democrats lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung's expulsion, which he had earned through his trademark performance.
Prior to the debate, the league trio had vowed to remain in the chamber so that their opposing votes would be put on record. I'm not sure how bitter "Long Hair" may feel about missing the vote on the 2012 Legislative Council electoral reform. But what's clear is the saga isn't going to end with the passage.
Political attention is focused right now on the July 1 march, isn't it? Since the first march took place after 1997, it gradually turned into an annual carnival, drawing together a mixture of people clamoring for different causes. As a result, the theme of democracy became increasingly blurred.
Last year, the limelight was stolen by Lehman Brothers' minibond investors after many who were badly burned by the US investment bank's collapse set out ahead of other marchers.
Organizer Civil Human Rights Front said Thursday's march will be led by domestic helpers and workers.
I can't help feeling this year's event is increasingly like the FIFA World Cup: while it is carnival-like, a number of leading players are ousted early.
In the past, Democratic Party leaders always occupied a prominent position at the front of the procession. Where will they appear this time? There is rising doubt they will again take the lead. The party's support for the 2012 electoral reforms has angered radicals in the pan- democratic camp so much that in the past few days, there were calls to exclude the Democrats from the march.
As the radicals raised fists and chanted slogans condemning the political reforms, they failed to act equally democratically to allow different opinions to be heard. This prejudice was best exemplified by what happened at the City Forum yesterday, when Helena Wong Pik-wan, a moderate of the Alliance of Universal Suffrage, revealed how Democratic Party vice-chairperson Emily Lau Wai-hing had been subjected to insensitive verbal attacks that culminated in rape threats.
Clearly, critics had crossed the allowable line into the zone of criminality.
Wong also recalled how the radicals hurled offensive language at her mother.
It was absolutely illogical when somebody stood up and demanded Lau and her party colleagues not join the march so that the post-80s and post-90s demonstrators wouldn't be provoked by the Democrats' mere presence.
In the cyber world, there were also calls for demonstrators to attack Democrats with eggs and tomatoes should they dare show up.
This isn't democracy, but hooliganism.
However, given the charged atmosphere at present, it will be politically unrealistic for Democrats to march at the front as they had in the past.
It wouldn't surprise me if they seek a lower-profile presence in the middle on Thursday.
But without Democratic political figures in the lead, the pro-democracy theme will be blurred even further.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Prior to the debate, the league trio had vowed to remain in the chamber so that their opposing votes would be put on record. I'm not sure how bitter "Long Hair" may feel about missing the vote on the 2012 Legislative Council electoral reform. But what's clear is the saga isn't going to end with the passage.
Political attention is focused right now on the July 1 march, isn't it? Since the first march took place after 1997, it gradually turned into an annual carnival, drawing together a mixture of people clamoring for different causes. As a result, the theme of democracy became increasingly blurred.
Last year, the limelight was stolen by Lehman Brothers' minibond investors after many who were badly burned by the US investment bank's collapse set out ahead of other marchers.
Organizer Civil Human Rights Front said Thursday's march will be led by domestic helpers and workers.
I can't help feeling this year's event is increasingly like the FIFA World Cup: while it is carnival-like, a number of leading players are ousted early.
In the past, Democratic Party leaders always occupied a prominent position at the front of the procession. Where will they appear this time? There is rising doubt they will again take the lead. The party's support for the 2012 electoral reforms has angered radicals in the pan- democratic camp so much that in the past few days, there were calls to exclude the Democrats from the march.
As the radicals raised fists and chanted slogans condemning the political reforms, they failed to act equally democratically to allow different opinions to be heard. This prejudice was best exemplified by what happened at the City Forum yesterday, when Helena Wong Pik-wan, a moderate of the Alliance of Universal Suffrage, revealed how Democratic Party vice-chairperson Emily Lau Wai-hing had been subjected to insensitive verbal attacks that culminated in rape threats.
Clearly, critics had crossed the allowable line into the zone of criminality.
Wong also recalled how the radicals hurled offensive language at her mother.
It was absolutely illogical when somebody stood up and demanded Lau and her party colleagues not join the march so that the post-80s and post-90s demonstrators wouldn't be provoked by the Democrats' mere presence.
In the cyber world, there were also calls for demonstrators to attack Democrats with eggs and tomatoes should they dare show up.
This isn't democracy, but hooliganism.
However, given the charged atmosphere at present, it will be politically unrealistic for Democrats to march at the front as they had in the past.
It wouldn't surprise me if they seek a lower-profile presence in the middle on Thursday.
But without Democratic political figures in the lead, the pro-democracy theme will be blurred even further.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Leung's unkind remarks
IN politics, change is eternal. Though change is constant in politics, some requirements people in politics ought to meet do not and should not change. One of them is that one must respect others,including one's rivals. This is a requirement not only those in politics but also ordinary people must meet.Leung Kwok-hung is good at verbal violence. Hisverbal abuse is too frequent to surprise some.
However, he has openly called Szeto Wah (who suffers from stage 4 lung cancer) "Szeto Old Dog" andsaid cancer cells have spread to his brain. That is unmistakably past ordinary people's endurance.
Leung has said he will deal with this matter between him and Szeto privately. It is wrong for him to do so. Szeto was against the "five-constituencyresignations and de facto referendum" campaign and endorses the Democratic Party's modified plan. He is worlds apart from the League of Social Democrat(LSD). Conceivably, that is why Leung has abusedhim. Because Leung has bashed Szeto over hispolitical choices in relation to public affairs rather than what concerns only them, it is not open to him to settle the matter privately. If he finds a remedy, he ought to tell the public what it is.
Most people judge Leung's remarks against basicprinciples of good behaviour rather than any general principles of politics. It is unkind and inhuman to use the condition of a person who has terminal cancer asammunition to attack him politically. Such behaviour is by no means acceptable in any civilised society. No ingenious explanations Leung can come up with wouldserve to hoodwink the discerning public. Instead ofracking his brains to blur the issue or divert attention,he should say he ought not to have made thoseremarks, retract them and apologise to Szeto. By doing so he might salvage some respect. He will only be held more in contempt if he persists in using sophistry to gloss over his fault.
Leung said in the legislative chamber thoseremarks were his own and had nothing to do with the LSD. That indirectly shows those remarks are improper and he does not want to be a liability to his party.Though it is he that has made those remarks, it seems clear from what has happened that his behaviour isessentially and substantially in line with the LSD's ways of struggling.
In 2008 the LSD grabbed three Legislative Councilseats. Regarding radicalism as its political capital, itdeclared it would put up fights in the legislativechamber. Its attitude is similar to that Ju Gau-jengadopted about twenty years ago when he became adangwai (outside-the-party) member of Taiwan'sLegislative Yuan. Ju, who said he would put up fights in the legislature, is known for his violent behaviour. Hetook part in several brawls among legislators. LSDmembers' behaviour in the legislative chamber is nowhere near as violent as Ju's. We have no intentionwhatsoever to encourage LSD members to emulate Ju. It remains to be assessed whether Ju's radicalismhas promoted or inhibited Taiwan's democratisation.
We only what to point out that what Ju did then wasthe worst of foul politics. Some have jokingly said that,if LSD members do in Hong Kong what Ju did inTaiwan, one may say the "Taiwan poison" has got intotheir brains. It depends on how sensible Hong Kong people are whether the LSD's radicalism will win it more political capital. Nevertheless, one cay say for certain that foul politics would in no way profit theSAR.
梁國雄人身攻擊司徒華 偏離文明社會基本要求
2008 年,社民連在立法會選舉攻下3 席,視激進為本錢,表明將在立法會搞抗爭,這個取態,與大約20 年前台灣以黨外人士身分成為立法委員的朱高正相若。當年朱高正在立法院搞抗爭,以「暴力問政」風格聞名,曾多次捲入立法委員互毆事件。社民連在立法會搞抗爭,暴烈程度較諸當年的朱高正,差之遠矣。我們絕非鼓勵社民連要趕上朱高正,朱高正的激越,在台灣整體民主進程起到積極抑或消極作用,還待評斷,我們只是指出,朱高正當年的作為,是惡質政治的極致,社民連若將之搬來香港,有人謔稱為「台毒上腦」。社民連的激烈,能否掙得更多政治本錢,就看香港市民的質素,但是惡質政治生態,對香港無益,這是可以肯定的。
G lossary
bash /baʃ/severely criticise.retract /rI'trakt/If you retract a remark you have made, yousay it is wrong or you did not mean it.profitbe beneficial to.
However, he has openly called Szeto Wah (who suffers from stage 4 lung cancer) "Szeto Old Dog" andsaid cancer cells have spread to his brain. That is unmistakably past ordinary people's endurance.
Leung has said he will deal with this matter between him and Szeto privately. It is wrong for him to do so. Szeto was against the "five-constituencyresignations and de facto referendum" campaign and endorses the Democratic Party's modified plan. He is worlds apart from the League of Social Democrat(LSD). Conceivably, that is why Leung has abusedhim. Because Leung has bashed Szeto over hispolitical choices in relation to public affairs rather than what concerns only them, it is not open to him to settle the matter privately. If he finds a remedy, he ought to tell the public what it is.
Most people judge Leung's remarks against basicprinciples of good behaviour rather than any general principles of politics. It is unkind and inhuman to use the condition of a person who has terminal cancer asammunition to attack him politically. Such behaviour is by no means acceptable in any civilised society. No ingenious explanations Leung can come up with wouldserve to hoodwink the discerning public. Instead ofracking his brains to blur the issue or divert attention,he should say he ought not to have made thoseremarks, retract them and apologise to Szeto. By doing so he might salvage some respect. He will only be held more in contempt if he persists in using sophistry to gloss over his fault.
Leung said in the legislative chamber thoseremarks were his own and had nothing to do with the LSD. That indirectly shows those remarks are improper and he does not want to be a liability to his party.Though it is he that has made those remarks, it seems clear from what has happened that his behaviour isessentially and substantially in line with the LSD's ways of struggling.
In 2008 the LSD grabbed three Legislative Councilseats. Regarding radicalism as its political capital, itdeclared it would put up fights in the legislativechamber. Its attitude is similar to that Ju Gau-jengadopted about twenty years ago when he became adangwai (outside-the-party) member of Taiwan'sLegislative Yuan. Ju, who said he would put up fights in the legislature, is known for his violent behaviour. Hetook part in several brawls among legislators. LSDmembers' behaviour in the legislative chamber is nowhere near as violent as Ju's. We have no intentionwhatsoever to encourage LSD members to emulate Ju. It remains to be assessed whether Ju's radicalismhas promoted or inhibited Taiwan's democratisation.
We only what to point out that what Ju did then wasthe worst of foul politics. Some have jokingly said that,if LSD members do in Hong Kong what Ju did inTaiwan, one may say the "Taiwan poison" has got intotheir brains. It depends on how sensible Hong Kong people are whether the LSD's radicalism will win it more political capital. Nevertheless, one cay say for certain that foul politics would in no way profit theSAR.
梁國雄人身攻擊司徒華 偏離文明社會基本要求
2008 年,社民連在立法會選舉攻下3 席,視激進為本錢,表明將在立法會搞抗爭,這個取態,與大約20 年前台灣以黨外人士身分成為立法委員的朱高正相若。當年朱高正在立法院搞抗爭,以「暴力問政」風格聞名,曾多次捲入立法委員互毆事件。社民連在立法會搞抗爭,暴烈程度較諸當年的朱高正,差之遠矣。我們絕非鼓勵社民連要趕上朱高正,朱高正的激越,在台灣整體民主進程起到積極抑或消極作用,還待評斷,我們只是指出,朱高正當年的作為,是惡質政治的極致,社民連若將之搬來香港,有人謔稱為「台毒上腦」。社民連的激烈,能否掙得更多政治本錢,就看香港市民的質素,但是惡質政治生態,對香港無益,這是可以肯定的。
G lossary
bash /baʃ/severely criticise.retract /rI'trakt/If you retract a remark you have made, yousay it is wrong or you did not mean it.profitbe beneficial to.
Thumbs-up for brave British budget
The British coalition government has produced its first budget, which is considered the country's toughest since World War II. It has immediately raised concerns in the United States - and that's intriguing.
What has British Chancellor George Osborne put in his medicine box for Britain's sluggish economy? Needless to say, it's all bitter pills. The most unpopular must be the increase in value- added tax, from 17.5 percent to 20 percent, affecting almost all consumer items except essentials like food and children's clothing and books.
A sum of 11 billion (HK$127.36 billion) will also be slashed from welfare spending, the budget of every government department will be cut by 25 percent, and there will be a hike in the cap of capital gains tax on property and assets.
There is also a new levy targeting banks which HSBC chief executive Michael Geoghegan said is unfair to HSBC since it survived the global financial crisis without using a single penny from the government. Treating HSBC just like the banks which were bailed out just does not add up, he added.
Like the United States, Europe, including Britain, has been printing banknotes to fund its economic rescue - albeit in a smaller scale. But this has helped spin off a new crisis - national debt - that has already forced the credit downgrading of some "PIIGS" countries.
Greece is in the mire. But it is too small to be a major concern. Britain is a lot bigger, and its failure could become a curse for others.
I cannot bring myself to agree with the view on the other side of the Atlantic - that Osborne's austerity may not be a solution and could instead push Britain into a double-dip recession - while Washington is still pursuing a policy of relaxing monetary supply to keep the domestic economy running. Perhaps the cynics should learn from their Asian friends, who are not inexperienced in this matters.
How they coped during the Asian financial crisis in 1997 provides a valid reference. The crisis started in Thailand with the collapse of the baht. At that time Thailand had acquired a burden of foreign debt that made the country effectively bankrupt.
As the crisis spread, most of Southeast Asia and Japan saw their currencies slump, their stocks lose value and their asset prices dip. Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand were the hardest hit. Others, like Hong Kong, were also badly affected.
But how did Hong Kong and its Asian neighbors get through the difficult time? Helped by their traditional cultures, Asians overcame the crisis by tightening their belts, allowing the region to emerge as the new world economic powerhouse, with China at the center.
At the time, economists in the West said it was those countries to blame, and the International Monetary Fund required them to adopt austere fiscal policies in order to win its assistance. There is no place for double standards in dealing with crises - now and then. The European debt crisis stemmed from borrowings. In order to overcome the national credit crises now gripping some European countries, they should accept the austerity measures.
And this is not only for Britons but for other European countries as well. By now the world should know there's no miracle cure.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
What has British Chancellor George Osborne put in his medicine box for Britain's sluggish economy? Needless to say, it's all bitter pills. The most unpopular must be the increase in value- added tax, from 17.5 percent to 20 percent, affecting almost all consumer items except essentials like food and children's clothing and books.
A sum of 11 billion (HK$127.36 billion) will also be slashed from welfare spending, the budget of every government department will be cut by 25 percent, and there will be a hike in the cap of capital gains tax on property and assets.
There is also a new levy targeting banks which HSBC chief executive Michael Geoghegan said is unfair to HSBC since it survived the global financial crisis without using a single penny from the government. Treating HSBC just like the banks which were bailed out just does not add up, he added.
Like the United States, Europe, including Britain, has been printing banknotes to fund its economic rescue - albeit in a smaller scale. But this has helped spin off a new crisis - national debt - that has already forced the credit downgrading of some "PIIGS" countries.
Greece is in the mire. But it is too small to be a major concern. Britain is a lot bigger, and its failure could become a curse for others.
I cannot bring myself to agree with the view on the other side of the Atlantic - that Osborne's austerity may not be a solution and could instead push Britain into a double-dip recession - while Washington is still pursuing a policy of relaxing monetary supply to keep the domestic economy running. Perhaps the cynics should learn from their Asian friends, who are not inexperienced in this matters.
How they coped during the Asian financial crisis in 1997 provides a valid reference. The crisis started in Thailand with the collapse of the baht. At that time Thailand had acquired a burden of foreign debt that made the country effectively bankrupt.
As the crisis spread, most of Southeast Asia and Japan saw their currencies slump, their stocks lose value and their asset prices dip. Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand were the hardest hit. Others, like Hong Kong, were also badly affected.
But how did Hong Kong and its Asian neighbors get through the difficult time? Helped by their traditional cultures, Asians overcame the crisis by tightening their belts, allowing the region to emerge as the new world economic powerhouse, with China at the center.
At the time, economists in the West said it was those countries to blame, and the International Monetary Fund required them to adopt austere fiscal policies in order to win its assistance. There is no place for double standards in dealing with crises - now and then. The European debt crisis stemmed from borrowings. In order to overcome the national credit crises now gripping some European countries, they should accept the austerity measures.
And this is not only for Britons but for other European countries as well. By now the world should know there's no miracle cure.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Demonstrations should be peaceful
TODAY the government puts its 2012constitutional reform package to the vote inthe legislative chamber. People who are for itand those who are against it will rally outside theLegislative Council (Legco) building, which will againbe surrounded by crowds. Rising wind now forebodesa storm. We hope protesters will act in a civilisedmanner in any event. Police officers, who Secretary forSecurity Ambrose Lee has said will act decisively,should enforce the law in a civilised manner. All shouldexercise restraint lest Hong Kong should see clashesor even bloodshed.
We gather that at least ten groups willdemonstrate outside the Legco building, and theiractivities will on the whole be "peaceful and gentle".
However, some who have all along acted fiercely willalso be there. Their ways of demonstration areanything but "peaceful" or "gentle". Because of thisand other factors that may induce violence, it may justbe many people's fond hope that peace andgentleness will reign outside the Legco building. Thatis very unlikely to be the case.
None can tell accurately what will happen in amass movement. However, if any resort to violence orother improper behaviour, decent demonstrators areobligated to do their best to make it clear that theyhave nothing to do with troublemakers. They ought tocondemn their behaviour lest their calls should bedrowned out with foul language or their fight pollutedwith unlawful deeds. If decent demonstrators refuse tobe used by people with ulterior motives, their civilised,rational struggle will radiate deeply moving tension andglamour.
To tell troublemakers the spirit of democracy liesin mutual respect and tolerance is like to play the luteto a cow. The reason is that it is their study to gobeyond the bounds of propriety and gag the majoritythough they are in the minority.
The other day some members of the League ofSocial Democrats were present at an Alliance ofUniversal Suffrage event. They besieged, abused andridiculed members of the Alliance including RichardTsoi, on whom an "All Wrong" label was stuck. Strictlyspeaking, the labeller may have committed the offenceof common assault. Richard Tsoi was toomagnanimous to be bothered about it. However, whatpassed between them demonstrates the differencebetween civility and insolence.
Clashes have recently broken out between policeofficers and demonstrators. Such clashes are oftentriggered by demonstrators' provocations. During ananti-XRL demonstration, a few troublemakers tried toseize barricades and flung glass bottles up. Policeofficers stopped them with pepper spray. It is acceptedthat they provoked the police. No sophistry they canuse helps reverse that view or justify what they did.
Mass movements that are civilised, rational andpeaceful are commendable. It is not satisfactory ifwhether what happens in a demonstration is right hasto be determined with the help of the law. It islamentable if police officers have to use force to putdown a demonstration and, as a result, there isbloodshed. Such a demonstration cannot be describedas a success. There is no preventing people frommaking use of an opportunity to cause trouble during ademonstration. We only hope decent demonstratorswill be alert and avoid being used by such people.
We demand that police officers enforce the law ina civilised manner. During the anti-XRLdemonstration, some legislators and officials werebarred from leaving the Legco building. The policecould do little to help them. They may think they werehumiliated. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee hastold the police to enforce the law decisively. Yesterday,police officers set ring upon ring of barricades aroundthe Legco building. The atmosphere there is grim.
None doubts that police officers are determined andable to enforce the law. However, in our view, it is offirst importance for them to exercise restraint. Theymust be as tolerant as possible. They must not bequick to use excessive force in the name of law andorder.
明報英語網「雙語社評」 2010.06.23明報社評
2012 年政改方案決議案,政府今日提交立法會表決,支持和反對方案的團體、人士,都會到立法會大樓外集會,民衆包圍立法會的場面勢將重現。於此山雨欲來風滿樓之際,我們希望無論怎樣,各方要以文明方式抗爭,保安局長李少光聲言會果斷執法的警隊,也要文明執法,各自克制,避免出現衝突甚至流血的場面。
今次反對政改方案的抗爭,據知最少有10 個團體在立法會大樓外示威,群衆組合形式,與反高鐵撥款一役相若。據知整體以「和平溫柔」為基調。不過,一貫取態激烈的人士,也會到場,他們的抗爭手法,與和平溫柔風馬牛不相及,加上其他潛在激烈變數,以反高鐵的前例,屆時會場整體氛圍的和平溫柔,可能只是許多人的主觀良好願望,客觀環境卻不會出現。
fond hopea hope about something that is not likely tohappen.
an aim one strives to achieve.
magnanimous /mag'nanIm ?s/kind, generous and forgiving.
We gather that at least ten groups willdemonstrate outside the Legco building, and theiractivities will on the whole be "peaceful and gentle".
However, some who have all along acted fiercely willalso be there. Their ways of demonstration areanything but "peaceful" or "gentle". Because of thisand other factors that may induce violence, it may justbe many people's fond hope that peace andgentleness will reign outside the Legco building. Thatis very unlikely to be the case.
None can tell accurately what will happen in amass movement. However, if any resort to violence orother improper behaviour, decent demonstrators areobligated to do their best to make it clear that theyhave nothing to do with troublemakers. They ought tocondemn their behaviour lest their calls should bedrowned out with foul language or their fight pollutedwith unlawful deeds. If decent demonstrators refuse tobe used by people with ulterior motives, their civilised,rational struggle will radiate deeply moving tension andglamour.
To tell troublemakers the spirit of democracy liesin mutual respect and tolerance is like to play the luteto a cow. The reason is that it is their study to gobeyond the bounds of propriety and gag the majoritythough they are in the minority.
The other day some members of the League ofSocial Democrats were present at an Alliance ofUniversal Suffrage event. They besieged, abused andridiculed members of the Alliance including RichardTsoi, on whom an "All Wrong" label was stuck. Strictlyspeaking, the labeller may have committed the offenceof common assault. Richard Tsoi was toomagnanimous to be bothered about it. However, whatpassed between them demonstrates the differencebetween civility and insolence.
Clashes have recently broken out between policeofficers and demonstrators. Such clashes are oftentriggered by demonstrators' provocations. During ananti-XRL demonstration, a few troublemakers tried toseize barricades and flung glass bottles up. Policeofficers stopped them with pepper spray. It is acceptedthat they provoked the police. No sophistry they canuse helps reverse that view or justify what they did.
Mass movements that are civilised, rational andpeaceful are commendable. It is not satisfactory ifwhether what happens in a demonstration is right hasto be determined with the help of the law. It islamentable if police officers have to use force to putdown a demonstration and, as a result, there isbloodshed. Such a demonstration cannot be describedas a success. There is no preventing people frommaking use of an opportunity to cause trouble during ademonstration. We only hope decent demonstratorswill be alert and avoid being used by such people.
We demand that police officers enforce the law ina civilised manner. During the anti-XRLdemonstration, some legislators and officials werebarred from leaving the Legco building. The policecould do little to help them. They may think they werehumiliated. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee hastold the police to enforce the law decisively. Yesterday,police officers set ring upon ring of barricades aroundthe Legco building. The atmosphere there is grim.
None doubts that police officers are determined andable to enforce the law. However, in our view, it is offirst importance for them to exercise restraint. Theymust be as tolerant as possible. They must not bequick to use excessive force in the name of law andorder.
明報英語網「雙語社評」 2010.06.23明報社評
2012 年政改方案決議案,政府今日提交立法會表決,支持和反對方案的團體、人士,都會到立法會大樓外集會,民衆包圍立法會的場面勢將重現。於此山雨欲來風滿樓之際,我們希望無論怎樣,各方要以文明方式抗爭,保安局長李少光聲言會果斷執法的警隊,也要文明執法,各自克制,避免出現衝突甚至流血的場面。
今次反對政改方案的抗爭,據知最少有10 個團體在立法會大樓外示威,群衆組合形式,與反高鐵撥款一役相若。據知整體以「和平溫柔」為基調。不過,一貫取態激烈的人士,也會到場,他們的抗爭手法,與和平溫柔風馬牛不相及,加上其他潛在激烈變數,以反高鐵的前例,屆時會場整體氛圍的和平溫柔,可能只是許多人的主觀良好願望,客觀環境卻不會出現。
fond hopea hope about something that is not likely tohappen.
an aim one strives to achieve.
magnanimous /mag'nanIm ?s/kind, generous and forgiving.
New balance of power
Passage of the 2012 electoral reforms in the legislature looks to be a foregone conclusion, despite the fact scores of protesters are certain to surround the Legislative Council building today.
Undoubtedly, radicals led by the League of Social Democrats will go after the Democratic Party members following their backing for the reform package, based on its "one-person-two-votes" model. Will the Democrats break up under radical pressure from inside and outside the party?
Nobody likes "running dog" labels. While it can't be ruled out that some members - including founding chairman Martin Lee Chu-ming - may quit the Democratic Party after today's vote, the party will surely survive the blow.
In the months preceding the dialogue, the Democrats also broke ranks with radicals in the league and Civic Party over their campaign to turn the legislative by-election into a referendum. In retrospect, the Democrats not only survived the split with their political allies, but also proved they were right in refusing to be part of the referendum.
The Democrats' decision then has helped to bring about their breakthrough with the central government today. After leading the Democrats to reject the referendum-linked by-election, party vanguard Szeto Wah also played a key role in initiating the "one-person- two-votes" solution to break the deadlock on political development - fending off pressure Lee had been trying to exert on members to scuttle it.
It would be intriguing to ask where Lee - dubbed the "Father of Democracy" by his supporters - would go if he bolts the party he founded. Chances are, he would join the Civic Party instead, since he has identified himself with the Civics for some time.
Today's breakthrough is important because it will prevent society from sliding into radicalism. But what will the future hold for the balance of power?
Certainly, the establishment won't switch off its dialogue with the Democrats after the vote. The governments here and in Beijing will continue to engage them in order to create greater room for cooperation that, once established, will bode well for SAR governance.
However, this will also affect the government's working relationship with pro-establishment parties, particularly the Democratic Alliance for Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong.
Bitter over being left in the cold over the political reforms, the DAB will likely place greater emphasis on livelihood issues, and play tough with the government on general policy matters.
Nothing will change for the League, which will continue to play the role of radical opposition.
The Civic Party will end up the biggest loser after the political cards are shuffled. While it will continue to cast opposition votes in the near future, it is also under pressure to find a new position on the political spectrum for itself.
Today's vote won't please everybody, but it's arguably the best possible outcome at this stage. Hopefully, the breakthrough will pave the way for political parties to show greater readiness to compromise on future contentious issues.
But it would be naive to think it will be all smooth sailing from now on.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Undoubtedly, radicals led by the League of Social Democrats will go after the Democratic Party members following their backing for the reform package, based on its "one-person-two-votes" model. Will the Democrats break up under radical pressure from inside and outside the party?
Nobody likes "running dog" labels. While it can't be ruled out that some members - including founding chairman Martin Lee Chu-ming - may quit the Democratic Party after today's vote, the party will surely survive the blow.
In the months preceding the dialogue, the Democrats also broke ranks with radicals in the league and Civic Party over their campaign to turn the legislative by-election into a referendum. In retrospect, the Democrats not only survived the split with their political allies, but also proved they were right in refusing to be part of the referendum.
The Democrats' decision then has helped to bring about their breakthrough with the central government today. After leading the Democrats to reject the referendum-linked by-election, party vanguard Szeto Wah also played a key role in initiating the "one-person- two-votes" solution to break the deadlock on political development - fending off pressure Lee had been trying to exert on members to scuttle it.
It would be intriguing to ask where Lee - dubbed the "Father of Democracy" by his supporters - would go if he bolts the party he founded. Chances are, he would join the Civic Party instead, since he has identified himself with the Civics for some time.
Today's breakthrough is important because it will prevent society from sliding into radicalism. But what will the future hold for the balance of power?
Certainly, the establishment won't switch off its dialogue with the Democrats after the vote. The governments here and in Beijing will continue to engage them in order to create greater room for cooperation that, once established, will bode well for SAR governance.
However, this will also affect the government's working relationship with pro-establishment parties, particularly the Democratic Alliance for Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong.
Bitter over being left in the cold over the political reforms, the DAB will likely place greater emphasis on livelihood issues, and play tough with the government on general policy matters.
Nothing will change for the League, which will continue to play the role of radical opposition.
The Civic Party will end up the biggest loser after the political cards are shuffled. While it will continue to cast opposition votes in the near future, it is also under pressure to find a new position on the political spectrum for itself.
Today's vote won't please everybody, but it's arguably the best possible outcome at this stage. Hopefully, the breakthrough will pave the way for political parties to show greater readiness to compromise on future contentious issues.
But it would be naive to think it will be all smooth sailing from now on.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Jerusalem 耶路撒冷
耶路撒冷位於亞非交接處, 地中海(the Mediterranean Sea) 東岸的巴勒斯坦(Palestine) 中部。自古以來,沒有城市可以像耶路撒冷那樣,是猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教共同的「聖城」,接受來自世界各地18 億教徒的頂禮膜拜。三大宗教的烙印深深印在耶路撒冷舊城的每一個角落,凡是《舊約》、《新約》中提到的人名、事件和有關地方,都可以在這裏找到相應的教堂和殿宇。三大宗教的信徒都熱愛聖城,為了爭奪聖城,幾千年來這裏不知道發生過多少次戰爭。
Jaguar 積架
積架於1922 年由里昂斯與偉兹利共同創立,前身是燕子汽車配件公司,1945 年易名為積架汽車公司。該公司於1989 年被美國福特汽車公司兼併,成為福特生產豪華轎車的重要基地。積架在英國擁有3 家裝配廠及研發中心。
James Watt 瓦特
瓦特在1736 年出生,父親是造船裝配工人,他自小體弱多病,不能按時入學,在家受教育,自學完成了《物理學原理》,並常到父親的工廠操作機器、修理和做實驗。他後來因父親破產去當學徒,在大學當修理儀器的工人,經過無數次實驗,在1768 年製造出一種能夠運轉的蒸汽機,並申請專利權。除蒸汽機之外,他還發明了一種液體比重計、信件複印機和第一個採用「馬力」作為功率單位。
steam engine 蒸汽機James Watt College 詹姆斯.瓦特學院statue of Watt 瓦特雕像
holy city 聖城Crusader 十字軍The Dome of the Rock 圓頂清真寺The Western Wall 西牆或哭牆
William Lyons 里昂斯The Swallow Sidecar Company燕子汽車配件公司
Jerusalem 耶路撒冷
耶路撒冷位於亞非交接處, 地中海(the Mediterranean Sea) 東岸的巴勒斯坦(Palestine) 中部。自古以來,沒有城市可以像耶路撒冷那樣,是猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教共同的「聖城」,接受來自世界各地18 億教徒的頂禮膜拜。三大宗教的烙印深深印在耶路撒冷舊城的每一個角落,凡是《舊約》、《新約》中提到的人名、事件和有關地方,都可以在這裏找到相應的教堂和殿宇。三大宗教的信徒都熱愛聖城,為了爭奪聖城,幾千年來這裏不知道發生過多少次戰爭。
Jaguar 積架
積架於1922 年由里昂斯與偉兹利共同創立,前身是燕子汽車配件公司,1945 年易名為積架汽車公司。該公司於1989 年被美國福特汽車公司兼併,成為福特生產豪華轎車的重要基地。積架在英國擁有3 家裝配廠及研發中心。
James Watt 瓦特
瓦特在1736 年出生,父親是造船裝配工人,他自小體弱多病,不能按時入學,在家受教育,自學完成了《物理學原理》,並常到父親的工廠操作機器、修理和做實驗。他後來因父親破產去當學徒,在大學當修理儀器的工人,經過無數次實驗,在1768 年製造出一種能夠運轉的蒸汽機,並申請專利權。除蒸汽機之外,他還發明了一種液體比重計、信件複印機和第一個採用「馬力」作為功率單位。
steam engine 蒸汽機James Watt College 詹姆斯.瓦特學院statue of Watt 瓦特雕像
holy city 聖城Crusader 十字軍The Dome of the Rock 圓頂清真寺The Western Wall 西牆或哭牆
William Lyons 里昂斯The Swallow Sidecar Company燕子汽車配件公司
上次講到supplementary和complementary的分別, 其實complementary 和complimentary 兩個字,只是一個英文字母之差,更易混淆。
Complementary 有「使完整」的意思,complimentary 則有「表示敬意的、問候的、讚美的」之意思。奇怪的是,它又可以解作「免費贈送的」,例如:電影院有時贈送complimentary ticket,有些酒店會為住客準備complimentary drinks,出版社免費送書給長期顧客或書評人, 這些書叫做complimentary books。
到底complimentary 怎麼由「表示敬意的、問候的、讚美的」變成「免費贈送的」呢?原來以前做法,向某人表示敬意、問候、讚美時,都要同時附上禮物,即使今天,不少贈品裏面還可以找到一張小卡片,上面印有「With the compliments of...」,加上贈送禮品的公司的名字,也就是說該公司要借禮品向閣下表示敬意。但這些大量製作的禮品,到底含有多大多真誠的敬意,那又是另外的問題了。
Complementary 有「使完整」的意思,complimentary 則有「表示敬意的、問候的、讚美的」之意思。奇怪的是,它又可以解作「免費贈送的」,例如:電影院有時贈送complimentary ticket,有些酒店會為住客準備complimentary drinks,出版社免費送書給長期顧客或書評人, 這些書叫做complimentary books。
到底complimentary 怎麼由「表示敬意的、問候的、讚美的」變成「免費贈送的」呢?原來以前做法,向某人表示敬意、問候、讚美時,都要同時附上禮物,即使今天,不少贈品裏面還可以找到一張小卡片,上面印有「With the compliments of...」,加上贈送禮品的公司的名字,也就是說該公司要借禮品向閣下表示敬意。但這些大量製作的禮品,到底含有多大多真誠的敬意,那又是另外的問題了。
Central government's about about--turn
THE central government and the SARgovernment having accepted the amendedplan the Democratic Party and the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage have proposed, the 2012constitutional reform package is expected to beendorsed by more than three three--thirds of the LegislativeCouncil (Legco) members. Hong Kong's politicalsystem will evolve instead of remaining unchanged.
This is the fruit of many people's persevering efforts.Society is the biggest winner. However, that is but thefirst step in Hong Kong's democratisation. In the nextstage, Hong Kong's democratic movement must beaimed at ensuring that citizens will exercise genuineuniversal suffrage in electing their Chief Executive in2017 and their legislators in 2020.
The constitutional reform is of great significance toHong Kong because democrats have for the first timesince it reverted to Chinese sovereignty thirteen yearsago dialogued with central government officials, andtheir dialogue has produced real fruit.
Just because the constitutional reform hasproduced results, it does not follow that all deep deep--rootedcontradictions can be resolved. Nevertheless, theatmosphere is unlikely to radicalise excessively. Thatwould of course make it easer to solve problems. Inour view, in this the greatest significance of thisachievement of constitutional reform lies.
Donald Tsang has averted a political crisis. His2005 package was thrown out, and the DemocraticParty had threatened to call for a vote of no confidencein him if the 2012 package was also thrown out. Sucha motion would not be carried because theestablishmentarians would escort him. However, inthat event, Donald Tsang's leadership and authoritywould be undermined, and he would have even greaterdifficulty discharging his responsibilities in the next twoyears. His great tenacity has not only saved him butalso prevented Hong Kong's political situation frombecoming disastrous. He deserves praise for his efforts.The Democratic Party and the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage, especially the former, cannot bepraised too highly for what they have done in theconstitutional reform. Indifferent to praise or blame, theDemocratic Party has tenaciously adhered to what itconsiders sound and reasonable though it has beenoverwhelmed by ridicule, scorn and mud mud--slinging. Theperseverance and fortitude Albert Ho, its chairman,has displayed cannot but be described asextraordinary.
Democrat Party members differ about theamended plan. That may mar the party's solidarity.Even Martin Lee, who was founding chairman of it,said he would consider quitting it if it decided toendorse it at a meeting. He put it rather strongly. It isnot surprising that Democrats have differences.
However, those are not differences of principle, for,even if the amended plan had not been proposed, it isnecessary to decide what should become of thefunctional constituencies (FCs). Under the amendedplan, there would be more democratically returnedLegco members. When conventional FC legislators arein the minority, it will become possible to abolish all theFCs. Though it is understandable that Democrats differabout the plan, the party's splitting splitting--up would be out ofall proportion to the situation.
In handling the constitutional reform, the centralgovernment has appeared pragmatic and flexible.Rarely in recent years has it done so in dealing withHong Kong affairs. For that it deserves praise.At the critical moment, the central government,having regard to Hong Kong's general interests, gavethe green light to the amended plan, which it hadrejected. It did so lest Hong Kong's political systemshould remain unchanged. It has displayed such greatcourage and such great wisdom that Hong Kong canget out of the dead end of internal strife it hasremained in for thirteen years.
The flexibility the central government hasdisplayed reminds people that, in the run run--up to thehandover, it often took extraordinary measures to dealwith extraordinary situations. It has however departedfrom that spirit in headling certain Hong Kong affairs,especially its constitutional arrangements. That is whyHong Kong Kong--central government contradictions havedeepened. We hope that flexibility means its handlingof Hong Kong affairs has begun to return to normal.
政改峰迴路轉 社會最大贏家
2012 年政改方案,在中央和特區政府接納民主黨和普選聯提出的改良方案之後,預期可以得到立法會超過三分之二議員支持,使政制可以向前行,不用再原地踏步。這個結果,是各方面努力不懈的成果,而整體社會是最大的贏家。不過,這個結果,只是民主進程邁出的第一步,爭取2017 和2020 年落實行政長官和立法會兩個選舉為真普選,仍然是下階段本港民主運動的目標。今次政改對香港意義重大,因為這是回歸13 年以來,中央首次與民主派溝通對話,取得實質成果。
現在的結果,曾蔭權可避過一場政治危機,因為繼2005 年之後,若曾蔭權提出的政改方案再被否決,民主黨已經聲言會在立法會對他提出不信任動議,縱使在建制陣營保駕護航下,不信任動議未獲通過,但是曾蔭權的領導和管治權威,必然遭受貶損,他未來兩年的特首生涯,必然倍添艱困。曾蔭權的鍥而不捨,最終不但自救,也使香港政局不至於走入玉石俱焚的死胡同,他今次的努力值得肯定。
這次政改安排,中央的對應,總的而言,顯示了近年在香港政治事務上少有的務實和彈性,也值得肯定。在關鍵時刻,中央從香港大局出發,給一度已被否決的改良方案開綠燈,使本港政制不再原地踏步。中央顯示大勇氣和大智慧,使香港有望走出過去13 年內耗不休的死胡同。
suffrage //''ss ??fr frIIdd ??//the right to vote in political elections.
tenacity /t tII''nnaassIIttII//persistence, resolution.
fortitude //''ff ɔɔ:t :tIItju:d/tju:courage in pain or adversity.
This is the fruit of many people's persevering efforts.Society is the biggest winner. However, that is but thefirst step in Hong Kong's democratisation. In the nextstage, Hong Kong's democratic movement must beaimed at ensuring that citizens will exercise genuineuniversal suffrage in electing their Chief Executive in2017 and their legislators in 2020.
The constitutional reform is of great significance toHong Kong because democrats have for the first timesince it reverted to Chinese sovereignty thirteen yearsago dialogued with central government officials, andtheir dialogue has produced real fruit.
Just because the constitutional reform hasproduced results, it does not follow that all deep deep--rootedcontradictions can be resolved. Nevertheless, theatmosphere is unlikely to radicalise excessively. Thatwould of course make it easer to solve problems. Inour view, in this the greatest significance of thisachievement of constitutional reform lies.
Donald Tsang has averted a political crisis. His2005 package was thrown out, and the DemocraticParty had threatened to call for a vote of no confidencein him if the 2012 package was also thrown out. Sucha motion would not be carried because theestablishmentarians would escort him. However, inthat event, Donald Tsang's leadership and authoritywould be undermined, and he would have even greaterdifficulty discharging his responsibilities in the next twoyears. His great tenacity has not only saved him butalso prevented Hong Kong's political situation frombecoming disastrous. He deserves praise for his efforts.The Democratic Party and the Alliance forUniversal Suffrage, especially the former, cannot bepraised too highly for what they have done in theconstitutional reform. Indifferent to praise or blame, theDemocratic Party has tenaciously adhered to what itconsiders sound and reasonable though it has beenoverwhelmed by ridicule, scorn and mud mud--slinging. Theperseverance and fortitude Albert Ho, its chairman,has displayed cannot but be described asextraordinary.
Democrat Party members differ about theamended plan. That may mar the party's solidarity.Even Martin Lee, who was founding chairman of it,said he would consider quitting it if it decided toendorse it at a meeting. He put it rather strongly. It isnot surprising that Democrats have differences.
However, those are not differences of principle, for,even if the amended plan had not been proposed, it isnecessary to decide what should become of thefunctional constituencies (FCs). Under the amendedplan, there would be more democratically returnedLegco members. When conventional FC legislators arein the minority, it will become possible to abolish all theFCs. Though it is understandable that Democrats differabout the plan, the party's splitting splitting--up would be out ofall proportion to the situation.
In handling the constitutional reform, the centralgovernment has appeared pragmatic and flexible.Rarely in recent years has it done so in dealing withHong Kong affairs. For that it deserves praise.At the critical moment, the central government,having regard to Hong Kong's general interests, gavethe green light to the amended plan, which it hadrejected. It did so lest Hong Kong's political systemshould remain unchanged. It has displayed such greatcourage and such great wisdom that Hong Kong canget out of the dead end of internal strife it hasremained in for thirteen years.
The flexibility the central government hasdisplayed reminds people that, in the run run--up to thehandover, it often took extraordinary measures to dealwith extraordinary situations. It has however departedfrom that spirit in headling certain Hong Kong affairs,especially its constitutional arrangements. That is whyHong Kong Kong--central government contradictions havedeepened. We hope that flexibility means its handlingof Hong Kong affairs has begun to return to normal.
政改峰迴路轉 社會最大贏家
2012 年政改方案,在中央和特區政府接納民主黨和普選聯提出的改良方案之後,預期可以得到立法會超過三分之二議員支持,使政制可以向前行,不用再原地踏步。這個結果,是各方面努力不懈的成果,而整體社會是最大的贏家。不過,這個結果,只是民主進程邁出的第一步,爭取2017 和2020 年落實行政長官和立法會兩個選舉為真普選,仍然是下階段本港民主運動的目標。今次政改對香港意義重大,因為這是回歸13 年以來,中央首次與民主派溝通對話,取得實質成果。
現在的結果,曾蔭權可避過一場政治危機,因為繼2005 年之後,若曾蔭權提出的政改方案再被否決,民主黨已經聲言會在立法會對他提出不信任動議,縱使在建制陣營保駕護航下,不信任動議未獲通過,但是曾蔭權的領導和管治權威,必然遭受貶損,他未來兩年的特首生涯,必然倍添艱困。曾蔭權的鍥而不捨,最終不但自救,也使香港政局不至於走入玉石俱焚的死胡同,他今次的努力值得肯定。
這次政改安排,中央的對應,總的而言,顯示了近年在香港政治事務上少有的務實和彈性,也值得肯定。在關鍵時刻,中央從香港大局出發,給一度已被否決的改良方案開綠燈,使本港政制不再原地踏步。中央顯示大勇氣和大智慧,使香港有望走出過去13 年內耗不休的死胡同。
suffrage //''ss ??fr frIIdd ??//the right to vote in political elections.
tenacity /t tII''nnaassIIttII//persistence, resolution.
fortitude //''ff ɔɔ:t :tIItju:d/tju:courage in pain or adversity.
True split or just role play?
Amazing, isn't it? "Father of Democracy" Martin Lee Chu-ming is widening his split with the Democratic Party by threatening to quit if it votes for the "one- person, two-votes" proposal for 2012 political reform in the legislature.
Lee is the party's founding chairman, but is now opposing it more vigorously than anyone else.
He says he's angry because his party comrades are totally wrong in allowing compromises, while he's right by refusing to do so. But could it be just the other way around?
Lee's split with the Democrats is hardly isolated. Yesterday, he publicly admitted he failed to see eye-to-eye with his media-tycoon friend Jimmy Lai Chi- ying over this crucial matter too. Perhaps there's nothing more metaphoric than the position split between him and Lai - since both were instrumental in causing pan- democrats to act in concert to veto the political package in 2005.
Lee said he has discussed the latest issue with Lai, and their views are hugely different. He would not elaborate on Lai's thoughts, saying he couldn't speak on his good friend's behalf. But there has been no lack of clues in recent editions of Lai's flagship newspaper, Apple Daily, where insiders began to talk about a shift in editorial position a few days ago, culminating in the paper endorsing the Democrats' "one-person, two-votes" proposal with its de facto editorial yesterday.
It stated that passing the proposal doesn't mean giving up the struggle for genuine universal suffrage and the abolition of functional constituencies. What the Democrats have counter-proposed is only a midway-stop in the direction of universal suffrage - not the end.
Why all these baffling oddities? Should they be taken on face value? Could Lee and Lai have agreed to disagree in order to lead different roles thereafter? Objectively speaking, doing so will allow them to continue to engage the different factions, while retaining a degree of influence over the radical and moderate factions.
It's intriguing to notice a handful of Democratic Party lawmakers - namely James To Kun-sun and Andrew Cheng Kar-foo - have also threatened to break ranks and vote against the alternative plan initiated by their own party. Meanwhile, others like Confederation of Trade Union lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan, and trade unionist lawmaker Leung Yiu-chung are similarly declaring they will vote against the government motions regarding the 2012 reforms.
It's mind-boggling. For Democrats To and Cheng, they have full understanding of the matter. For the CTU's Lee and Leung, they were also members of the Alliance of Universal Suffrage, with Lee even attending the meeting with the Central Government's Liaison Office deputy director Li Gang. They couldn't be ignorant of the dynamics of dialogue. But why are they suddenly opposing what their own people have initiated?
Obviously, they know there will be enough support to pass the political reform proposal, so the outcome wouldn't be affected even if they voted otherwise.
If they oppose the plan, they won't have to face charges of betrayal in the next election. Nevertheless, this places political gain ahead of the public interest.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Lee is the party's founding chairman, but is now opposing it more vigorously than anyone else.
He says he's angry because his party comrades are totally wrong in allowing compromises, while he's right by refusing to do so. But could it be just the other way around?
Lee's split with the Democrats is hardly isolated. Yesterday, he publicly admitted he failed to see eye-to-eye with his media-tycoon friend Jimmy Lai Chi- ying over this crucial matter too. Perhaps there's nothing more metaphoric than the position split between him and Lai - since both were instrumental in causing pan- democrats to act in concert to veto the political package in 2005.
Lee said he has discussed the latest issue with Lai, and their views are hugely different. He would not elaborate on Lai's thoughts, saying he couldn't speak on his good friend's behalf. But there has been no lack of clues in recent editions of Lai's flagship newspaper, Apple Daily, where insiders began to talk about a shift in editorial position a few days ago, culminating in the paper endorsing the Democrats' "one-person, two-votes" proposal with its de facto editorial yesterday.
It stated that passing the proposal doesn't mean giving up the struggle for genuine universal suffrage and the abolition of functional constituencies. What the Democrats have counter-proposed is only a midway-stop in the direction of universal suffrage - not the end.
Why all these baffling oddities? Should they be taken on face value? Could Lee and Lai have agreed to disagree in order to lead different roles thereafter? Objectively speaking, doing so will allow them to continue to engage the different factions, while retaining a degree of influence over the radical and moderate factions.
It's intriguing to notice a handful of Democratic Party lawmakers - namely James To Kun-sun and Andrew Cheng Kar-foo - have also threatened to break ranks and vote against the alternative plan initiated by their own party. Meanwhile, others like Confederation of Trade Union lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan, and trade unionist lawmaker Leung Yiu-chung are similarly declaring they will vote against the government motions regarding the 2012 reforms.
It's mind-boggling. For Democrats To and Cheng, they have full understanding of the matter. For the CTU's Lee and Leung, they were also members of the Alliance of Universal Suffrage, with Lee even attending the meeting with the Central Government's Liaison Office deputy director Li Gang. They couldn't be ignorant of the dynamics of dialogue. But why are they suddenly opposing what their own people have initiated?
Obviously, they know there will be enough support to pass the political reform proposal, so the outcome wouldn't be affected even if they voted otherwise.
If they oppose the plan, they won't have to face charges of betrayal in the next election. Nevertheless, this places political gain ahead of the public interest.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Balance between neon lights and starlight
HONG KONG has again been featured on the cover of an international magazine. That,alas, is not a good piece of news. Itsglittering night view is on the cover of a special on light pollution of Sky & Telescope, an authoritative international astronomy magazine. Hong Kong should not and cannot become a pitch-dark fishing village again. However, the idea of "extensive development" that brightly lit streets represent prosperity is already out. Now societies aim at balanced and sustained development. The government should hasten to obtain legislation for tackling light pollution so that people whose flats are near big billboards can get to sleep and so that power consumption will come down. This iswhat citizens want the government to do and what it isduty-bound to do.
The special of Sky & Telescope mentions little about Hong Kong. However, light pollution is an important issue here. In 2009, the Environmental Protection Department received 213 complaints about lights, 2.6 times the number in 2008. Many who live in downtown areas have similar experiences. Roadside billboards are illuminated with glaring and even flashing lights. At night their bedrooms are like a disco.
There being no legislation on light pollution, no government department entertains their complaints.
Energy waste is also a concern. Figures of theElectrical and Mechanical Services Department show that, in 2007, lighting accounted for 16% of HongKong's total power consumption. In the past decade,the SAR's total power consumption of lightingincreased 13%.
Hong Kong is a world city. Many believe its neonlights symbolise its prosperity. They say it is utterly unrealistic for people living in downtown areas to complain that light pollution makes stars invisible. It isimpossible to put the clock back. This view makes sense. However, Hong Kong people are not so unrealistic as to want Victoria Harbour to become an observatory where people can gaze at stars. They only want there to be rules governing street and billboardlighting that would protect their right to sleep and, at the same time, reduce energy waste. This demand is reasonable and would in no way inhibit development.
There are in fact ways of reducing light pollution that meet a commercial society's needs.
The secretariat of the Legislative Council hasreleased a study that shows there are rules governinglighting in Japan, the UK and California, the US. For example, billboard lights should illuminate only billboards, and flood lights placed above a certain altitude should be shaded. There are different rules applicable to residential, commercial and rural areas.
Hong Kong, a city where lights never go out,operates twenty-four hours a day and seven days aweek. It is so brightly lit in the evening that it looks as if it were broad daylight. This scene was considered asymbol of its affluence. Scenes of colourful neon lights,often shown on postcards, are one of Hong Kong'sspecial features. Many a visitor has been intoxicatedwith the dazzling night view of Victoria Harbour.
However, a night view created with strong lights is artificial. It erodes the real nocturnal view and makes ithard for people to get repose. In this era when it is considered important to protect human rights, protectthe environment, save energy and live in harmony withnature, the most beautiful night scene is one that represents a balance between neon lights and starlight.
香港再次榮登國際雜誌封面,可惜不是好消息。香港璀璨的夜景,成為國際權威天文雜誌Sky & Telescope有關光污染專題的封面圖片。香港不應該也不可能變回烏燈黑火的小漁村,然而,燈火愈光代表愈繁榮的「粗放型」思想已經落伍,現代社會追求的是平衡及可持續發展,盡快立例規管光污染,讓居於廣告招牌旁的居民得以安枕,減少社會能源消耗,是民間的呼聲,更是政府的責任。
雜誌雖然沒有直接提及香港的情况,但光污染在香港同樣是重要議題。環保署2009 年接獲有關燈光的投訴213 宗,是2008 年的2.6 倍,不少居於鬧市的港人都有類同的經歷,街邊的廣告招牌在晚上開着強力甚至閃閃變色的射燈,令睡房變成的士高舞池。由於現時沒有法例監管,居民根本投訴無門。
此外,浪費能源也是社會的關注焦點,根據機電署數字,2007 年照明部分佔全港整體耗電量的16%,過去10年照明用途的總耗電量亦增加了13%。
香港是不夜城,24 小時一周7 日不停運轉,晚上光如白晝曾經是社會富起來的象徵,街上五光十色的霓虹燈是明信片上香港的特色,維港璀璨的夜景叫無數遊人心醉,但由強燈構成的只是人工的夜色,侵蝕了天空上真正的夜色,更侵蝕了人類休息的私人空間。在講求保障人權、講求環保與節能、講求人類與大自然和諧共處的世代,在霓虹燈與星空之間作出平衡,才是最美麗的夜景。
give attention or consideration to.
put the clock back
return to a situation that existed in the past.
repose /rI'pv ʊz/sleep.
The special of Sky & Telescope mentions little about Hong Kong. However, light pollution is an important issue here. In 2009, the Environmental Protection Department received 213 complaints about lights, 2.6 times the number in 2008. Many who live in downtown areas have similar experiences. Roadside billboards are illuminated with glaring and even flashing lights. At night their bedrooms are like a disco.
There being no legislation on light pollution, no government department entertains their complaints.
Energy waste is also a concern. Figures of theElectrical and Mechanical Services Department show that, in 2007, lighting accounted for 16% of HongKong's total power consumption. In the past decade,the SAR's total power consumption of lightingincreased 13%.
Hong Kong is a world city. Many believe its neonlights symbolise its prosperity. They say it is utterly unrealistic for people living in downtown areas to complain that light pollution makes stars invisible. It isimpossible to put the clock back. This view makes sense. However, Hong Kong people are not so unrealistic as to want Victoria Harbour to become an observatory where people can gaze at stars. They only want there to be rules governing street and billboardlighting that would protect their right to sleep and, at the same time, reduce energy waste. This demand is reasonable and would in no way inhibit development.
There are in fact ways of reducing light pollution that meet a commercial society's needs.
The secretariat of the Legislative Council hasreleased a study that shows there are rules governinglighting in Japan, the UK and California, the US. For example, billboard lights should illuminate only billboards, and flood lights placed above a certain altitude should be shaded. There are different rules applicable to residential, commercial and rural areas.
Hong Kong, a city where lights never go out,operates twenty-four hours a day and seven days aweek. It is so brightly lit in the evening that it looks as if it were broad daylight. This scene was considered asymbol of its affluence. Scenes of colourful neon lights,often shown on postcards, are one of Hong Kong'sspecial features. Many a visitor has been intoxicatedwith the dazzling night view of Victoria Harbour.
However, a night view created with strong lights is artificial. It erodes the real nocturnal view and makes ithard for people to get repose. In this era when it is considered important to protect human rights, protectthe environment, save energy and live in harmony withnature, the most beautiful night scene is one that represents a balance between neon lights and starlight.
香港再次榮登國際雜誌封面,可惜不是好消息。香港璀璨的夜景,成為國際權威天文雜誌Sky & Telescope有關光污染專題的封面圖片。香港不應該也不可能變回烏燈黑火的小漁村,然而,燈火愈光代表愈繁榮的「粗放型」思想已經落伍,現代社會追求的是平衡及可持續發展,盡快立例規管光污染,讓居於廣告招牌旁的居民得以安枕,減少社會能源消耗,是民間的呼聲,更是政府的責任。
雜誌雖然沒有直接提及香港的情况,但光污染在香港同樣是重要議題。環保署2009 年接獲有關燈光的投訴213 宗,是2008 年的2.6 倍,不少居於鬧市的港人都有類同的經歷,街邊的廣告招牌在晚上開着強力甚至閃閃變色的射燈,令睡房變成的士高舞池。由於現時沒有法例監管,居民根本投訴無門。
此外,浪費能源也是社會的關注焦點,根據機電署數字,2007 年照明部分佔全港整體耗電量的16%,過去10年照明用途的總耗電量亦增加了13%。
香港是不夜城,24 小時一周7 日不停運轉,晚上光如白晝曾經是社會富起來的象徵,街上五光十色的霓虹燈是明信片上香港的特色,維港璀璨的夜景叫無數遊人心醉,但由強燈構成的只是人工的夜色,侵蝕了天空上真正的夜色,更侵蝕了人類休息的私人空間。在講求保障人權、講求環保與節能、講求人類與大自然和諧共處的世代,在霓虹燈與星空之間作出平衡,才是最美麗的夜景。
give attention or consideration to.
put the clock back
return to a situation that existed in the past.
repose /rI'pv ʊz/sleep.
Only way to save constitutional reform (continue)
IT is a political reality that, unless the SARgovernment's package is so amended that it isreally more democratic, no democrats will supportit, and it will certainly be thrown out. The governmenthas launched the "Act Now" campaign to drum uppopular support. However, recent Chinese Universityand Hong Kong University polls show fewer than 50%of citizens support it. Support for it tends to dwindle,and more and more citizens tend to oppose it. TheSAR government's plan to rely on popular support tocompel democrats to support its package is unlikely toprove effective.
Under the "amended DC plan", the five DCfunctional constituency (FC) seats to be created in2012 should be filled by DC members nominated bytheir fellow DC members and returned by all votersthat have no FC vote. A Chinese University surveyshows that, while 31.1% of respondents are againstthe "amended DC plan", 58% support it (12 percentagepoints more than those who support the government'spackage (under which the DC FC legislators should bereturned by their fellow DC members). It is clear whatthe people's wish is. There is no reason whatsoeverwhy any democrats should support the SARgovernment's package.
Under the "amended DC plan", only some wouldbe eligible to stand or nominate candidates, which isthe case with the present FC system. An electionunder such a system cannot be lumped with a directelection. It can at most be described as similar to adirect election.
The "amended DC plan" is in no way at odds withthe Basic Law. Most citizens support it. Its adoptionwould end the impasse of constitutional reform, showdialogue could be fruitful and bring about a politicalatmosphere conducive to healthy interactions. Itsadoption would only be favourable to the situation inHong Kong. We do not see it would in any way make itworse. Another point worth attention is that, unlessthey achieve results, the moderate democrats will findthemselves in dire political straits. In that event, thechasm between them and the central government willwiden. Would any democrats care to dialogue with thecentral government if to do so is to commit politicalsuicide? Are we to suppose the central government isdetermined not to dialogue with Hong Kongdemocrats? We hope it is not. If it is, the situation inHong Kong will be very worrying indeed.
When they began to dialogue with centralgovernment officials, the Democratic Party and theAlliance for Universal Suffrage aimed at persuadingthe central government to assure Hong Kong peoplethey would exercise genuine universal suffrage in 2017and 2020. The central government adamantly adheringto the Decision the National People's CongressStanding Committee made in 2007, they could not butsettle for trying to ensure Hong Kong's constitutionalsystem would actually and essentially be moredemocratic in 2012. Even if it gives the green light tothe "amended DC plan", the central government willonly take Hong Kong to another stage of its longprocess of democratisation. That would still be far fromfull democracy, which Hong Kong people have beenstriving to achieve for more than twenty years. Webelieve the Democratic Party, the Alliance for UniversalSuffrage, other pro-democracy groups and mostcitizens will persevere in fighting for genuine universalsuffrage and Hong Kong's full democratisation.
Many pan-democrats believe democracy shouldbe achieved at one go. In our view, only if dialoguebetween democrats and central government officialsproduces positive results will fewer and fewer of themhold this attitude and will trust grow and healthyinteractions increase between the central governmentand the democrats. If this happens, we will see a newchapter in Hong Kong politics. However, at this criticalmoment, all depends on whether the centralgovernment will seize the opportunity to use the onlyway to save the constitutional reform - give the greenlight to the amended DC plan. Unless it does so, it isidle to harbour any fair hope.
明報社評 2010.06.17
區會改良方案 政改唯一活路(續)
至於民主黨和普選聯提出的改良方案(即政府方案中2012 年新增的5 個區議會功能組別議席,由區議員提名,交由全港未有在功能組別投票權的選民選出),根據中大的民調顯示,有58%受訪市民表示支持(較區議員互選的政府方案多12 個百分點),只有31.1%不支持。民意向背十分清晰,民主派絕無支持政府方案之理。
民主黨和普選聯這次與中央溝通過程中,原本要求中央確認2017 和2020 年的兩個選舉為真普選,但是在中央堅持按2007 年人大常委會的《決定》辦事下,民主派只能退而求其次,爭取2012 年有實質而具體的民主成分進展。就算改良方案最終得到中央首肯,對於整體民主進程,也只是階段性成果,與香港大多數市民爭取了20多年的全面民主化進程,仍然相距甚遠。我們相信民主黨、普選聯,以至其他民主黨派和大多數市民,仍然會為爭取香港實現真普選、全面民主化而努力。
be a candidate in an election.chasm / 'kaz?m /
a very big difference between two peopleor groups.
idle useless.
Under the "amended DC plan", the five DCfunctional constituency (FC) seats to be created in2012 should be filled by DC members nominated bytheir fellow DC members and returned by all votersthat have no FC vote. A Chinese University surveyshows that, while 31.1% of respondents are againstthe "amended DC plan", 58% support it (12 percentagepoints more than those who support the government'spackage (under which the DC FC legislators should bereturned by their fellow DC members). It is clear whatthe people's wish is. There is no reason whatsoeverwhy any democrats should support the SARgovernment's package.
Under the "amended DC plan", only some wouldbe eligible to stand or nominate candidates, which isthe case with the present FC system. An electionunder such a system cannot be lumped with a directelection. It can at most be described as similar to adirect election.
The "amended DC plan" is in no way at odds withthe Basic Law. Most citizens support it. Its adoptionwould end the impasse of constitutional reform, showdialogue could be fruitful and bring about a politicalatmosphere conducive to healthy interactions. Itsadoption would only be favourable to the situation inHong Kong. We do not see it would in any way make itworse. Another point worth attention is that, unlessthey achieve results, the moderate democrats will findthemselves in dire political straits. In that event, thechasm between them and the central government willwiden. Would any democrats care to dialogue with thecentral government if to do so is to commit politicalsuicide? Are we to suppose the central government isdetermined not to dialogue with Hong Kongdemocrats? We hope it is not. If it is, the situation inHong Kong will be very worrying indeed.
When they began to dialogue with centralgovernment officials, the Democratic Party and theAlliance for Universal Suffrage aimed at persuadingthe central government to assure Hong Kong peoplethey would exercise genuine universal suffrage in 2017and 2020. The central government adamantly adheringto the Decision the National People's CongressStanding Committee made in 2007, they could not butsettle for trying to ensure Hong Kong's constitutionalsystem would actually and essentially be moredemocratic in 2012. Even if it gives the green light tothe "amended DC plan", the central government willonly take Hong Kong to another stage of its longprocess of democratisation. That would still be far fromfull democracy, which Hong Kong people have beenstriving to achieve for more than twenty years. Webelieve the Democratic Party, the Alliance for UniversalSuffrage, other pro-democracy groups and mostcitizens will persevere in fighting for genuine universalsuffrage and Hong Kong's full democratisation.
Many pan-democrats believe democracy shouldbe achieved at one go. In our view, only if dialoguebetween democrats and central government officialsproduces positive results will fewer and fewer of themhold this attitude and will trust grow and healthyinteractions increase between the central governmentand the democrats. If this happens, we will see a newchapter in Hong Kong politics. However, at this criticalmoment, all depends on whether the centralgovernment will seize the opportunity to use the onlyway to save the constitutional reform - give the greenlight to the amended DC plan. Unless it does so, it isidle to harbour any fair hope.
明報社評 2010.06.17
區會改良方案 政改唯一活路(續)
至於民主黨和普選聯提出的改良方案(即政府方案中2012 年新增的5 個區議會功能組別議席,由區議員提名,交由全港未有在功能組別投票權的選民選出),根據中大的民調顯示,有58%受訪市民表示支持(較區議員互選的政府方案多12 個百分點),只有31.1%不支持。民意向背十分清晰,民主派絕無支持政府方案之理。
民主黨和普選聯這次與中央溝通過程中,原本要求中央確認2017 和2020 年的兩個選舉為真普選,但是在中央堅持按2007 年人大常委會的《決定》辦事下,民主派只能退而求其次,爭取2012 年有實質而具體的民主成分進展。就算改良方案最終得到中央首肯,對於整體民主進程,也只是階段性成果,與香港大多數市民爭取了20多年的全面民主化進程,仍然相距甚遠。我們相信民主黨、普選聯,以至其他民主黨派和大多數市民,仍然會為爭取香港實現真普選、全面民主化而努力。
be a candidate in an election.chasm / 'kaz?m /
a very big difference between two peopleor groups.
idle useless.
Only way to save constitutional reform
THE government is to put its package ofproposals for the methods of selecting theChief Executive (CE) and forming theLegislative Council (Legco) in 2012 to the vote inLegco next Wednesday. Much negotiation has takenplace since more than six months ago. As mattersstand, the constitutional reform is in a critical stage.
The only thing that can save it now is the "amendedDistrict Council (DC) plan" the Democratic Party andthe Alliance for Universal Suffrage have put forward. Inour view, the central government and theestablishmentarians should, having regard to HongKong's overall interests, give the green light to it. Bydoing so, they can allow Hong Kong's constitutionalsystem to "move forward" and avert what would bedetrimental to Hong Kong's development - prevent itspolitical ecology from radicalising, its political situationfrom worsening and its government from weakening.By doing so, they can also bring about a new era ofhealthy interactions. We support the "amended DCplan". Its adoption would greatly delight us.
At this critical moment two matters are worthdiscussing - how the central government should lookat the "amended DC plan" and how the plan wouldhelp extricate Hong Kong from political difficulty.
We propose to talk about the central government'sstance first. On the face of it, even if the SARgovernment's package is thrown out, the centralgovernment will lose nothing. However, we think that, ifit believes so, it misreads the situation, and that wouldnot conduce to Hong Kong's overall interests.
First, the rejection of the SAR government'spackage will have totally different effects to that of its2005 package. Because the pan-democratic camp wasdivided over the "by election-referendum", it becamepossible for central government officials and moderatedemocrats to meet for the first time in twenty-oneyears. They talked about constitutional arrangementsat their "ice-breaking" meeting. As it has come to thefore, the central government can no longer say it hasnothing to do with the fate of the SAR government'spackage. Who should be to blame if it is thrown out? Ina survey the Public Opinion Programme at theUniversity of Hong Kong recently carried out, 34% ofthe respondents said the central government, 28% thedemocrats, and 19% CE Donald Tsang. The figuressuggest that the rejection of the package would tarnishthe central government's image among citizens andlower it in their estimation.
Second, the central government must not look atthe fate of the SAR government's package inisolation. It must have regard to the whole situationand examine what may result from its rejection beforeit can come to the right decision. It is quite certain that,if, notwithstanding the moderate democrats' talks withcentral government officials, the SAR government'spackage is thrown out, their dialogue line will be seenas unsuccessful, the hawks' antagonistic line will gainground, the hawks will dictate the pan-democrats'
course, Hong Kong's political ecology will radicalise,antagonism will grow between the government and thepublic, internal strife will intensify, and the governmentwill be in even direr difficulty.
Some of the members of the Democratic Partyand the Alliance for Universal Suffrage whom LOCPG(Liaison Office of the Central People's Government)deputy director Li Gang has met with the centralgovernment's authorisation sit on the standingcommittee of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support ofPatriotic Democratic Movements in China. Over thepast twenty-one years, the central government hasregarded the Hong Kong Alliance as hostile. It used torefuse to have anything to do with any of its leaders.The central government has however broken its owntaboo. Upholding the principle of agreeing to differand maximising common ground, it has allowed AlbertHo, Cheung Man-kwong and Richard Tsoi, who sit onthe Hong Kong Alliance's standing committee, to havea formal meeting with Li Gang in the LOCPG building.That signifies not only the central government'ssincerity and goodwill but also the great courage onthe part of the central government leaders who madethe decision. Important as it is, great courage onlybreaks deadlocks. It takes great wisdom to removewhat makes it hard to carry out constitutional reform.We hope that, at this critical moment, centralgovernment leaders will display such wisdom thatdifficulties will disappear. We hope they will seize theopportunity to usher in a new era of Hong Kong politicsand government. In our view, the "amended DC plan"the Democratic Party and the Alliance for UniversalSuffrage have put forward is what central governmentleaders can avail themselves of to display their greatwisdom. (to be continued)
政府就2012 年兩個選舉辦法的決議案,下周三提交立法會討論和表決,經過逾半年事態演變和各方折衝樽俎,情勢顯示這次政改之成敗,現正處於關鍵時刻,剩下來唯一可以使政制向前推進的活門,就是民主黨和終極普選聯盟的區議會改良方案(下稱改良方案)。我們認為中央和建制陣營應該從香港大局出發,給改良方案開綠燈,此舉不但使政制向前走,避免出現不利香港發展的「三化」——政治生態激化、政局惡化、政府管治弱化,同時也可以為日後良性互動開創新局面。我們支持改良方案,樂觀其成。
首先,今次若再遭到否決,與2005 年相比,所衍生效應絕不相同,主要是今年民主派就補選、公投出現兩條路線分歧,促成了中央與溫和民主派21 年來首次破冰會晤,商討政改安排。所以,今年中央站到台前,特區政府方案的成敗,不能再置身事外。根據港大民意研究計劃的最新民調,若政府的政改方案不獲通過,是誰之過?34%受訪市民認為中央要負最大責任,其次是民主派(28%)、行政長官曾蔭權(19%)。數字顯示,若政改方案再遭否決,會損害中央在市民心目中的形象和地位。
獲中央授權的中聯辦副主任李剛,所會晤的民主黨和普選聯部分成員,有支聯會常委身分,21 年以來,中央視支聯會為敵對團體,過去根本不會與其領導層接觸,這次中央突破本身禁忌,本諸「求大同、存大異」原則,讓何俊仁、張文光、蔡耀昌等支聯會常委進入中聯辦,與李剛正式會晤,此舉不但顯示中央的誠意和善意,作此決策的領導人,更是大勇氣表現。大勇氣是重要的,但仍只能打破僵局;若要解決政改困局,需要大智慧。期望領導人在此關鍵時刻,顯示大智慧化解困局,掌握契機,為香港政局和管治開創新局面。民主黨和普選聯提出的區議會改良方案,我們認為是讓領導人顯示大智慧的切入點。(待續)
throw out
decide not to accept.
in isolation
alone, separately.
agree to differ
If two people agree to differ, they accept theyhave different views about something butdecide not to discuss it any longer.
The only thing that can save it now is the "amendedDistrict Council (DC) plan" the Democratic Party andthe Alliance for Universal Suffrage have put forward. Inour view, the central government and theestablishmentarians should, having regard to HongKong's overall interests, give the green light to it. Bydoing so, they can allow Hong Kong's constitutionalsystem to "move forward" and avert what would bedetrimental to Hong Kong's development - prevent itspolitical ecology from radicalising, its political situationfrom worsening and its government from weakening.By doing so, they can also bring about a new era ofhealthy interactions. We support the "amended DCplan". Its adoption would greatly delight us.
At this critical moment two matters are worthdiscussing - how the central government should lookat the "amended DC plan" and how the plan wouldhelp extricate Hong Kong from political difficulty.
We propose to talk about the central government'sstance first. On the face of it, even if the SARgovernment's package is thrown out, the centralgovernment will lose nothing. However, we think that, ifit believes so, it misreads the situation, and that wouldnot conduce to Hong Kong's overall interests.
First, the rejection of the SAR government'spackage will have totally different effects to that of its2005 package. Because the pan-democratic camp wasdivided over the "by election-referendum", it becamepossible for central government officials and moderatedemocrats to meet for the first time in twenty-oneyears. They talked about constitutional arrangementsat their "ice-breaking" meeting. As it has come to thefore, the central government can no longer say it hasnothing to do with the fate of the SAR government'spackage. Who should be to blame if it is thrown out? Ina survey the Public Opinion Programme at theUniversity of Hong Kong recently carried out, 34% ofthe respondents said the central government, 28% thedemocrats, and 19% CE Donald Tsang. The figuressuggest that the rejection of the package would tarnishthe central government's image among citizens andlower it in their estimation.
Second, the central government must not look atthe fate of the SAR government's package inisolation. It must have regard to the whole situationand examine what may result from its rejection beforeit can come to the right decision. It is quite certain that,if, notwithstanding the moderate democrats' talks withcentral government officials, the SAR government'spackage is thrown out, their dialogue line will be seenas unsuccessful, the hawks' antagonistic line will gainground, the hawks will dictate the pan-democrats'
course, Hong Kong's political ecology will radicalise,antagonism will grow between the government and thepublic, internal strife will intensify, and the governmentwill be in even direr difficulty.
Some of the members of the Democratic Partyand the Alliance for Universal Suffrage whom LOCPG(Liaison Office of the Central People's Government)deputy director Li Gang has met with the centralgovernment's authorisation sit on the standingcommittee of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support ofPatriotic Democratic Movements in China. Over thepast twenty-one years, the central government hasregarded the Hong Kong Alliance as hostile. It used torefuse to have anything to do with any of its leaders.The central government has however broken its owntaboo. Upholding the principle of agreeing to differand maximising common ground, it has allowed AlbertHo, Cheung Man-kwong and Richard Tsoi, who sit onthe Hong Kong Alliance's standing committee, to havea formal meeting with Li Gang in the LOCPG building.That signifies not only the central government'ssincerity and goodwill but also the great courage onthe part of the central government leaders who madethe decision. Important as it is, great courage onlybreaks deadlocks. It takes great wisdom to removewhat makes it hard to carry out constitutional reform.We hope that, at this critical moment, centralgovernment leaders will display such wisdom thatdifficulties will disappear. We hope they will seize theopportunity to usher in a new era of Hong Kong politicsand government. In our view, the "amended DC plan"the Democratic Party and the Alliance for UniversalSuffrage have put forward is what central governmentleaders can avail themselves of to display their greatwisdom. (to be continued)
政府就2012 年兩個選舉辦法的決議案,下周三提交立法會討論和表決,經過逾半年事態演變和各方折衝樽俎,情勢顯示這次政改之成敗,現正處於關鍵時刻,剩下來唯一可以使政制向前推進的活門,就是民主黨和終極普選聯盟的區議會改良方案(下稱改良方案)。我們認為中央和建制陣營應該從香港大局出發,給改良方案開綠燈,此舉不但使政制向前走,避免出現不利香港發展的「三化」——政治生態激化、政局惡化、政府管治弱化,同時也可以為日後良性互動開創新局面。我們支持改良方案,樂觀其成。
首先,今次若再遭到否決,與2005 年相比,所衍生效應絕不相同,主要是今年民主派就補選、公投出現兩條路線分歧,促成了中央與溫和民主派21 年來首次破冰會晤,商討政改安排。所以,今年中央站到台前,特區政府方案的成敗,不能再置身事外。根據港大民意研究計劃的最新民調,若政府的政改方案不獲通過,是誰之過?34%受訪市民認為中央要負最大責任,其次是民主派(28%)、行政長官曾蔭權(19%)。數字顯示,若政改方案再遭否決,會損害中央在市民心目中的形象和地位。
獲中央授權的中聯辦副主任李剛,所會晤的民主黨和普選聯部分成員,有支聯會常委身分,21 年以來,中央視支聯會為敵對團體,過去根本不會與其領導層接觸,這次中央突破本身禁忌,本諸「求大同、存大異」原則,讓何俊仁、張文光、蔡耀昌等支聯會常委進入中聯辦,與李剛正式會晤,此舉不但顯示中央的誠意和善意,作此決策的領導人,更是大勇氣表現。大勇氣是重要的,但仍只能打破僵局;若要解決政改困局,需要大智慧。期望領導人在此關鍵時刻,顯示大智慧化解困局,掌握契機,為香港政局和管治開創新局面。民主黨和普選聯提出的區議會改良方案,我們認為是讓領導人顯示大智慧的切入點。(待續)
throw out
decide not to accept.
in isolation
alone, separately.
agree to differ
If two people agree to differ, they accept theyhave different views about something butdecide not to discuss it any longer.
Yuan reform signals bullish outlook
Prior to the G20 summit in Toronto later this week, China's central bank said it will restart the reform of the yuan exchange rate regime, with reference to a basket of currencies.
In other words, Beijing will end the yuan's special peg to the US dollar since the start of the global financial crisis.
The People's Bank of China statement says this will enhance exchange rate flexibility. This could also mean the yuan may weaken against the greenback if other basket currencies such as the euro drops in value, but the more general expectation is for the yuan to strengthen.
As I've said before, the yuan will be a safe bet. The only question is how much the revaluation is going to be.
US President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner were excited over the Chinese announcement - so much so the central bank had to issue another statement yesterday to dampen expectations before they soared too high. The PBOC insisted it will keep the yuan stable and balanced, ruling out a one-off revaluation.
So, will there be immediate appreciation? While the follow-up statement seems to suggest otherwise, a minor appreciation - say 1 percent - ahead of the G20 shouldn't be ruled out. There is a political need behind the move for both China and the United States.
In Washington, US lawmakers are threatening to take matters into their own hands and pass legislation to tax Chinese imports if the yuan doesn't appreciate. It's a matter of fact - or fate - that yuan valuation has always been a sensitive issue in US-China relations. For Obama and other US politicians, it will be in their interests to press for the yuan to rise because this would stimulate Chinese demand for US products, thus creating more jobs for Americans. This is a pressing issue for anyone looking for a second term in the White House.
But it is unlikely that Beijing will go as far as Washington wishes. Chinese leaders are also under pressure at home not to raise the yuan's value because it will hit exports particularly hard. Will they allow the yuan to rise 3 percent or more against the US dollar by year-end, as some punters predict? It all hinges on the global economic situation.
You may recall that when Geithner unexpectedly changed his Asian tour itinerary to include a brief stop in Beijing to chat with Vice Premier Wang Qishan in April, expectations were high that China was about to replace its dollar peg with the regime using a basket of currencies. But it didn't. Why?
The European national debt crisis was to blame. Because of the credit crisis facing the "PIIGS" countries, governments around the world have to postpone the timetable of their market exit strategies. Had it not been for the new European credit crisis, China may have relaunched the exchange rate regime reform two months ago.
That China thinks now is the right time to end the dollar peg, and to use a currency basket as the reference for the yuan, may also signal its leaders are now more confident about the economic outlook - both domestically and globally. Will Obama offer anything in return at the G20 summit? This is something to watch out for.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
In other words, Beijing will end the yuan's special peg to the US dollar since the start of the global financial crisis.
The People's Bank of China statement says this will enhance exchange rate flexibility. This could also mean the yuan may weaken against the greenback if other basket currencies such as the euro drops in value, but the more general expectation is for the yuan to strengthen.
As I've said before, the yuan will be a safe bet. The only question is how much the revaluation is going to be.
US President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner were excited over the Chinese announcement - so much so the central bank had to issue another statement yesterday to dampen expectations before they soared too high. The PBOC insisted it will keep the yuan stable and balanced, ruling out a one-off revaluation.
So, will there be immediate appreciation? While the follow-up statement seems to suggest otherwise, a minor appreciation - say 1 percent - ahead of the G20 shouldn't be ruled out. There is a political need behind the move for both China and the United States.
In Washington, US lawmakers are threatening to take matters into their own hands and pass legislation to tax Chinese imports if the yuan doesn't appreciate. It's a matter of fact - or fate - that yuan valuation has always been a sensitive issue in US-China relations. For Obama and other US politicians, it will be in their interests to press for the yuan to rise because this would stimulate Chinese demand for US products, thus creating more jobs for Americans. This is a pressing issue for anyone looking for a second term in the White House.
But it is unlikely that Beijing will go as far as Washington wishes. Chinese leaders are also under pressure at home not to raise the yuan's value because it will hit exports particularly hard. Will they allow the yuan to rise 3 percent or more against the US dollar by year-end, as some punters predict? It all hinges on the global economic situation.
You may recall that when Geithner unexpectedly changed his Asian tour itinerary to include a brief stop in Beijing to chat with Vice Premier Wang Qishan in April, expectations were high that China was about to replace its dollar peg with the regime using a basket of currencies. But it didn't. Why?
The European national debt crisis was to blame. Because of the credit crisis facing the "PIIGS" countries, governments around the world have to postpone the timetable of their market exit strategies. Had it not been for the new European credit crisis, China may have relaunched the exchange rate regime reform two months ago.
That China thinks now is the right time to end the dollar peg, and to use a currency basket as the reference for the yuan, may also signal its leaders are now more confident about the economic outlook - both domestically and globally. Will Obama offer anything in return at the G20 summit? This is something to watch out for.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Hong Kong no long needs application list system
THE government has for the first time in eightyears put a site up for auction on its owninitiative. Yesterday the site (where ValleyRoad Estate was) fetched a high price that exceededall market participants' expectations. The auction resultshows Hong Kong no longer needs the application listsystem. The government should initiate land auctionsfrom time to time in the light of housing demand. Itdoes not matter whether they are regular or irregular.The key word is "initiate". Only if it tries to straightenout supply and demand by controlling land supply willHong Kong's property market develop healthily andsteadily.
It is worth notice that developers are bullish aboutthe market. Sun Hung Kai Properties got the site for$10.9 billion, or 12,539 a square foot. Both figures arerecord highs for Kowloon sites.
When a piece of land goes for a high price, thepublic purse gains most. This year the government canexpect to have considerable revenue from land premia.Judging from the cost of investment, the developer ofthe site must sell flats at $20,000 a square foot at leastbefore it can make a reasonable profit. Such a price isway beyond ordinary Hong Kong salary-earners'
means. It seems clear from certain trends that haveappeared in Hong Kong's property market that thedeveloper will target not only locals but also mainlandbig spenders. Mainlanders are keen on acquiringproperties in Hong Kong. That evidences the SAR'sstrength. Such buyers are welcome. However,mainlanders regard Hong Kong property mainly as aninvestment vehicle. The government should closelymonitor the effects their activities may have on HongKong's property market. As developers have in recentyears focused on the luxury market, mid- andsmall-sized flats are in short supply. The governmentshould promptly find ways to tackle this situation.The government had been possessed with a fearuntil the site was auctioned. It believed that, if itchanged its land policy, property prices would plungewhen the economy turned down. It dreaded beingaccused of causing property prices to collapse. Theauction result should have freed it from this worry. Thehigh price the Ho Man Tin site has fetched showsHong Kong's property market remains largely in such astage that it is necessary to straighten supply anddemand out. The government should control landsupply, ascertain demand and put land for varioustypes of developments up for auction. Only by doing socan it redress the supply-demand imbalance.
Only by doing so can it prevent property pricesfrom roller-coastering. If the government sees that thesupply of every type of housing largely meets thedemand for it, it will not matter much whether itpursues any policy of helping citizens to buy their ownhomes.
Yesterday, after the land auction had ended,REDA (Real Estate Developers Association) vicechairman Stewart Leung criticised the government forits opaque pricing. We think his criticism makes sense.The first bid offered at a land auction used to be thereserve price. Obviously, that has not been the caserecently.
As land auctions are held in public, thegovernment need not have resorted to mysticism. Itshould either regard the first bid as acceptable as itused to do or simply announce an acceptable price inadvance. We do not see it would be unfair to or partialtowards any bidder in any way to increasetransparency by informing all developers of the reserveprice at the same time.
8 年來,政府首次主動推出土地拍賣,結果超逾市場預期的上限,何文田前山谷道邨地皮以高價成交。這次賣地成績,說明勾地政策已經無必要繼續存在,政府應該就市民住屋的實際需要,增加主動賣地,在這個前提下,是否定期或不定期賣地,並不重要,關鍵在主動賣地。政府進一步掌握土地供應主導權,理順實際供求關係,才可以使本港樓市走上平穩健康的發展之路。
首先值得注意的是發展商看好後市。土地由新鴻基地產以109 億元投得,平均呎價12,539 元,創下九龍區地價和拍賣呎價的最高紀錄。
賣地高價成交,首先最大得益者是庫房,今年政府土地收入肯定可觀。不過,前山谷道邨土地,以投資成本粗略計算,發展商他日要賣到每方呎2 萬元,才有較合理利潤。這樣的價錢,絕非本港一般受薪階層所能負擔,以近年本港樓市一些趨勢,相信除了本地買家之外,內地大豪客會是發展商瞄準的目標。本港能夠吸引內地人士來港買樓,正是本港優勢的體現,應予歡迎,不過,內地人士來港買樓,出發點主要是投資,他們對本港樓市生態會構成怎樣的影響,值得政府注意。近年發展商側重豪宅市場,中小型樓宇相對顯得供應不足,政府應該早為之謀。
bullish /'b ʊlIf/feeling confident and positive.record high If something is a record high, it is the highestever.
turn downWhen an economy turns down, it weakens.
It is worth notice that developers are bullish aboutthe market. Sun Hung Kai Properties got the site for$10.9 billion, or 12,539 a square foot. Both figures arerecord highs for Kowloon sites.
When a piece of land goes for a high price, thepublic purse gains most. This year the government canexpect to have considerable revenue from land premia.Judging from the cost of investment, the developer ofthe site must sell flats at $20,000 a square foot at leastbefore it can make a reasonable profit. Such a price isway beyond ordinary Hong Kong salary-earners'
means. It seems clear from certain trends that haveappeared in Hong Kong's property market that thedeveloper will target not only locals but also mainlandbig spenders. Mainlanders are keen on acquiringproperties in Hong Kong. That evidences the SAR'sstrength. Such buyers are welcome. However,mainlanders regard Hong Kong property mainly as aninvestment vehicle. The government should closelymonitor the effects their activities may have on HongKong's property market. As developers have in recentyears focused on the luxury market, mid- andsmall-sized flats are in short supply. The governmentshould promptly find ways to tackle this situation.The government had been possessed with a fearuntil the site was auctioned. It believed that, if itchanged its land policy, property prices would plungewhen the economy turned down. It dreaded beingaccused of causing property prices to collapse. Theauction result should have freed it from this worry. Thehigh price the Ho Man Tin site has fetched showsHong Kong's property market remains largely in such astage that it is necessary to straighten supply anddemand out. The government should control landsupply, ascertain demand and put land for varioustypes of developments up for auction. Only by doing socan it redress the supply-demand imbalance.
Only by doing so can it prevent property pricesfrom roller-coastering. If the government sees that thesupply of every type of housing largely meets thedemand for it, it will not matter much whether itpursues any policy of helping citizens to buy their ownhomes.
Yesterday, after the land auction had ended,REDA (Real Estate Developers Association) vicechairman Stewart Leung criticised the government forits opaque pricing. We think his criticism makes sense.The first bid offered at a land auction used to be thereserve price. Obviously, that has not been the caserecently.
As land auctions are held in public, thegovernment need not have resorted to mysticism. Itshould either regard the first bid as acceptable as itused to do or simply announce an acceptable price inadvance. We do not see it would be unfair to or partialtowards any bidder in any way to increasetransparency by informing all developers of the reserveprice at the same time.
8 年來,政府首次主動推出土地拍賣,結果超逾市場預期的上限,何文田前山谷道邨地皮以高價成交。這次賣地成績,說明勾地政策已經無必要繼續存在,政府應該就市民住屋的實際需要,增加主動賣地,在這個前提下,是否定期或不定期賣地,並不重要,關鍵在主動賣地。政府進一步掌握土地供應主導權,理順實際供求關係,才可以使本港樓市走上平穩健康的發展之路。
首先值得注意的是發展商看好後市。土地由新鴻基地產以109 億元投得,平均呎價12,539 元,創下九龍區地價和拍賣呎價的最高紀錄。
賣地高價成交,首先最大得益者是庫房,今年政府土地收入肯定可觀。不過,前山谷道邨土地,以投資成本粗略計算,發展商他日要賣到每方呎2 萬元,才有較合理利潤。這樣的價錢,絕非本港一般受薪階層所能負擔,以近年本港樓市一些趨勢,相信除了本地買家之外,內地大豪客會是發展商瞄準的目標。本港能夠吸引內地人士來港買樓,正是本港優勢的體現,應予歡迎,不過,內地人士來港買樓,出發點主要是投資,他們對本港樓市生態會構成怎樣的影響,值得政府注意。近年發展商側重豪宅市場,中小型樓宇相對顯得供應不足,政府應該早為之謀。
bullish /'b ʊlIf/feeling confident and positive.record high If something is a record high, it is the highestever.
turn downWhen an economy turns down, it weakens.
暢所欲言 A-Z
Iraq 伊拉克伊拉克位於亞洲西南部、阿拉伯半島東北部,有悠久的歷史,是世界古代文明的發源地之一,她的「空中花園」被列為世界七大奇蹟之一。她石油資源十分豐富,是僅次於沙特的第二大石油儲藏國。2003 年3 月,美英以伊拉克支持恐怖主義和擁有大規模殺傷性武器為由發動伊拉克戰爭,導致薩達姆政權垮台。戰後的伊拉克滿目瘡痍,暴力襲擊事件不斷,局勢至今仍未能穩定下來。
Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半島
Hanging Gardens of Semiramis/Hanging Gardens of Babylon空中花園
terrorism 恐怖主義
Saddam Hussein 薩達姆
Istanbul 伊斯坦堡
Byzantinism/Byzantism 拜占庭
The City on Seven Hills伊斯坦堡的別名
Constantinople 君士坦丁堡
megacity 大城市
IKEA 宜家傢俬
瑞典家居用品企業宜家傢俬創立於1943年, 創始人是瑞典人坎普拉德(IngvarKamprad),創立之初主要經營文具郵購、雜貨等業務,後轉向以家具為主。在不斷擴張下,產品範圍擴展到各種家居用品。它的產品全由宜家公司獨立設計,強調「簡約、自然、清新、設計精良」的獨特風格。它的經營理念是「提供種類繁多、美觀實用、百姓能負擔的家居用品」,因此它的產品定位是「低價、精美、耐用」。
ready-to-assemble furniture/knock-down furniture/flat pack furniture/self-assembly furniture 組合家具
運用以上任何一個字,撰寫一段約50 字的英語段落,連同個人資料(姓名及地址)寄柴灣嘉業街18 號明報工業中心A 座15 樓明報編輯部「通通識」,或電郵至,被抽中者即可獲贈由商務印書館送出《我敢讀英語話題詞——隨身聽讀版》一本,每期名額一個。
上期得獎者:Juile Fong
Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半島
Hanging Gardens of Semiramis/Hanging Gardens of Babylon空中花園
terrorism 恐怖主義
Saddam Hussein 薩達姆
Istanbul 伊斯坦堡
Byzantinism/Byzantism 拜占庭
The City on Seven Hills伊斯坦堡的別名
Constantinople 君士坦丁堡
megacity 大城市
IKEA 宜家傢俬
瑞典家居用品企業宜家傢俬創立於1943年, 創始人是瑞典人坎普拉德(IngvarKamprad),創立之初主要經營文具郵購、雜貨等業務,後轉向以家具為主。在不斷擴張下,產品範圍擴展到各種家居用品。它的產品全由宜家公司獨立設計,強調「簡約、自然、清新、設計精良」的獨特風格。它的經營理念是「提供種類繁多、美觀實用、百姓能負擔的家居用品」,因此它的產品定位是「低價、精美、耐用」。
ready-to-assemble furniture/knock-down furniture/flat pack furniture/self-assembly furniture 組合家具
運用以上任何一個字,撰寫一段約50 字的英語段落,連同個人資料(姓名及地址)寄柴灣嘉業街18 號明報工業中心A 座15 樓明報編輯部「通通識」,或電郵至,被抽中者即可獲贈由商務印書館送出《我敢讀英語話題詞——隨身聽讀版》一本,每期名額一個。
上期得獎者:Juile Fong
on the ROAD
by Amanda Yu
Some of the places on inter-railing weregreat fun but not entirely eventful so I'mgoing to give you a brief idea of what theywere like and what we did:
Second stop: Amsterdam (荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹), famed for its legal weed (大麻),red-light district and canals, was aninteresting city. As we dropped our bagsoff in our 20-bed mixed dorm, weimmediately joined a walking tour aroundthe city. Learning about the effects of theWar, Anne Frank's house in the city centreand its financial background, Amsterdam isa lot more than the "drugged" capitalperceived by a lot of people.
Third stop: Frankfurt ( 法蘭克福), theeconomic centre of Germany, is not ausual route for travellers. Despite themodern buildings, Frankfurt offered someclassic German cuisine of huge pork leg,sauerkraut ( 德國酸菜), apfelwein (applewine). (No they don't eatfrankfurters ( 法蘭克福腸)).
However, my biggest memoryof the place was the fact that Ispent four hours in an Irish pubwatching the Wimbledon'smen's finals (as I am literallyobsessed with tennis), beforebeing disappointed by Roddick's loss, andthus filled myself with some deliciousfood.
Fourth stop: After a night-long journeyto Berlin, we had to reside in the stationfor four hours in the middle of the nightbefore our connecting train to Prague (捷克首都布拉格) arrived. We would'veexplored the nightlife, but little did weknow that the station was situated in adodgy area, completed with a strip cluband a run-down building.
Prague was gorgeous-the cobbled(大卵石鋪成的) streets, old town square,astronomical clock, Charles Bridge (whichwas filled with tourists trying to absorb thebeauty of the historical city)... Anothergood thing about Prague is that beer wascheaper than water!
Writer's Profile
An unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.
Some of the places on inter-railing weregreat fun but not entirely eventful so I'mgoing to give you a brief idea of what theywere like and what we did:
Second stop: Amsterdam (荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹), famed for its legal weed (大麻),red-light district and canals, was aninteresting city. As we dropped our bagsoff in our 20-bed mixed dorm, weimmediately joined a walking tour aroundthe city. Learning about the effects of theWar, Anne Frank's house in the city centreand its financial background, Amsterdam isa lot more than the "drugged" capitalperceived by a lot of people.
Third stop: Frankfurt ( 法蘭克福), theeconomic centre of Germany, is not ausual route for travellers. Despite themodern buildings, Frankfurt offered someclassic German cuisine of huge pork leg,sauerkraut ( 德國酸菜), apfelwein (applewine). (No they don't eatfrankfurters ( 法蘭克福腸)).
However, my biggest memoryof the place was the fact that Ispent four hours in an Irish pubwatching the Wimbledon'smen's finals (as I am literallyobsessed with tennis), beforebeing disappointed by Roddick's loss, andthus filled myself with some deliciousfood.
Fourth stop: After a night-long journeyto Berlin, we had to reside in the stationfor four hours in the middle of the nightbefore our connecting train to Prague (捷克首都布拉格) arrived. We would'veexplored the nightlife, but little did weknow that the station was situated in adodgy area, completed with a strip cluband a run-down building.
Prague was gorgeous-the cobbled(大卵石鋪成的) streets, old town square,astronomical clock, Charles Bridge (whichwas filled with tourists trying to absorb thebeauty of the historical city)... Anothergood thing about Prague is that beer wascheaper than water!
Writer's Profile
An unconventional boardingschool-educated gap year student who isabout to study at Oxford University.
rocket science 應怎譯?
讀者海菁來電郵說,翻譯文件時把rocket science 譯作「火箭科學」,但原文作者說譯錯,說是「尖端科學」才對,她感到困惑。
Rocket science 的本來意思當然是火箭科學,但在日常用語中,就常常變成一個譬喻,泛指一些尖端科學或者更高深學問。這種用法,大部分時間以否定句形式出現。例如:孫子要教會爺爺開啓電腦,無奈花了九牛二虎的勁,爺爺還沒有記住,這個時候, 孫子會說︰ 「Grandpa, it is not rocketscience. All you have to do is to enter thepassword here.」
我們可以把這句翻譯成︰ 「爺爺,這不是什麼高深學問,在這裏輸入密碼不就成了嗎?」
中文裏面也有類似用法,看到一些讀不懂的外語,有些人會說︰ 「看到這些雞腸就頭痛。」翻譯時萬萬不能把寫成︰ Thesechicken intestines are giving me aheadache, 儘管chicken intestines 就是雞腸。我們要將之引伸, 把它譯成: Thesesquiggles are giving me a headache,或者用更地道的說法:This is all Greek to me。
Rocket science 的本來意思當然是火箭科學,但在日常用語中,就常常變成一個譬喻,泛指一些尖端科學或者更高深學問。這種用法,大部分時間以否定句形式出現。例如:孫子要教會爺爺開啓電腦,無奈花了九牛二虎的勁,爺爺還沒有記住,這個時候, 孫子會說︰ 「Grandpa, it is not rocketscience. All you have to do is to enter thepassword here.」
我們可以把這句翻譯成︰ 「爺爺,這不是什麼高深學問,在這裏輸入密碼不就成了嗎?」
中文裏面也有類似用法,看到一些讀不懂的外語,有些人會說︰ 「看到這些雞腸就頭痛。」翻譯時萬萬不能把寫成︰ Thesechicken intestines are giving me aheadache, 儘管chicken intestines 就是雞腸。我們要將之引伸, 把它譯成: Thesesquiggles are giving me a headache,或者用更地道的說法:This is all Greek to me。
Johnny DEPP
text provided by the Biography Channel(now TV channel 222)
John Christopher "Johnny" Depp-actor,director and musician-was born on June 9,1963. Depp was withdrawn and a self-admittedoddball (古怪的人). "I made odd noises as a child,"he later revealed in an interview. "Just did weirdthings, like turn off light switches twice."
In 1983, at the age of 20, Johnny met andmarried 25-year-old makeup artist LoriAllison. A year later, Depp fell into acting when hiswife introduced him to her ex-boyfriend-actorNicolas Cage. Cage saw potential in Depp, andintroduced him to a Hollywood agent. Afterseveral small roles as a film extra, Depplanded his first legitimate movierole in the horror film A Nightmareon Elm Street (《猛鬼街》, 1984).
Depp started to study acting inearnest ( 認真地), the lessonspaid off in 1987 when hereplaced actor Jeff Yagher inthe role of undercover copTommy Hanson in the popularTV series 21 Jump Street(《龍虎少年隊》). The rolethrust (推) Depp into almostimmediate stardom.
John Christopher "Johnny" Depp-actor,director and musician-was born on June 9,1963. Depp was withdrawn and a self-admittedoddball (古怪的人). "I made odd noises as a child,"he later revealed in an interview. "Just did weirdthings, like turn off light switches twice."
In 1983, at the age of 20, Johnny met andmarried 25-year-old makeup artist LoriAllison. A year later, Depp fell into acting when hiswife introduced him to her ex-boyfriend-actorNicolas Cage. Cage saw potential in Depp, andintroduced him to a Hollywood agent. Afterseveral small roles as a film extra, Depplanded his first legitimate movierole in the horror film A Nightmareon Elm Street (《猛鬼街》, 1984).
Depp started to study acting inearnest ( 認真地), the lessonspaid off in 1987 when hereplaced actor Jeff Yagher inthe role of undercover copTommy Hanson in the popularTV series 21 Jump Street(《龍虎少年隊》). The rolethrust (推) Depp into almostimmediate stardom.
Package is bound to be vetoed
THE SAR government has tabled a bill aboutits 2012 constitutional reform package to theLegislative Council (Legco). Yesterday,Deputy Secretary General of the National People'sCongress Standing Committee Qiao Xiaoyangcommented on moderate democrats' demands. Asmatters stand, what has been done to persuadedemocrats to vote for it is far from adequate. Unlessthere is a miraculous breakthrough, it is very likely tobe thrown out as the 2005 package was.
About the six District Council (DC) functionalconstituency (FC) seats, Qiao said the present methodof having them filled by DC members picked by theirfellow DC members was more appropriate, therebyindirectly rejecting moderate democrats' demand thatthey should virtually be directly elected.
Last November, the government called FCelections out of keeping with the principle of universaland equal suffrage. After nearly seven months, Qiaomentioned the phrase and gave it a definition. Thingsseem to have progressed. However, we listenedcarefully and heard him say only that the kernel ofuniversal suffrage was to make sure that all wouldhave equal right of election, which ought to beuniversal and equal. Thereupon, he said emphatically,"As it is generally understood in the world, it ispermissible to impose reasonable restrictions on thisright by law. Countries have adopted different electoralsystems in the light of their respective situations toensure that their people will enjoy universal and equalsuffrage."
Qiao wants Hong Kong people to be prepared for"reasonable restrictions". Furthermore, he made itclear that Chief Executive (CE) candidates would benominated in a different way in 2017 than they wouldbe in 2012. The central government's attitude is suchthat the new nomination method is unlikely to be lessrestricted. There is also a potential danger. Thethreshold may be raised, and there may even bescreening designed to deprive some of their right tostand.
What is called "reasonable restrictions" will play akey part in Hong Kong's democratisation. Themainland's ideas of democratisation are vastly differentfrom Hong Kong's. As for "reasonable restrictions", thecentral government will make them strict, and HongKong people will strive for loose ones. In this process,"one country, two systems" will be put to a severe test.The pan-democratic camp is divided onconstitutional reform. The hawks orchestrated a"referendum", which was in fact a by-election. Thedoves vigorously sought to dialogue with the centralauthorities. They have come under enormous politicalpressure. They have been bitterly ridiculed andsneered at. At first they wanted the central governmentto pledge to allow Hong Kong people genuineuniversal suffrage. When they were certain that it wasuncompromising, they switched to making the 2012elections more democratic so that they could backdown. However, the central government has utterlyrefused to budge. None of their demands have beensatisfied. They have only gained an opportunity to talkwith central government officials. Nevertheless, thoseidle talks have sapped the doves of their political clout.At least some suspect they have betrayed democracy.How can the doves or other democrats justifythemselves to their supporters if they support the SARgovernment's package?
Yesterday the Democrats commented on thegovernment's bill and Qiao's speech. They declaredoutright they would not support the package if thingsremained as they were. It is totally understandable forthem to have taken this stance. Furthermore,yesterday, the 23 pan-democratic legislators declaredin a statement they and 38 nongovernmental bodiesjointly signed that they would vote as one on thepackage.
The lot of package now hangs in the balance.The only way to save it is for the central government toagree that the six DC FC legislators should benominated by their fellow DC members and returnedby all voters. If it does so, the SAR government maymanage to persuade the pan-democratic legislators tovote for it. The electoral method can be prescribed bylegislation. Unless this happens, the package DonaldTsang has put forward will meet the fate of the 2005package. It will be thrown out. That would drasticallychange Hong Kong's political ecology - deal a severeblow to Donald Tsang's authority, fuel internal strife,radicalise the political atmosphere and even harm theSAR's stability. Such a situation must not be dismissedas inconsequential. We do feel hopeless that we canonly hope for a miracle. However, that is the last strawto clutch at now. Whether we will see a miracledepends on what the central government has now inmind.
明報社評 2010.06.08
除非奇蹟出現2012 政改方案難過關
港府就2012 政改方案,向立法會提交決議案,全國人大常委會副秘書長喬曉陽回應溫和民主派的訴求,按目前情况看來,推動民主派投票支持方案的動力,遠遠不足夠;到本月 23 日表決之前,若事態並無奇蹟般突破發展,政改方案繼2005 年之後,第二次被否決的可能性很大。
關於區議會功能組別的6 席,喬曉陽的回應認為現行由區議員互選的做法,較為恰當,間接否決了變相直選的要求。
去年11 月港府提出現行功能組別選舉,不符合普及平等原則,歷經接近7 個月,才從喬曉陽口中說出這5 個字和定義。事態好像有進展,但是仔細聆聽喬曉陽所說的普及而平等,只提到「普選的核心內容是保障人人享有選舉權,做到普及和平等」,他隨即話鋒一轉,側重點在根據國際現實,有關選舉權利是允許法律作「合理限制」,各國按自己的實際情况採用不同選舉制度,實現普及和平等的選舉權。
喬曉陽要港人有「合理限制」的心理準備。喬曉陽挑明2017 年選舉行政長官的提名程序,與2012 年的辦法不同,以中央的取態,這個「不同」,朝寬鬆方向發展的可能不大;而且潛藏一個重大風險:提高門檻,甚至篩選,剝奪一些人的參選權利。
未來本港民主化進程,所謂「合理限制」是關鍵。內地和本港在民主化的理念、價值,存在巨大差異,日後「合理限制」的爭持,具體會是中央要嚴加控制、港人則力爭寬鬆, 「一國兩制」在過程中將面對重大考驗。民主派因為這次政改而分裂,分成補選、公投的鷹派和爭取與中央對話的鴿派。鴿派頂着巨大政治壓力,受盡揶揄嘲諷,起初主要訴求是中央確認真普選,後來確知中央取態強硬之後,退而求其次,要求確實增加2012年民主成分,作為下台階,中央還是寸步不讓,在此情况下,鴿派的訴求,全部落空,只得與中央溝通的機會,但是這些「無米粥」的溝通,卻在剝蝕鴿派的政治能量,起碼,部分人正在質疑他們有否出賣民主派。所以民主派、特別是鴿派若支持港府的方案,將如何向支持者交代?
昨日,民主黨就港府決議案和喬曉陽的回應,即時表示若情况無改變,不會支持政改方案。他們的取態,完全可以理解。另外,23 名民主派議員與38 個民間團體的聯署聲明,他們的投票取態已經綑綁在一起。
政改方案命懸一線,現在僅剩一個活門,就是未來兩周,中央改變6 席區議員功能組別的選舉辦法,由區議員提名,全體選民選舉,爭取民主派支持方案,然後在本地立法階段解決問題,否則行政長官曾蔭權提出的政改方案,只有遭到再一次被否決的命運。這個結果會使香港的政治生態丕變:沉重打擊曾蔭權的管治威信、本港內耗勢必加劇、政治氛圍激化,甚至衝擊整體穩定,實在不能等閒視之。政改期望奇蹟出現,十分無奈,不過,確實只剩下奇蹟了,而奇蹟會否出現,存乎中央一念之間。
kernel /'k ?:n(?)l/the central, most important part of an idea or asubject.
sap /sap/To sap a person of something is gradually todestroy it in him.
hang in the balancebe uncertain.
About the six District Council (DC) functionalconstituency (FC) seats, Qiao said the present methodof having them filled by DC members picked by theirfellow DC members was more appropriate, therebyindirectly rejecting moderate democrats' demand thatthey should virtually be directly elected.
Last November, the government called FCelections out of keeping with the principle of universaland equal suffrage. After nearly seven months, Qiaomentioned the phrase and gave it a definition. Thingsseem to have progressed. However, we listenedcarefully and heard him say only that the kernel ofuniversal suffrage was to make sure that all wouldhave equal right of election, which ought to beuniversal and equal. Thereupon, he said emphatically,"As it is generally understood in the world, it ispermissible to impose reasonable restrictions on thisright by law. Countries have adopted different electoralsystems in the light of their respective situations toensure that their people will enjoy universal and equalsuffrage."
Qiao wants Hong Kong people to be prepared for"reasonable restrictions". Furthermore, he made itclear that Chief Executive (CE) candidates would benominated in a different way in 2017 than they wouldbe in 2012. The central government's attitude is suchthat the new nomination method is unlikely to be lessrestricted. There is also a potential danger. Thethreshold may be raised, and there may even bescreening designed to deprive some of their right tostand.
What is called "reasonable restrictions" will play akey part in Hong Kong's democratisation. Themainland's ideas of democratisation are vastly differentfrom Hong Kong's. As for "reasonable restrictions", thecentral government will make them strict, and HongKong people will strive for loose ones. In this process,"one country, two systems" will be put to a severe test.The pan-democratic camp is divided onconstitutional reform. The hawks orchestrated a"referendum", which was in fact a by-election. Thedoves vigorously sought to dialogue with the centralauthorities. They have come under enormous politicalpressure. They have been bitterly ridiculed andsneered at. At first they wanted the central governmentto pledge to allow Hong Kong people genuineuniversal suffrage. When they were certain that it wasuncompromising, they switched to making the 2012elections more democratic so that they could backdown. However, the central government has utterlyrefused to budge. None of their demands have beensatisfied. They have only gained an opportunity to talkwith central government officials. Nevertheless, thoseidle talks have sapped the doves of their political clout.At least some suspect they have betrayed democracy.How can the doves or other democrats justifythemselves to their supporters if they support the SARgovernment's package?
Yesterday the Democrats commented on thegovernment's bill and Qiao's speech. They declaredoutright they would not support the package if thingsremained as they were. It is totally understandable forthem to have taken this stance. Furthermore,yesterday, the 23 pan-democratic legislators declaredin a statement they and 38 nongovernmental bodiesjointly signed that they would vote as one on thepackage.
The lot of package now hangs in the balance.The only way to save it is for the central government toagree that the six DC FC legislators should benominated by their fellow DC members and returnedby all voters. If it does so, the SAR government maymanage to persuade the pan-democratic legislators tovote for it. The electoral method can be prescribed bylegislation. Unless this happens, the package DonaldTsang has put forward will meet the fate of the 2005package. It will be thrown out. That would drasticallychange Hong Kong's political ecology - deal a severeblow to Donald Tsang's authority, fuel internal strife,radicalise the political atmosphere and even harm theSAR's stability. Such a situation must not be dismissedas inconsequential. We do feel hopeless that we canonly hope for a miracle. However, that is the last strawto clutch at now. Whether we will see a miracledepends on what the central government has now inmind.
明報社評 2010.06.08
除非奇蹟出現2012 政改方案難過關
港府就2012 政改方案,向立法會提交決議案,全國人大常委會副秘書長喬曉陽回應溫和民主派的訴求,按目前情况看來,推動民主派投票支持方案的動力,遠遠不足夠;到本月 23 日表決之前,若事態並無奇蹟般突破發展,政改方案繼2005 年之後,第二次被否決的可能性很大。
關於區議會功能組別的6 席,喬曉陽的回應認為現行由區議員互選的做法,較為恰當,間接否決了變相直選的要求。
去年11 月港府提出現行功能組別選舉,不符合普及平等原則,歷經接近7 個月,才從喬曉陽口中說出這5 個字和定義。事態好像有進展,但是仔細聆聽喬曉陽所說的普及而平等,只提到「普選的核心內容是保障人人享有選舉權,做到普及和平等」,他隨即話鋒一轉,側重點在根據國際現實,有關選舉權利是允許法律作「合理限制」,各國按自己的實際情况採用不同選舉制度,實現普及和平等的選舉權。
喬曉陽要港人有「合理限制」的心理準備。喬曉陽挑明2017 年選舉行政長官的提名程序,與2012 年的辦法不同,以中央的取態,這個「不同」,朝寬鬆方向發展的可能不大;而且潛藏一個重大風險:提高門檻,甚至篩選,剝奪一些人的參選權利。
未來本港民主化進程,所謂「合理限制」是關鍵。內地和本港在民主化的理念、價值,存在巨大差異,日後「合理限制」的爭持,具體會是中央要嚴加控制、港人則力爭寬鬆, 「一國兩制」在過程中將面對重大考驗。民主派因為這次政改而分裂,分成補選、公投的鷹派和爭取與中央對話的鴿派。鴿派頂着巨大政治壓力,受盡揶揄嘲諷,起初主要訴求是中央確認真普選,後來確知中央取態強硬之後,退而求其次,要求確實增加2012年民主成分,作為下台階,中央還是寸步不讓,在此情况下,鴿派的訴求,全部落空,只得與中央溝通的機會,但是這些「無米粥」的溝通,卻在剝蝕鴿派的政治能量,起碼,部分人正在質疑他們有否出賣民主派。所以民主派、特別是鴿派若支持港府的方案,將如何向支持者交代?
昨日,民主黨就港府決議案和喬曉陽的回應,即時表示若情况無改變,不會支持政改方案。他們的取態,完全可以理解。另外,23 名民主派議員與38 個民間團體的聯署聲明,他們的投票取態已經綑綁在一起。
政改方案命懸一線,現在僅剩一個活門,就是未來兩周,中央改變6 席區議員功能組別的選舉辦法,由區議員提名,全體選民選舉,爭取民主派支持方案,然後在本地立法階段解決問題,否則行政長官曾蔭權提出的政改方案,只有遭到再一次被否決的命運。這個結果會使香港的政治生態丕變:沉重打擊曾蔭權的管治威信、本港內耗勢必加劇、政治氛圍激化,甚至衝擊整體穩定,實在不能等閒視之。政改期望奇蹟出現,十分無奈,不過,確實只剩下奇蹟了,而奇蹟會否出現,存乎中央一念之間。
kernel /'k ?:n(?)l/the central, most important part of an idea or asubject.
sap /sap/To sap a person of something is gradually todestroy it in him.
hang in the balancebe uncertain.
Stumbling blocks to a deal
The die is cast, as the date has been set for lawmakers to vote on the 2012 electoral reform package. On June 23, will the pan-democrats veto this opportunity for change at all costs?
The prospect of the proposal being passed isn't particularly encouraging, in view of the negative feedback to National People's Congress Standing Committee deputy secretary-general Qiao Xiaoyang's answer to the moderates' demands.
But would the Democratic Party and its pan-democratic peers react differently if they bother to study Qiao's comments with greater care? Fingers are crossed.
Qiao had touched on all their concerns, including the definition of universal suffrage, future of functional constituencies, election of legislators from district councils, and nomination of chief executive candidates when the chief executive is elected by universal suffrage.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Qiao's personal understanding - or that of the central government - of universal suffrage is rather generic. Its core content is to protect the equal voting right of every citizen. But he also observed it is a global practice for places to adopt different electoral systems that also suit their actual situations.
Perhaps the more cynical ones in the pan-democrat camp find the generic definition far from satisfactory. But this was the first time Beijing elaborated on the definition of universal suffrage that the Basic Law stops short of defining.
In the opinion of some, this is already a half-step concession by the central government, if not a full one. But issues as abstract as definition should never be a stumbling block for breakthroughs.
Clearly, the pan-democratic moderates are particularly hung up on substances. What are they? Functional constituencies are one of them. Although Qiao said community views are split on functional constituencies and more discussions will be necessary, it would be misleading to say functional constituencies aren't going to change.
They're bound to change to conform with universal suffrage, according to Qiao's understanding.
In order to comply with the definition of equal voting rights as described by Qiao, it would be hard to imagine how the current arrangement of some having more votes than others wouldn't change.
If those standing in the way of a deal say the definition of universal suffrage and Qiao's open remarks in relation to functional constituencies will usher in tighter control, one may also argue it will indeed lead to a more democratic outcome in 2017 and 2020.
Another point to note is the election of the chief executive. What did Qiao say in this regard? He said the future arrangement under which the nominating committee nominates chief executive candidates will conform with democratic procedures. He also emphasized this future arrangement and the existing system are entirely different. Maybe the pan-democrats who dislike any threshold should mind the words "entirely different.'" Doesn't this pave the way for a more liberal approach for nominating the chief executive? Certainly, it's proper for Hong Kong to be careful in dealing with this, for it would be a nightmare for society if "Mad Dog" Raymond Wong Yuk-man were to be elected chief executive.
The prospect of the proposal being passed isn't particularly encouraging, in view of the negative feedback to National People's Congress Standing Committee deputy secretary-general Qiao Xiaoyang's answer to the moderates' demands.
But would the Democratic Party and its pan-democratic peers react differently if they bother to study Qiao's comments with greater care? Fingers are crossed.
Qiao had touched on all their concerns, including the definition of universal suffrage, future of functional constituencies, election of legislators from district councils, and nomination of chief executive candidates when the chief executive is elected by universal suffrage.
英文虎報 Central Station | By Mary Ma
Qiao's personal understanding - or that of the central government - of universal suffrage is rather generic. Its core content is to protect the equal voting right of every citizen. But he also observed it is a global practice for places to adopt different electoral systems that also suit their actual situations.
Perhaps the more cynical ones in the pan-democrat camp find the generic definition far from satisfactory. But this was the first time Beijing elaborated on the definition of universal suffrage that the Basic Law stops short of defining.
In the opinion of some, this is already a half-step concession by the central government, if not a full one. But issues as abstract as definition should never be a stumbling block for breakthroughs.
Clearly, the pan-democratic moderates are particularly hung up on substances. What are they? Functional constituencies are one of them. Although Qiao said community views are split on functional constituencies and more discussions will be necessary, it would be misleading to say functional constituencies aren't going to change.
They're bound to change to conform with universal suffrage, according to Qiao's understanding.
In order to comply with the definition of equal voting rights as described by Qiao, it would be hard to imagine how the current arrangement of some having more votes than others wouldn't change.
If those standing in the way of a deal say the definition of universal suffrage and Qiao's open remarks in relation to functional constituencies will usher in tighter control, one may also argue it will indeed lead to a more democratic outcome in 2017 and 2020.
Another point to note is the election of the chief executive. What did Qiao say in this regard? He said the future arrangement under which the nominating committee nominates chief executive candidates will conform with democratic procedures. He also emphasized this future arrangement and the existing system are entirely different. Maybe the pan-democrats who dislike any threshold should mind the words "entirely different.'" Doesn't this pave the way for a more liberal approach for nominating the chief executive? Certainly, it's proper for Hong Kong to be careful in dealing with this, for it would be a nightmare for society if "Mad Dog" Raymond Wong Yuk-man were to be elected chief executive.
Middle-class PRH
THE Housing Society has proposed buildingmiddle middle--class PRH (public rental housing) toreduce the pressure arising from soaringproperty prices. Middle Middle--class PRH, for which the rent ishigher than ordinary PRH rent but lower than marketrent, caters to sandwich sandwich--class families. Doing so wouldin theory help some middle middle--class families that havedifficulty buying their own homes.
The middle middle--class PRH idea is theoreticallyfeasible. A middle middle--class family that lives in such a flatfor a certain term (five or ten years) will have a respite respite..When it has saved the money it needs to pay down ona private flat, it can vacate its flat for another family'sbenefit.
However, there are problems with middle middle--classPRH.
First, how many such flats must be producedbefore the demand can be met? Property prices havesoared in recent years mainly because flats have beenin short supply. The government has refrained fromputting land up for auction. Consequently, flat supplyhas persistently fallen short of demand. FinancialSecretary John Tsang said last February after he haddelivered his Budget speech that he expected 53,000private residential flats to be completed in the nextthree to four years, or only between 13,000 and 18,000a year. However, it is clear from records that HongKong people buy between 20,000 and 30,000 flats ayear. Supply will remain way below demand. Howmany middle middle--class PRH flats must be built beforedemand can be met? If only one or two thousand unitsare completed a year, the scheme will be like a cup ofwater to a blazing cartload of faggots. It would have noimpact whatsoever on the market.
Even those who have proposed building
middle middle--class PRH agree that the benefit enjoyed underthe scheme should be short short--term. They say it isnecessary to stipulate that a family may live in amiddle middle--class PRH flat only for a certain period.However, if property prices keep going up, when sucha family's term expires, a private flat may still bebeyond its means. Would the government then evictit? If it has no choice but to keep extending its term,the benefit the family enjoys under the scheme willbecome permanent.
One option is to take a measure like the better better--offPRH tenant policy - to force tenants to move out bycharging them double rent, market rent or even more.However, if tenants would rather pay market rent thanmove out or if most of them are adamant that theywould pay old rather than new rent, would thegovernment have their flats broken in and have theirfurniture and other belongings dumped onto garbagetrucks? Now thousands of better better--off tenants would notmove into private flats. Despite the better better--off tenantpolicy, the Housing Authority cannot kick them out ofPRH. On what could the Housing Society rely topersuade middle middle--class PRH tenants to vacate theirflats? This is politically impossible.
Furthermore, as middle middle--class PRH flats are not forsale, the government cannot possibly recover the landcost and the construction cost. If it builds moremiddle middle--class PRH instead of reviving the HomeOwnership Scheme (HOS), it will have to spend moreand more public money on subsidised housing. Itwould be doubtful that public housing developmentcould be sustained in the long term.
The problem with the property market lies in itssupply supply--demand imbalance. It cannot he solvedotherwise than by doing what may increase flat supply.The government should put land up for auction andsuitably revive the HOS. These ways have provedeffective. They would help bring about a permanentcure. Middle Middle--class PRH is only a short short--term substitute.The proposal is too hard to carry out to be worthadopting.
中產公屋在理論上是可行的,中產家庭以較市值便宜的價格入住一個有限的年期(例如55 年或10 年),中產家庭就可借此機會休養生息及儲蓄,待儲夠私樓首期後就可轉到私人市場,騰空單位讓另一個家庭受惠。
首先,要興建多少中產公屋才可紓緩市場的需要?近年樓價急升,最主要原因是住宅單位供應因政府放棄主動賣地而大幅減少,造成持續的供不應求。財政司長曾俊華在本年22 月發表預算案後表示,預計未來33 至44 年約有53,000 個私人住宅新單位供應,即每年只有約1.3 萬至1.8 萬個單位,但證諸歷史,港人每年可消化介乎22 萬至33 萬個單位,供與求的差距依然巨大,到底要興建多少個中產公屋單位才能紓緩市民的置業需求? 若擴建高級公屋計劃每年只能產生一兩千個單位,根本是杯水車薪,對市場起不了任何作用。
GG lossary
respite /'respaIt/a break or escape from something difficult orunpleasant.
evict /I'vIIkt/
To evict a person is to force him to leave aflat or land.
break in
To break in a flat is to enter it by force.
The middle middle--class PRH idea is theoreticallyfeasible. A middle middle--class family that lives in such a flatfor a certain term (five or ten years) will have a respite respite..When it has saved the money it needs to pay down ona private flat, it can vacate its flat for another family'sbenefit.
However, there are problems with middle middle--classPRH.
First, how many such flats must be producedbefore the demand can be met? Property prices havesoared in recent years mainly because flats have beenin short supply. The government has refrained fromputting land up for auction. Consequently, flat supplyhas persistently fallen short of demand. FinancialSecretary John Tsang said last February after he haddelivered his Budget speech that he expected 53,000private residential flats to be completed in the nextthree to four years, or only between 13,000 and 18,000a year. However, it is clear from records that HongKong people buy between 20,000 and 30,000 flats ayear. Supply will remain way below demand. Howmany middle middle--class PRH flats must be built beforedemand can be met? If only one or two thousand unitsare completed a year, the scheme will be like a cup ofwater to a blazing cartload of faggots. It would have noimpact whatsoever on the market.
Even those who have proposed building
middle middle--class PRH agree that the benefit enjoyed underthe scheme should be short short--term. They say it isnecessary to stipulate that a family may live in amiddle middle--class PRH flat only for a certain period.However, if property prices keep going up, when sucha family's term expires, a private flat may still bebeyond its means. Would the government then evictit? If it has no choice but to keep extending its term,the benefit the family enjoys under the scheme willbecome permanent.
One option is to take a measure like the better better--offPRH tenant policy - to force tenants to move out bycharging them double rent, market rent or even more.However, if tenants would rather pay market rent thanmove out or if most of them are adamant that theywould pay old rather than new rent, would thegovernment have their flats broken in and have theirfurniture and other belongings dumped onto garbagetrucks? Now thousands of better better--off tenants would notmove into private flats. Despite the better better--off tenantpolicy, the Housing Authority cannot kick them out ofPRH. On what could the Housing Society rely topersuade middle middle--class PRH tenants to vacate theirflats? This is politically impossible.
Furthermore, as middle middle--class PRH flats are not forsale, the government cannot possibly recover the landcost and the construction cost. If it builds moremiddle middle--class PRH instead of reviving the HomeOwnership Scheme (HOS), it will have to spend moreand more public money on subsidised housing. Itwould be doubtful that public housing developmentcould be sustained in the long term.
The problem with the property market lies in itssupply supply--demand imbalance. It cannot he solvedotherwise than by doing what may increase flat supply.The government should put land up for auction andsuitably revive the HOS. These ways have provedeffective. They would help bring about a permanentcure. Middle Middle--class PRH is only a short short--term substitute.The proposal is too hard to carry out to be worthadopting.
中產公屋在理論上是可行的,中產家庭以較市值便宜的價格入住一個有限的年期(例如55 年或10 年),中產家庭就可借此機會休養生息及儲蓄,待儲夠私樓首期後就可轉到私人市場,騰空單位讓另一個家庭受惠。
首先,要興建多少中產公屋才可紓緩市場的需要?近年樓價急升,最主要原因是住宅單位供應因政府放棄主動賣地而大幅減少,造成持續的供不應求。財政司長曾俊華在本年22 月發表預算案後表示,預計未來33 至44 年約有53,000 個私人住宅新單位供應,即每年只有約1.3 萬至1.8 萬個單位,但證諸歷史,港人每年可消化介乎22 萬至33 萬個單位,供與求的差距依然巨大,到底要興建多少個中產公屋單位才能紓緩市民的置業需求? 若擴建高級公屋計劃每年只能產生一兩千個單位,根本是杯水車薪,對市場起不了任何作用。
GG lossary
respite /'respaIt/a break or escape from something difficult orunpleasant.
evict /I'vIIkt/
To evict a person is to force him to leave aflat or land.
break in
To break in a flat is to enter it by force.
Sung rides on Goddess storm
Just two days prior to this year's June 4 anniversary, Chinese University of Hong Kong confronted students over their bid to display a replica of the Goddess of Democracy on campus.
As expected, tensions mounted. The outcome? The management backed down and the replica is now standing tall inside the campus. It was also suggested the confrontation helped to spur a record turnout at Friday's candlelight vigil.
I'm not sure if CUHK vice chancellor Lawrence Lau Juen-yee or others on the administrative and planning committee were fully aware of the sensitivity of the matter. If they wanted to ban the replica, had they considered beforehand how others - students and radical politicians - would react, and how they would handle the fallout?
Lau's team acted tough in the beginning, only to retreat in the face of the students' threat to defy the ban at all costs. This was the worst nightmare any management could imagine. If the committee hadn't anticipated the outcome, its members must be simple and naive.
The row at CUHK took a new twist yesterday, raising many eyebrows at the university. Lau's designated heir, Joseph Sung Jao-yiu, amazingly disclosed to a roomful of reporters that he had reservations about the move that angered students, saying he was in the United States when the committee arrived at its decision.
But Sung said he was informed of the development and had voiced concerns over the use of political neutrality as the grounds to reject the application. Sung went on to say he wasn't alone in holding this view, as other committee members also disagreed with the decision. He assured that after he takes over from Lau next month, he plans to resolve differences over the statue's future through dialogue with students.
What did all these remarks mean? The vice chancellor-designate effectively drew a rather distinct line to distance himself from the damning committee decision.
Cynics would be right in disputing the way Sung has absolved himself from a decision of a management that he was supposed to be part of.
Lau is unpopular among students who say he is too close to the government. When Sung was appointed as the successor, he was expected - aided by his liberal image - to improve the administration-student relationship.
It's understandable that Sung will have to clean up the fallout due to the ill-prepared handling of the Goddess event by his predecessor. But this doesn't justify him seeking to safely distance himself from the controversial decision. Bear in mind that Sung is no ordinary committee member, but also the vice-chancellor designate.
Had he felt uncomfortable with the Goddess issue, he should have sought to address it. Pleading that he was outside Hong Kong at the time is too lame an excuse. People should be able to have lofty expectations for him in such a controversy.
Sung may have won trust from students, but it's equally essential for him to gain the trust of his colleagues. It won't help the cause by projecting an impression that those backing the ban are bad guys, while he wears the white hat.
Nevertheless, the incident has provided him with the chance to demonstrate his public relations skills.
As expected, tensions mounted. The outcome? The management backed down and the replica is now standing tall inside the campus. It was also suggested the confrontation helped to spur a record turnout at Friday's candlelight vigil.
I'm not sure if CUHK vice chancellor Lawrence Lau Juen-yee or others on the administrative and planning committee were fully aware of the sensitivity of the matter. If they wanted to ban the replica, had they considered beforehand how others - students and radical politicians - would react, and how they would handle the fallout?
Lau's team acted tough in the beginning, only to retreat in the face of the students' threat to defy the ban at all costs. This was the worst nightmare any management could imagine. If the committee hadn't anticipated the outcome, its members must be simple and naive.
The row at CUHK took a new twist yesterday, raising many eyebrows at the university. Lau's designated heir, Joseph Sung Jao-yiu, amazingly disclosed to a roomful of reporters that he had reservations about the move that angered students, saying he was in the United States when the committee arrived at its decision.
But Sung said he was informed of the development and had voiced concerns over the use of political neutrality as the grounds to reject the application. Sung went on to say he wasn't alone in holding this view, as other committee members also disagreed with the decision. He assured that after he takes over from Lau next month, he plans to resolve differences over the statue's future through dialogue with students.
What did all these remarks mean? The vice chancellor-designate effectively drew a rather distinct line to distance himself from the damning committee decision.
Cynics would be right in disputing the way Sung has absolved himself from a decision of a management that he was supposed to be part of.
Lau is unpopular among students who say he is too close to the government. When Sung was appointed as the successor, he was expected - aided by his liberal image - to improve the administration-student relationship.
It's understandable that Sung will have to clean up the fallout due to the ill-prepared handling of the Goddess event by his predecessor. But this doesn't justify him seeking to safely distance himself from the controversial decision. Bear in mind that Sung is no ordinary committee member, but also the vice-chancellor designate.
Had he felt uncomfortable with the Goddess issue, he should have sought to address it. Pleading that he was outside Hong Kong at the time is too lame an excuse. People should be able to have lofty expectations for him in such a controversy.
Sung may have won trust from students, but it's equally essential for him to gain the trust of his colleagues. It won't help the cause by projecting an impression that those backing the ban are bad guys, while he wears the white hat.
Nevertheless, the incident has provided him with the chance to demonstrate his public relations skills.
CUHK should have tolerance
TODAY is the 21st anniversary of the June 4incident. This year the authorities have"suddenly" invoked a statutory provision toconfiscate a new statue of the Goddess of Democracyand a carving. They have by doing so disruptedactivities to mark June 4 the Alliance in Support ofPatriotic Democratic Movements in China hasorganised. Yesterday, the administration of theChinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) rejectedstudents' application for the permanent placement ofthe statue on campus on the grounds of "politicalneutrality". The two events have not only encouragedcitizens to focus on June 4 but also warned them not toallow the passage of time to weaken their will todemand that Beijing reverse its verdict on the incident.
The Goddess of Democracy is an importantsymbol of June 4. The statue is of great politicalsignificance. Because of the nature Beijing says June4 is of, it is indeed a hot potato to the CUHKadministration. It has more than one option. One is toreject students' application high-handedly, but it is sureto draw fire. Another is to talk with students and facultymembers to find a satisfactory arrangement. Forexample, it may consider holding a "referendum" -leaving it to CUHK students to decide whether thestatue should stand on campus for ever. It is a sensiblesolution to employ a democratic process. Even if itdreads offending the central government, the CUHKadministration may plead its reluctance to go againststudents' will.
A university should be a place where all kinds ofthoughts are allowed to thrive. It should be like a sea,into which rivers empty. The administration of auniversity should cultivate an atmosphere in whichviews of all sorts interact with one another. It shouldallow students to live and pursue their studies in suchan environment.
The CUHK has been a seat of learning thatexhibits a strong humanist spirit. Its students are veryconcerned about society and have actively participatedin soical affairs. They have eagerly taken part in andeven led student movements. This tradition of theCUHK is to be cherished.
During June 4 all eyes were on Peking University(Beida) students. People watched how they led othersin pushing for democratisation and social progress. Itwas partly because of their initiative and fine qualitythat they concerned themselves with the nation's woesbefore others. However, the Beida spirit, which CaiYuanpei shaped, did make them believe none butthey should shoulder the burden. Cai Yuanpei's ideasof a university are Beida's valuable assets.
Chung Chi College's lily pond was completed inOctober, 1997. It was named Weiyuan Lake. Weiyuanis said to mean "less than perfect". Nevertheless, thename reminds people of Beida's Weiming Lake.
Weiyuan Lake is much smaller than Weiming Lake,and the former's scenery does not compare with thelatter's. However, one cannot rule out the possibilitythat Chung Chi people had Weiming Lake in mindwhen they decided what to call the lily pond. It doesnot matter how big the "lake" is. The fact that it iscalled "Weiyuan" shows the CUHK may aim atemulating Beida. If so, the CHUK administration oughtto tolerate all sorts of views in the hope that theuniversity will one day rival and even excel Beida.
民主女神像雖具政治含義 中大兼容並包無損政治中立
今年是六四事件21 周年,近期先有港府「忽然」執法,沒收新民主女神像和雕塑,干擾支聯會的紀念六四活動,後有中文大學校方拒絕學生申請,不接納女神像在中大校園永久擺放,所持理由是「堅守政治中立」。
1997 年10 月,崇基學院完成整治荷花池計劃,將之取名未圓湖,據解釋是「未及圓滿」之意。不過,這個名字,使人不期然聯想起北京大學校園的未名湖。當然,未名湖較未圓湖大得多,景致也非未圓湖可比,但是當年取名未圓湖,也不能排除參照未名湖之意。湖大湖小並不重要,若取名未圓湖,乃反映中大校方視北京大學為目標的心志,那麼,中大校方首要做到兼容並蓄、容川納海。期望有朝一日,中文大學成為與北京大學齊名、甚而超越北大的大學。
The Goddess of Democracy is an importantsymbol of June 4. The statue is of great politicalsignificance. Because of the nature Beijing says June4 is of, it is indeed a hot potato to the CUHKadministration. It has more than one option. One is toreject students' application high-handedly, but it is sureto draw fire. Another is to talk with students and facultymembers to find a satisfactory arrangement. Forexample, it may consider holding a "referendum" -leaving it to CUHK students to decide whether thestatue should stand on campus for ever. It is a sensiblesolution to employ a democratic process. Even if itdreads offending the central government, the CUHKadministration may plead its reluctance to go againststudents' will.
A university should be a place where all kinds ofthoughts are allowed to thrive. It should be like a sea,into which rivers empty. The administration of auniversity should cultivate an atmosphere in whichviews of all sorts interact with one another. It shouldallow students to live and pursue their studies in suchan environment.
The CUHK has been a seat of learning thatexhibits a strong humanist spirit. Its students are veryconcerned about society and have actively participatedin soical affairs. They have eagerly taken part in andeven led student movements. This tradition of theCUHK is to be cherished.
During June 4 all eyes were on Peking University(Beida) students. People watched how they led othersin pushing for democratisation and social progress. Itwas partly because of their initiative and fine qualitythat they concerned themselves with the nation's woesbefore others. However, the Beida spirit, which CaiYuanpei shaped, did make them believe none butthey should shoulder the burden. Cai Yuanpei's ideasof a university are Beida's valuable assets.
Chung Chi College's lily pond was completed inOctober, 1997. It was named Weiyuan Lake. Weiyuanis said to mean "less than perfect". Nevertheless, thename reminds people of Beida's Weiming Lake.
Weiyuan Lake is much smaller than Weiming Lake,and the former's scenery does not compare with thelatter's. However, one cannot rule out the possibilitythat Chung Chi people had Weiming Lake in mindwhen they decided what to call the lily pond. It doesnot matter how big the "lake" is. The fact that it iscalled "Weiyuan" shows the CUHK may aim atemulating Beida. If so, the CHUK administration oughtto tolerate all sorts of views in the hope that theuniversity will one day rival and even excel Beida.
民主女神像雖具政治含義 中大兼容並包無損政治中立
今年是六四事件21 周年,近期先有港府「忽然」執法,沒收新民主女神像和雕塑,干擾支聯會的紀念六四活動,後有中文大學校方拒絕學生申請,不接納女神像在中大校園永久擺放,所持理由是「堅守政治中立」。
1997 年10 月,崇基學院完成整治荷花池計劃,將之取名未圓湖,據解釋是「未及圓滿」之意。不過,這個名字,使人不期然聯想起北京大學校園的未名湖。當然,未名湖較未圓湖大得多,景致也非未圓湖可比,但是當年取名未圓湖,也不能排除參照未名湖之意。湖大湖小並不重要,若取名未圓湖,乃反映中大校方視北京大學為目標的心志,那麼,中大校方首要做到兼容並蓄、容川納海。期望有朝一日,中文大學成為與北京大學齊名、甚而超越北大的大學。
Tsang talks but Beijing has final say
Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam- kuen and his political lieutenants continued their roadshow, taking to the streets again to drum up greater support for the 2012 electoral proposal.
Tsang is trying his best to exorcise the curse that even though public opinion polls have consistently shown majority support for the proposed reform package, diehard opposition lawmakers are determined to ignore what most people want.
The chief executive hopes that by reaching out to the masses, the public can become a force strong enough to change the minds of at least a few to vote for the package at the critical moment.
It's clear Tsang is keen to engage the public to spread the message. He opted to do it quietly the first time, so that he could talk to the people freely wherever he went. This unpublicized approach angered political foes and the media. The open-top bus tours a week ago attracted scathing attacks as they were kept hush- hush until after the tours were finished.
Yesterday's outings were different - the government gave the timetable and roadmap of activities in order for the media to deploy reporters and photographers. The chief executive, chief secretary and financial secretary were to lead three different teams on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories at 3pm. Itinerary details were announced to the press shortly before 1pm.
The advance notice was accommodating to the media, but it also allowed protesters to lay in waiting for the officials. Some suggested the League of Social Democrats somehow obtained the itinerary and posted it on the internet for its supporters to go after the officials, hence yesterday's commotion.
As seen by many people, Tsang's "Act Now" campaign may be a show. But it also confirms the helplessness of his administration over the situation, since in the end, it's the central government that has the final say.
Self-contradiction is evident in the SAR government's latest tactics. On one hand, Tsang and senior officials, including Executive Council members, have been seeking to lower community expectations for the 2012 package by sounding pessimistic about the outcome of the legislative vote.
On the other hand, the chief executive and government officials have embarked on an unprecedented political exercise to raise expectations to press for a two-thirds majority result for the vote.
But I'm concerned about the downsides associated with the two- pronged approach that is contradictory. The warning of low - or even no - confidence in the vote may be tactical in managing public expectations. There are shortfalls that, should the reforms be rejected, there will be substantial backlash from raised public expectations charged up by the campaign. Time is truly pressing. The vote will likely be held in a few weeks. Yet, everybody in town, including those in the SAR government, Democratic Party and Central Government's Liaison Office, is waiting for word from Beijing.
Meanwhile, it's still best to let society focus on striving to pass the proposals.
英文虎報 - Central Station | By Mary Ma
Tsang is trying his best to exorcise the curse that even though public opinion polls have consistently shown majority support for the proposed reform package, diehard opposition lawmakers are determined to ignore what most people want.
The chief executive hopes that by reaching out to the masses, the public can become a force strong enough to change the minds of at least a few to vote for the package at the critical moment.
It's clear Tsang is keen to engage the public to spread the message. He opted to do it quietly the first time, so that he could talk to the people freely wherever he went. This unpublicized approach angered political foes and the media. The open-top bus tours a week ago attracted scathing attacks as they were kept hush- hush until after the tours were finished.
Yesterday's outings were different - the government gave the timetable and roadmap of activities in order for the media to deploy reporters and photographers. The chief executive, chief secretary and financial secretary were to lead three different teams on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories at 3pm. Itinerary details were announced to the press shortly before 1pm.
The advance notice was accommodating to the media, but it also allowed protesters to lay in waiting for the officials. Some suggested the League of Social Democrats somehow obtained the itinerary and posted it on the internet for its supporters to go after the officials, hence yesterday's commotion.
As seen by many people, Tsang's "Act Now" campaign may be a show. But it also confirms the helplessness of his administration over the situation, since in the end, it's the central government that has the final say.
Self-contradiction is evident in the SAR government's latest tactics. On one hand, Tsang and senior officials, including Executive Council members, have been seeking to lower community expectations for the 2012 package by sounding pessimistic about the outcome of the legislative vote.
On the other hand, the chief executive and government officials have embarked on an unprecedented political exercise to raise expectations to press for a two-thirds majority result for the vote.
But I'm concerned about the downsides associated with the two- pronged approach that is contradictory. The warning of low - or even no - confidence in the vote may be tactical in managing public expectations. There are shortfalls that, should the reforms be rejected, there will be substantial backlash from raised public expectations charged up by the campaign. Time is truly pressing. The vote will likely be held in a few weeks. Yet, everybody in town, including those in the SAR government, Democratic Party and Central Government's Liaison Office, is waiting for word from Beijing.
Meanwhile, it's still best to let society focus on striving to pass the proposals.
英文虎報 - Central Station | By Mary Ma
Self-policing is ineffective
TRAVEL agents and tourist guides haveresumed compelling mainland visitors to makepurchases after a period of restraint. In thelatest case, a death occurred. Former national tabletennis player Chen Youming died of a heart attack.Some facts of the case (such as the illegal status ofthe tourist guide in question) show the situation isworse than it was.
Under a rule of the travel industry, no tourist guidemay take any visitors to a shop in which he has a stakeor with which he does business. The rule is aimed atpreventing conflicts of interest. However, we gatherthat a major shareholder in Win's Travel Agent ownsthe jeweller's where Chen Youming had a heart attack.The shareholder has opened three outlets. If visitorsknow that and they buy things in those places, they doso willingly. If they are in the dark and a guide takesthem to those outlets, one may suspect he hoodwinksthem. Clearly, a conflict of interest arises in such asituation, which is by no means fair to visitors.Therefore, the authorities should have the TravelIndustry Council (TIC) require its members to informtheir customers how they are connected with theoutlets they are taken to and allow them choice.
Apart from Chen Youming, the tourist guide inquestion is a principal of the "death from infuriation"case. It has been established that she is unlicensed.She held another's licence and passed herself off asthe other. How is she connected with Win's? How isshe connected with the woman to whom the licencebelongs? These are questions to which not only theindustry but also the police should find out the answers.
According to some in the industry, "illegal workers"have guided tours without a licence in the territory.They are paid less than licensed guides. Not bound byany licensing conditions, they may fleece visitors moreferociously to earn themselves and their employersmore commission. Furthermore, illegal tourist guidesare mostly mainlanders. They may just go home ifanything happens. It is not easy for the TIC to look intocomplaints against them. For example, the touristguide who allegedly enraged Chen, who subsequentlydied, is a mainlander. She is nowhere to be found. Shehas probably returned to the mainland.
The incident shows again the TIC is an ineffectivewatchdog. It shows self-policing is not sufficient toensure the healthy operation of the tourist industry,one of the major pillars of the economy. The TIC'swebsite says at the outset the body was set up in 1978to protect the interests of travel agents. What theunlicensed guide did in the case is not hard toascertain. It is not hard for Win's to make an account ofit. However, the TIC has asked Win's to submit a reportto it in two weeks. It appears to outsiders that it hasgiven Win's ample time so that it will have greaterleeway. There is suspicion that the TIC hopes thepassage of time will calm thing down. Furthermore,there is suspicion that it tries to protect its members asit refuses to reveal the subjects of the twenty-fourcomplaints against Win's it has received since 2006.
It gives no cause of much criticism for the TIC, anorganisation of the travel industry, to advance travelagents' interests. However, travel agents' interests donot coincide with visitors' interests or with Hong Kong'soverall interests. We therefore do not think it adequateto rely solely on the ineffective TIC to police travelagents. Furthermore, that ill becomes the industry'simportance to Hong Kong's economy.
In our view, the TIC must be drasticallyreorganised. At least the body (comprising totally ofpeople in the industry) should no longer be allowed todeal with visitors' complaints or discipline travel agents.The government should consider having anindependent body deal with such matters.
Unscrupulous travel agents and shops against whichmany complaints have been made should be named.The authorities should join forces with the media toexpose unscrupulous businesses. Only by taking thiscredible step can travel agents be deterred fromfleecing their customers.
現在業界規定,導遊不能帶旅客到自己開設或有生意關係的商舖購物,目的是防止出現利益衝突,不過,陳佑銘出事的珠寶店,據知是由永盛旅遊大股東所開設。據知這位大股東共開設了3 家商舖,團友若在知情下到其商舖購物,那是你情我願,若團友根本不知情,整個行程被安排到這3 家商舖購物,團友就有被蒙在鼓裏之嫌,選擇權被剝奪。這個情况,明顯存在利益衝突,對於團友而言絕不公平。所以,當局應該要求旅遊業議會對旗下旅行社明確規定,一定要披露旅行社與商舖的關係,讓團友知情和有選擇權。
發生這件事後,再一次暴露旅遊業議會未能善盡監管功能,說明單靠自律,不可能讓本港重要經濟支柱之一的旅遊業健康地運作。其實,旅遊業議會在其網頁的自我介紹,開宗明義就說「香港旅遊業議會(議會)成立於1978 年,以保障旅行社的利益為宗旨」,這次「激死」事件,關於那位導遊的情况並不複雜,永盛旅遊應該不難交代,但是旅遊業議會卻給兩周時間交報告,外界看來,這是議會以更多時間給永盛旅遊迴旋,有讓時間冲淡事態之嫌。另外,議會對永盛旅遊2006 年迄今被投訴24 宗的內容,不予透露,也有保護其成員之嫌。
hoodwink /'h ʊdwI ??k/deceive, delude.
right to choose.
fleece /fli:s/
To fleece a person is to take a lot of moneyfrom him, especially by charging him too much.
Under a rule of the travel industry, no tourist guidemay take any visitors to a shop in which he has a stakeor with which he does business. The rule is aimed atpreventing conflicts of interest. However, we gatherthat a major shareholder in Win's Travel Agent ownsthe jeweller's where Chen Youming had a heart attack.The shareholder has opened three outlets. If visitorsknow that and they buy things in those places, they doso willingly. If they are in the dark and a guide takesthem to those outlets, one may suspect he hoodwinksthem. Clearly, a conflict of interest arises in such asituation, which is by no means fair to visitors.Therefore, the authorities should have the TravelIndustry Council (TIC) require its members to informtheir customers how they are connected with theoutlets they are taken to and allow them choice.
Apart from Chen Youming, the tourist guide inquestion is a principal of the "death from infuriation"case. It has been established that she is unlicensed.She held another's licence and passed herself off asthe other. How is she connected with Win's? How isshe connected with the woman to whom the licencebelongs? These are questions to which not only theindustry but also the police should find out the answers.
According to some in the industry, "illegal workers"have guided tours without a licence in the territory.They are paid less than licensed guides. Not bound byany licensing conditions, they may fleece visitors moreferociously to earn themselves and their employersmore commission. Furthermore, illegal tourist guidesare mostly mainlanders. They may just go home ifanything happens. It is not easy for the TIC to look intocomplaints against them. For example, the touristguide who allegedly enraged Chen, who subsequentlydied, is a mainlander. She is nowhere to be found. Shehas probably returned to the mainland.
The incident shows again the TIC is an ineffectivewatchdog. It shows self-policing is not sufficient toensure the healthy operation of the tourist industry,one of the major pillars of the economy. The TIC'swebsite says at the outset the body was set up in 1978to protect the interests of travel agents. What theunlicensed guide did in the case is not hard toascertain. It is not hard for Win's to make an account ofit. However, the TIC has asked Win's to submit a reportto it in two weeks. It appears to outsiders that it hasgiven Win's ample time so that it will have greaterleeway. There is suspicion that the TIC hopes thepassage of time will calm thing down. Furthermore,there is suspicion that it tries to protect its members asit refuses to reveal the subjects of the twenty-fourcomplaints against Win's it has received since 2006.
It gives no cause of much criticism for the TIC, anorganisation of the travel industry, to advance travelagents' interests. However, travel agents' interests donot coincide with visitors' interests or with Hong Kong'soverall interests. We therefore do not think it adequateto rely solely on the ineffective TIC to police travelagents. Furthermore, that ill becomes the industry'simportance to Hong Kong's economy.
In our view, the TIC must be drasticallyreorganised. At least the body (comprising totally ofpeople in the industry) should no longer be allowed todeal with visitors' complaints or discipline travel agents.The government should consider having anindependent body deal with such matters.
Unscrupulous travel agents and shops against whichmany complaints have been made should be named.The authorities should join forces with the media toexpose unscrupulous businesses. Only by taking thiscredible step can travel agents be deterred fromfleecing their customers.
現在業界規定,導遊不能帶旅客到自己開設或有生意關係的商舖購物,目的是防止出現利益衝突,不過,陳佑銘出事的珠寶店,據知是由永盛旅遊大股東所開設。據知這位大股東共開設了3 家商舖,團友若在知情下到其商舖購物,那是你情我願,若團友根本不知情,整個行程被安排到這3 家商舖購物,團友就有被蒙在鼓裏之嫌,選擇權被剝奪。這個情况,明顯存在利益衝突,對於團友而言絕不公平。所以,當局應該要求旅遊業議會對旗下旅行社明確規定,一定要披露旅行社與商舖的關係,讓團友知情和有選擇權。
發生這件事後,再一次暴露旅遊業議會未能善盡監管功能,說明單靠自律,不可能讓本港重要經濟支柱之一的旅遊業健康地運作。其實,旅遊業議會在其網頁的自我介紹,開宗明義就說「香港旅遊業議會(議會)成立於1978 年,以保障旅行社的利益為宗旨」,這次「激死」事件,關於那位導遊的情况並不複雜,永盛旅遊應該不難交代,但是旅遊業議會卻給兩周時間交報告,外界看來,這是議會以更多時間給永盛旅遊迴旋,有讓時間冲淡事態之嫌。另外,議會對永盛旅遊2006 年迄今被投訴24 宗的內容,不予透露,也有保護其成員之嫌。
hoodwink /'h ʊdwI ??k/deceive, delude.
right to choose.
fleece /fli:s/
To fleece a person is to take a lot of moneyfrom him, especially by charging him too much.
Wake-up call for tourism chief
It's downright outrageous for a mainland tourist to suffer a heart attack and die following an argument with a "tour guide" during a forced shopping stop.
And the subsequent revelation that the "guide" was in fact bogus is equally disturbing. Is our tourism sector seriously ill?
The government has demanded the Travel Industry Council treat the case in the most serious manner, while the public also expects the TIC to show it's a credible industry regulator.
The possibility of the Hong Kong firm involved - Win's Travel Agency - being de-registered, or having its license revoked following the investigation, hasn't been ruled out.
According to the daughter of the deceased, Chen Youming, her father had paid 1,700 yuan (HK$1,940) to join the four-day tour. The group arrived in Hong Kong on May 21, and on the first day visited Ocean Park, The Peak, Golden Bauhinia Square, Repulse Bay and the Avenue of Stars.
The next day, the mainlanders were led to a jewelry shop. Chen, 65, a former national table tennis coach, collapsed after reportedly quarreling with the bogus guide, who allegedly refused to allow him to leave the store.
The Hunan resident died en route to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Chen's family brought the matter to the TIC's attention on May 24.
Queries were raised about the council not publicizing the case until June 1, but it was likely respecting the family's wish to keep the case low- profile.
But there is certainly cause for concern in the way the authorities have been communicating with each other.
Tourism is a major economic pillar here, and both the TIC and Hong Kong Tourism Board are seen as important bodies safeguarding this pillar. It's only reasonable to expect them to communicate on major issues. Did they do so in this grave incident? Apparently, not.
Board chairman James Tien Pei- chun was the last key tourism official in Hong Kong to issue a statement after returning from Shanghai. He said he learned about the case when he was in Shanghai promoting the SAR to mainlanders. Tien said as soon as he became aware of the incident, he immediately contacted the TIC to find out more about it.
This isn't the first time there has been a breakdown in communication between government bodies. Last November, a row broke out between Tien and organizers of the East Asian Games over ticket allocation. At that time, Tien complained about a lack of tickets being reserved for HKTB to use in promoting the games overseas. But the event organizers retorted he was mistaken because the travel industry was asked back last June how many tickets it wanted to reserve for the December event.
I already warned at that time there had to be closer communication between the tourism board and government bodies at the working level.
Last year, the lack of communication cost Hong Kong a golden opportunity to promote itself to other countries with the help of the East Asian Games.
Perhaps, we haven't yet seen the cost of the latest communication breakdown. The situation is always dicey if our chief tourism ambassador is the last person to know about important matters.
And the subsequent revelation that the "guide" was in fact bogus is equally disturbing. Is our tourism sector seriously ill?
The government has demanded the Travel Industry Council treat the case in the most serious manner, while the public also expects the TIC to show it's a credible industry regulator.
The possibility of the Hong Kong firm involved - Win's Travel Agency - being de-registered, or having its license revoked following the investigation, hasn't been ruled out.
According to the daughter of the deceased, Chen Youming, her father had paid 1,700 yuan (HK$1,940) to join the four-day tour. The group arrived in Hong Kong on May 21, and on the first day visited Ocean Park, The Peak, Golden Bauhinia Square, Repulse Bay and the Avenue of Stars.
The next day, the mainlanders were led to a jewelry shop. Chen, 65, a former national table tennis coach, collapsed after reportedly quarreling with the bogus guide, who allegedly refused to allow him to leave the store.
The Hunan resident died en route to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Chen's family brought the matter to the TIC's attention on May 24.
Queries were raised about the council not publicizing the case until June 1, but it was likely respecting the family's wish to keep the case low- profile.
But there is certainly cause for concern in the way the authorities have been communicating with each other.
Tourism is a major economic pillar here, and both the TIC and Hong Kong Tourism Board are seen as important bodies safeguarding this pillar. It's only reasonable to expect them to communicate on major issues. Did they do so in this grave incident? Apparently, not.
Board chairman James Tien Pei- chun was the last key tourism official in Hong Kong to issue a statement after returning from Shanghai. He said he learned about the case when he was in Shanghai promoting the SAR to mainlanders. Tien said as soon as he became aware of the incident, he immediately contacted the TIC to find out more about it.
This isn't the first time there has been a breakdown in communication between government bodies. Last November, a row broke out between Tien and organizers of the East Asian Games over ticket allocation. At that time, Tien complained about a lack of tickets being reserved for HKTB to use in promoting the games overseas. But the event organizers retorted he was mistaken because the travel industry was asked back last June how many tickets it wanted to reserve for the December event.
I already warned at that time there had to be closer communication between the tourism board and government bodies at the working level.
Last year, the lack of communication cost Hong Kong a golden opportunity to promote itself to other countries with the help of the East Asian Games.
Perhaps, we haven't yet seen the cost of the latest communication breakdown. The situation is always dicey if our chief tourism ambassador is the last person to know about important matters.
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